Best training you have attended???

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I think Tim knows what he is talking about. I have trained with him at a Pat Roger's class in Georgia.

If you train outside Georgia, consider Louis Awebuck, Scott Reitz, and Tiger McKee. They are all gun guys. I would train with the pistol first, since it is the hardest to master.
I think the concept of 'best trainer' is foreign to most of the nationally ranked instructors I have dealt with, I have heard too many of them encourage students to take as much training as they can manage from as many different sources as possible and use the best of what they learn for themselves. Still there are 'short lists' for most of the disciplines, those have been pretty well covered on this thread.

I'd say the most valuable training I have had was the 'zero to three feet' stuff from southnarc. Folks tend to think all they have to do is carry a gun and they'll be OK, that unfortunately isn't necessarily so. S'narc trains you for the up close and dangerous stuff, for 'when your awareness fails' as he puts it. I think enough of his methodologies to have arranged a private session with him for two of my teenage neices, neither of them can carry yet but the material he teaches on the victim selection process and contact distance self defence is worth their learning.

Michael said:
I'm hoping to have Paul Gonzalez and SouthNarc on SG in the near future!

It's not the first time someone confuse 'Gonzales' for 'Gomez'...:what:

I had a drycleaner who routinely tried to give me BDUs for 'Gonzales' while I was standing there in BDUs marked 'Gomez' .:D
I can't give you broad comparisons, because I'm only familiar with those I've actually taken courses from. But here's a start:

Legal issues related to use of lethal force: Mas Ayoob and LFI.
Handgun training: Greg Hamilton and John Holschen at Insights Training.
Long Range Rifle: Rod Ryan and staff at Storm Mountain.
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