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best trunk gun?

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Too all those who advocate keeping you noses out of it, it's easier to run away.... remember the UT Tower Sniper? Rifle-armed citizens put enough suppressive fire on the tower as to make Whitman keep is head down, minimizing the damage that maniac could do. Then, when the authorities arrived, I do believe that it was another legally armed citizen (IIRC, the police gave him the weapon) that showed them the way up the tower and actually even shot Whitman. (It was a LEO's bullet that proved fatal, I do believe.)

All legality and history aside, if someone is hurting innocent people, and you have the means and the ability to stop him, in my mind, you also have an obligation. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror ever again if I knew I drove away from a situation where I could have saved lives with one or two easy shots because "I didn't want to get involved."

What if the lady CCW holder that stopped the gunman at the Colorado Church though that way? There were what, 10,000 people in that church? I thank God she chose to get involved.

Now, I'm not saying that if all you have is a handgun, you should run up to the gunman and try your luck against his AK, but 100 yards or more out, you have a good chance of him not even seeing you. Besides, this thread was about trunk guns anyway.

My choice? Scoped SKS. Not the best tool of it's kind for the job at hand, but I wouldn't cry if it was stolen. Next choice would be Kel-Tec SU-16.
+1 to hankdatank1362 and MauserGuy.

If you had the means to end the slaughter, being 100 yards away would allow you to say, "Not my problem-he ain't shootin' at me".

That would enable you to live with yourself when the aftermath reports of the carnage were revealed? Doesn't seem very High Road, IMNTBHO.

I pray that I'm never faced with the situation, but if I am, like Jeanne Assam at the church in Colorado, I'll be praying for help in standing up to evil.

And the scoped SKS is what I'd probably be standing up to it with.

I work at a place that is a potential terrorist target.
My trunk gun is a Mossberg 590 Marinecoat wtih ghost ring sights, a side saddle and butt cuff with sabot slugs and tacticool, low recoil buckshot.
I can usually hit a coffee saucer out to 75 yds. with the slugs.
Quote: What if the lady CCW holder that stopped the gunman at the Colorado Church though that way? There were what, 10,000 people in that church? I thank God she chose to get involved.

If they (the congregation) were conciensious about their safety, where were THEIR guns?

I'm not saying not to get involved, I'm saying know before you get involved:

1) someone hearing shots may see you holding a rifle may kill you

2) going out of your way to get involved in a shooting can be misconstrued by the court and have a profound impact on your life for years to come, particularly if you inadvertantly hit an innocent.

If you are on scene in immediate danger with the shooter in close proximity with the ability to stop him, you probably should, but that is different from coming 100 yards away to kill him. Courts would likely find fault with that.
I don't know about it in your towns, but where i live, it can take 15 minutes to get out of the mall parking lot even if no one is shooting at you. If someone is shooting at random people with an AK, then everyone is going to be trying to leave at once, and there's going to be a big traffic jam. If he's in your rifle range, that may very well mean that you're in his.

I like "any rifle you're well practiced with" as a trunk gun. Regarding the question of whether a 30-30 round will defeat body armor, yes, it will, if the body armor is soft (no rifle plates) and you're not too far away. I think 30-30 ballistics are pretty similar to ak/sks ballistics. but I've never shor an armored person with either.

What it really all comes down to in this type of situation is questions like, Do you have the shot? Can or should you escape rather than engaging (there may be more than one correct answer depending on your situation)?; and Is there enough confusion that someone might mistake you for the shooter?. Maybe wearing an undershirt with a big red "S" on it would be helpful to identify you as the good guy.
I don't know about it in your towns, but where i live, it can take 15 minutes to get out of the mall parking lot even if no one is shooting at you. If someone is shooting at random people with an AK, then everyone is going to be trying to leave at once, and there's going to be a big traffic jam. If he's in your rifle range, that may very well mean that you're in his.

I like "any rifle you're well practiced with" as a trunk gun. Regarding the question of whether a 30-30 round will defeat body armor, yes, it will, if the body armor is soft (no rifle plates) and you're not too far away. I think 30-30 ballistics are pretty similar to ak/sks ballistics. but I've never shot an armored person with either.

What it really all comes down to in this type of situation is questions like, Do you have the shot? Can or should you escape rather than engaging (there may be more than one correct answer depending on your situation)?; and Is there enough confusion that someone might mistake you for the shooter?. Maybe wearing an undershirt with a big red "S" on it would be helpful to identify you as the good guy.
Sharps-shooter wrote:
Maybe wearing an undershirt with a big red "S" on it would be helpful to identify you as the good guy.

If I were to do this, it would mean that I'd have to take my gray undershirt with the Bat Insignia, off. ;)

I cant have a trunk gun here in CT because we aren't allowed to leave a firearm in a vehicle

May I ask where you got this from? The only Statute I can find just requires you to leave a rifle or shotgun unloaded in your vehicle. If there is such a statuate then I guess I've been a criminal for awhile now.:what:

Sec. 53-205. Shotguns, rifles and muzzleloaders in vehicles and snowmobiles. No person shall carry or possess in any vehicle or snowmobile any shotgun or rifle or muzzleloader of any gauge or caliber while such shotgun or rifle or muzzleloader contains in the barrel, chamber or magazine any loaded shell or cartridge capable of being discharged or when such muzzleloader has a percussion cap in place or when the powder pan of a flint lock contains powder. Muzzleloader as used in this section means a rifle or shotgun, incapable of firing a self-contained cartridge and which must be loaded at the muzzle end. The enforcement officers of the Department of Environmental Protection are empowered to enforce this section. The provisions of this section shall not apply to members of the military departments of the government or state while on duty or while traveling to or from assignments, or to enforcement officers, security guards or other persons employed to protect public or private property while in the performance of such duties. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days or be both fined and imprisoned.
Given all the maniac shooters nowadays, I'm thinking the best trunk gun is a rifle or something that can reach out to 100 yards or more. Pull over, pop the trunk, engage the target and save some lives. What do you guys think?
Its already been stated and arguments brought forth but If you are in your car what are the chances you will 1. see the shooter 2. hear the shooting 3. realize what is going on? Do you plan on seeing the action 10 feet infront of you? In a life time what are the odds of 1. seeing the action and 2 being able to engage the target?
This is ranking up with conspirecy theorries and such. Does this mean you shouldnt keep a rifle in your trunk? no but it is a bit much I think(for me any way) My reason for gun carry is defence not offence. Quite frankly if I were in my car and saw the action I would most likely get out of there either driving or running. If I am engaged or directly threatened then I will go to guns but not until then.
Too all those who advocate keeping you noses out of it, it's easier to run away.... remember the UT Tower Sniper? Rifle-armed citizens put enough suppressive fire on the tower as to make Whitman keep is head down, minimizing the damage that maniac could do. Then, when the authorities arrived, I do believe that it was another legally armed citizen (IIRC, the police gave him the weapon) that showed them the way up the tower and actually even shot Whitman. (It was a LEO's bullet that proved fatal, I do believe.)

That was a different time entirely and those days are gone.

What if the lady CCW holder that stopped the gunman at the Colorado Church though that way? There were what, 10,000 people in that church? I thank God she chose to get involved.

She had a huge advantage, first she was supposed to be there and provide security. Second she was commissioned to carry and third the was a former LEO. I would add one more, she was female!
precision wrote:

This is how that would play out:

First when the cops get there, the shooting has ended as usual, so they are too late to intervene which they wouldn’t do anyway because they would be too busy putting the entire city on "Lock Down". It’s clearly over now but they will put everyone on “Lock Down” anyway.

They would find you, the person that had just stopped the maniac killing spree and saved lives, draw down on you screaming at the top of their lungs for you to drop your weapon and lay face down on the ground.

At this point you would have a knee in the back, being handcuffed and arrested like you were a fugitive mall shooter

You are put in the back of a squad car as TV crews and dozens more SWAT cops show up.

You are hauled off to jail and your weapon is seized as evidence, later to face a grand jury and the DA while you drain your life savings just to retain legal counsel.

At the scene are TV crews and now more cops than you can count all dressed up like they are Delta Force standing around looking authoritative displaying MP5 Submachine guns, M-16's, Flash bang grenades and interceptor body armor.

If you avoid prosecution which you may or may not, either way you will be left with anywhere from sizable to life long legal bills. You will never see your rifle again.

Hi precision,

You have a vivid imagination. I think a more likely scenario is that mass media just won't report the case (or heroism) if there's little or no body count. That's pretty much what happened in these REAL cases that are not from my imagination...


Those cases bring me confidence and a smile to my face. It’s interesting how there are currently no comments in that other thread. I guess it’s because there’s nothing to argue. It’s not just my imagination that’s been reported, but rather real cases. If you look beyond mass media, you too would be able to cite cases other than the church lady in Colorado.

I'm not saying your story couldn't happen. However, I'll read a novel if I want to read a made-up story. Please give us links to real cases.

Jake McCoy
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That was a different time entirely and those days are gone.
Boy, ain't that the truth!
If you ran toward a Texas Tower shooting to help out with a deer rifle today, the SWAT Team would take you out when they got there, several times over!

You have a vivid imagination. I think a more likely scenario is that mass media just won't report the case (or heroism) if there's little or no body count. That pretty much what happened in these REAL cases that are not from my imagination...
tell that to the poor security guard they blamed the Atlanta Olympics bombing on he didnt even have a gun. Imagine what it would have been had he shot the guy that placed it just after the explosion.
Eric wrote:

tell that to the poor security guard they blamed the Atlanta Olympics bombing on he didnt even have a gun. Imagine what it would have been had he shot the guy that placed it just after the explosion.

Hi Eric,

I'm not saying wrongful charges can't or haven't happened. However, your alternative ending is your imagination. If you could point to real cases where the hero was wrongfully charged that would be great for this discussion.

Anyway, anecdotal evidence goes both ways. Please see my link for real cases that turned out positively for the good guy...

(Warning: the good guy prevails; don't look if you don't want to see that.)


Eric wrote:
This is ranking up with conspirecy theorries and such.
No, there's no conspiracy theories there, just real cases. My imagination is not so great on this kind of stuff. Oh, one case in that link was from California, wow.

Jake McCoy
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I do not have a news source right now as it happened 4-5 years ago but a man was in a liquer store in portsmouth va there was an armed robery the guy ducked down was unseen by the BG then he shot the BG 5 times in the back through the door after the guy left(questionable) any way the local press interviewed the guy and made it look like he was in the wrong for having a gun in a liquer store. There was so much hype in the media about it and how wrong this guy was but the DA ruled it as a justifiable homocide.
I might also add that the BG's family sued for wrongful death court still pending to my knowledge

and seriously the guy from the olompics is a prime example of what can go wrong just for helping out.
My trunk gun: National Ord. carbine... Rebuilt with GI bolt, OP rod and Wolf springs. Gets the job done.
The problem is, if you're at your car, then flight is a preferable option. Hard to imagine a justifiable reason to grab the rifle instead of burning rubber

I usually advocate flight...but if I'm in a spot where the choice is stopping a mass murder, or sitting on my couch and watching the news with a beer while this shooter gets his 15 minutes of fame for murdering people.....
I think I'll take my chances and nail down the shooter.
For a trunk gun, you want something that is going to hunt, so to speak, and can be left unattended. You want something that won't break your piggy bank or your heart if its stolen.
There are many fine milsurps that fit the bill. I'd go for an Enfield, one of the .308 ones. Alternatively, a redneck assault rifle (.30-30).
I had an M44 once, I didn't find it that accurate. My SKS isn't that accurate, either. Maybe with a scope it might be better...but I don't find the SKS suited for this job. It is rugged, cheap, and easy to shoot, though.
I've been thinking about the same thing and I think when finances allow it I'll go with a Marlin 30-30.

I agree with both points of view. Getting involved is likely to get you charged with something. Not getting involved could potentially cost a whole lot of lives. But getting involved would still be a moral obligation that I don't think I could ignore.

My solution would be to carefully look at where I want to live before I move there. In some states you'd probably wind up in all kinds of legal problems but in others they would probably pay you back for the ammo you expended.
It kind of amounts to a sort of natural selection. "Good" states would get built in protection by their citizens. "Bad" states get to suffer from crazed gunmen who are hellbent on killing everyone in sight. At least that's my take on it.
You have a vivid imagination. I think a more likely scenario is that mass media just won't report the case (or heroism) if there's little or no body count. That's pretty much what happened in these REAL cases that are not from my imagination...

The scenario I have proposed would entail that the maniac has killed several people and then you intervened and stopped the carnage. In that case I don't think there's much to speculate about. The police response would be almost exactly as I described.
You have a vivid imagination. I think a more likely scenario is that mass media just won't report the case (or heroism) if there's little or no body count. That's pretty much what happened in these REAL cases that are not from my imagination...

I agree with you also in the case where one stops a would be killer before he is able to murder anyone. In that case I think you're spot on, the mass media would ignore that kind of story! No horrible tradgedy to exploit and undermine our freedom.

Mine is a SAR-1 (AK47). They're easy to store, excepts high cap mags, dirt and dust is no problem and tough as nails. I have a Russian scope that attachs in seconds. In short, everything (IMHO) a trunk gun should be.
How about the rig described by precisionshootist and a big white sign you can stick in the ground next to you that says, "I'm the good guy. I saw this ______ shooting up the place, and I just happened to have this rifle..."
Better to have a gun that will defeat most body armor. 7.62X39 will not go through most plates. Seems some of the crazies want to wear armor these days, Since you did not mention price might I suggest:
$100-Mosin- Very Good
$300- Scoped Remington 742 (or similar) in 30-06 or .308- Better
$600- Garand- Even Better
$800+- AR10 or other MBR in .308- Much Better
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