Best Value Home Alarm Systems...

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one of the most important pieces of a home security system is to beef up your existing security features. Locks on windows are great, but a sturdy wooden or steel rod in the track is cheap insurance.
Many windows can be pried right off the wood that supports them. A few holes drilled through the frame and wood screws that go into the 2x4 stops this.
Anti-shatter film on windows increases the time it takes to get through and makes lots of noise in the process.
Motion activated lights make bad guys uncomfortable.

Many animal shelters are flush with pit bulls. While they have a fearsome reputation, a well treated pit is an absolute sweet heart who loves its family. The sight of one is a deterrent although they may not be completely unfriendly to a burglar. This may not be a good idea if you still want an alarm system as dogs can trigger false alarms.

As for alarms, just call a local company and see who is offering a special at the time. They are all pretty much the same.

My watch dog...sort of. Trouble is she loves people no matter who they are. Great alarm but no guarding ability whatsoever unless its some evil stray cat.
-edit- she is a shelter dog btw. Rescue a pet, its the best thing you can do for man's best friend.
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