Best way to carry magazines/vest system

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Jan 25, 2012
central Mississippi
I am assembling an all around tactical package for WROL, SHTF, home defense, or anything else it needs to do.

1. I'm looking for a method of carrying AR magazines in a lightweight system. I like the single-strap bags, like the gearslingers and versi-packs, but I want something with easy access to magazines. I also want it to be able to carry a Glock 22. I saw a bag like this, but it only held 2 AR mags and 2 pistol mags. I'm looking for a system that can hold at least 4 AR mags, my pistol, a couple mags for it, and some extra gear.

2. Instead of making a new thread, I'll put it here. (not sure if that's ok, but I figured it would save space)
Since I'm designing this system to be an all around system capable of everything, I figured that my above lightweight carry method wouldn't be the best option in any scenario involving multiple shooters. To better protect myself, I'm also looking for a MOLLE plate carrier. I'm looking at probably getting some level plates to put in the plate carrier. The vest will have to have enough area for 3 double stack mag pouches on the front center/right; a full size Glock holster on the right side; a shotgun scabbard on the back/left; shotgun shell pouch on the chest/left(high up on the front); a triple kangaroo mag pouch on the left side(basically 3 m4 mag pouches with a pistol mag pouch on each one); a flashlight holster on the right side of the chest(next to the shotgun shell pouch); and a single pistol mag pouch on the front/right(in between the 2 sets of AR mag pouches).

I might be asking a lot, but I hope you guys can help me with this. :D
If US Palm hadn't blown me off like yesterdays new I'd be recommending their slip on armor with MOLLE attachments, but after dealing directly, I'd have to save save your pennies and get a real armor system from Safariland or such. You could look into the Blackhawk plate carriers, too, then customize however you wish from a huge selection of clip on MOLLE gear.
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