Better than getting to do nasty things directly to Michael Moore

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 29, 2002
So last week I was out carousing with some co-workers, drinking some adult beverages and having a good time. After hitting a couple of establishments, a group of us ended up at Waffle House.
By this time it was about 3am.
One of those among our group is a (quite liberal) reporter, and she mentioned something about liking Michael Moore. For some reason mentioning his name around me tends to release a string of invective that would be nigh on unprintable here. She looked at me, and asked, in all seriousness 'What is it about him that you don't like about him or Bowling for Columbine.'

I take a deep breath, try to collect my thoughts, and bring the blood pressure under control.

Then launch into a calm, rational explanation about why Michael Moore is nothing more than a shyster, hitting upon many of the facts that debunk nearly everything in BFC.

The discussion went from there, with the four of us talking about the various topics in BFC (surprisingly I was the only one at the table who'd seen the movie.)
From there we moved onto the American gun culture, Canadian gun culture, etc.

While there was no instant conversion, I think that the conversation went really well, and that one person who likes Moore will look at his work with a more critical eye from now on.
I've always been afraid to do face-to-face talks about guns and such, afraid that I'd just sort of resort to half-remembered soundbites, and that I'd come off as some sort of half-baked froot loop but that didn't happen here.:)
Good job! Calm, reasoned, erudite...break the stereotypes by personal example.

PS: Having once dated someone who liked Roger and Me , I can only suggest skipping Moore movies and renting Germninal or something similar -- a lot less skewed and better acting by far.
"From there we moved onto the American gun culture, Canadian gun culture, etc."

Ever notice how skilled liberals are at changing the subject when someone shows them how hollow their arguements are? :)

"Having once dated someone who liked Roger and Me "

I confess to liking Roger and Me. It's Moore's only decent film.
I felt that in the interest of fairness I had to sit through BFC, since I'd look like an idiot if I railed against it and then someone asked me 'So, have you seen the movie.'
Don't worry, Moore got no money from me for viewing his 'film.' (But he's a Marxist anyway, so I'm sure that he's cool with me not paying to see his movie.)

As for Roger and Me...I was forced to sit through that in a college sociology class. It's a massive rant against capitalism from a dimwit who is incapable of grasping the ideas behind the free market.

Ever notice how skilled liberals are at changing the subject when someone shows them how hollow their arguements are?
No, it really wasn't that way. If anything, I probably did more topic jumping than she did. After all, in order to really get a big look at the stupidity of the entire film you have to stand back and try to figure out what his central thesis* is, and how/why he draws the conclusions he does.

*I'm quite convinced that if BFC were a college term paper, it would not have a thesis statement.
Good job Justin!

Don't worry, Moore got no money from me for viewing his 'film.' (But he's a Marxist anyway, so I'm sure that he's cool with me not paying to see his movie.)

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