BG with gun vs. twelve hunting dogs...

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
I dropped in at my local watering hole (AKA gun shop) this morning to find a local police captain (one of our conversation-over-coffee regulars) in high good humor, regaling us with news of a criminal encounter yesterday evening.

It seems that two neighbors had been feuding over some (allegedly) feral hogs. One guy had shot a couple of these hogs on what his neighbor claimed was his land (therefore they were his hogs, you understand?). The first guy claimed the second guy was nuts, etc. Tempers were running high.

Anyway, it seems that yesterday evening, after consuming several (large) bottles of malt liquor, the offended neighbor decided to show the hunting neighbor who was boss - if his neighbor could shoot his hogs, he was going to shoot his neighbor's hunting dogs! He therefore loaded up his trusty Remington 870 and sallied forth, weaving toward the dog pens. He climbed over the high wire fence surrounding the pens, steadied his drunken footsteps, and took aim toward the double row of kennels.

Unfortunately for him, all twelve dogs were on long leads. Fortunately for the dogs, those leads (in the case of the half-dozen or so of them closest to the would-be shooter) were long enough for them to get at him...

The "good" neighbor was roused from his early sleep by three rapid blasts from a shotgun, much barking, and screams that sounded like a pig being gelded. He rushed outside, waving his revolver, to find his neighbor on his back, submerged beneath a tidal wave of Catahoula hounds, blue heelers, etc. With some considerable difficulty (and, dare I speculate, reluctance?), he got the dogs off his neighbor while his wife called the cops and an ambulance. By the time the boys in blue arrived, the victim (?) was out of the dog pen, completely nude except for a few rags and tatters of clothing, minus several chunks of flesh (including his right testicle), and moaning to all and sundry about how he was going to sue his neighbor for not controlling his dangerous dogs!

The ambulance took him off to hospital for (extensive) treatment (including over 200 stitches, according to the captain). The neighbor conferred with the cops, and his pastor (a good ol' Baptist preacher, whom I know), and it was mutually agreed that filing charges would be superfluous, as enough punishment had already been administered. The dogs were not injured - all the BG's shots missed - and got an extra helping of supper as a reward.

Seems to me that justice was well served... :D
I guess the neighbor learned his lesson, he's not as nuts as he used to be.
Come on puppy let the nice neighbor go, puppy? Hon they're not listening to me could you get the water hose, I think it's around back somewhere. No not that one, it has a leak in it. The other one around back of the house. :evil:
where do people get off thinking they can do whatever they want. too bad nutless wonder didnt get killed
TOOOOOOOOO Funny! ! ! :D :D :D :D

Where is the coffee dripping off the monitor smiley when ya need it?

Justice of The Universe does work in strange ways . . . . . :evil:

p.s. There IS a reason that alcohol is sometimes called "ignorance oil" :D
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I am so glad I stopped eating while I read this or I could be dead now.

This is another for me to copy and past to my wordpad files.
I wonder if there is a catagory in the Darwin Awards for losing a nad to stupidity?

You need to lose two to qualify since having one still leaves you able to contribute further to the gene pool. However, since this guy is still living he has more opportunities to qualify.
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