Big Mistake......

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When I first got my CHL several years ago, I carried a G19 or full size 1911 everywhere. Changed the way I dress, quit horseplaying around with my kids out of fear of exposing my gun, looked at every situation as a tactical problem.

As time passed that carry gun got smaller and smaller. I realized that the world is not one big gun fight waiting to happen. I was letting my imagination run away with me. Firearms trainers and competition tend to invent fantastic scenarios full of mag changes, running for cover etc. in order to make their training or competition interesting.

Every other person that was around you on that day made it home alive and happy regardless of whether they were carrying 30+ rounds of ammo and a handgun. The main difference? They were enjoying the day and you were sitting there quivering in fear because you were not prepared for a nut with an AK47 to come running in to slaughter everyone. I think you need to gain some perspective on real versus imagined threats.

I carry a gun just like I carry a pocket knife or leather man tool. It is there when I need it. I shoot regularly because I enjoy it. I am a Marine veteran and am confident in my response to violence. The gun I carry is just another tool I carry. I am good with it and will respond if needed. Otherwise, there is too much to life to enjoy to let an unrealistic mindset affect my enjoyment thereof. I am completely happy with a pocket gun and good old common sense. 40 years old and counting - no AK47 attacks yet.


No Quarter said:
Otherwise, there is too much to life to enjoy to let an unrealistic mindset affect my enjoyment thereof.

That's refreshing to read. I'm of the same mindset. I carry and am proficient enough to defend myself. But I don't walk around in public expecting to be attacked. I don't overanalyze people and situations around me. That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to my surroundings. It just means that I have a life to live and don't want to constantly be in a state of fear that many gun holders seem to scare themselves into. There are bad people in our society. There's no harm in being prepared to deal with them. But when it affects your lifestyle to the extremes that it does with many gun owners then you've already let the bad guys win. They had a negative impact on you without even encountering you.
Let's all face it: the probability of spontaeous shootout at the local BBQ establishment is pretty low. Spontaneous shootout events anywhere happen fairly infrequently. If you happen to be carrying a .22, or nothing at all, doesn't mean you won't be making it home that night. It's better to be safe than sorry, but chances are you will be just fine anyway. Kind of like flying without a parachute: 99.999999% of the time, you will be fine. Don't sweat it.

Now, that doesn't mean that being prepared for spontaneous shootout events is bad, merely that not being ideally armed shouldn't result in bowel loosening terror while eating dinner.

And, a .22 is actually just fine. It just means that when unstable gunman decides to open up the whoop@$$, you shoot three times instead of twice.
Here I am sitting there with a pissy ass 22. What the Hell was I thinking when I left the house.

Don't fret. After all, it's all about shot placement from what I hear.
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