BIG must read article about Demorats and gun control in the Wash. Post...

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The Courier Mail: US Plans Death Camp (May 26, 2003)

Good grief. I guess Dean will try to close Bush's "death camps" so we should all vote for Dean.:barf:

And I repeat, I am not a Bush fan or a Republican when I say that.

Good Lord, I know some of the tin foilers accused Clinton of having Vince Foster murdered, but "Death Camps" were even beyond the pale there....
Bush and many countries who have citizens locked up in Bush's Guantanamo Bay prison facility have been fighting over whether or not Bush will be allowed to kill them, after a trial by 3 secret judges. It's been all over the news in Britain where Blair has been trying to get some British citizens extridited back to Britain away from what they feel will not be a fair trial.

There is lots more information on this that is more recent. It's not a theory, conspiracy or not, it's prety simple and factual:

Bush has instituted a so-called "military tribunal" to keep these cases out of our court system. It's both unprecendented and unconstitutional. It is a slippery slope.
The other campaigns were caught off guard by Dean's outsider/Jimmy Carter-like surge to the lead.

Methinks this isn't the only thing Jimmy Carter-like about him. :D
Democrat party is pretty awful on RKBA. Beware of Republicans like Pataki, Guiliani, and AHNOHLD of Caleeeforneea! All anti-gunners!
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