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Yet more to worry about:

Most people know about the volcano named "Krakatoa" in the South Pacific.

But there are others nearby even more dangerous:



...and the dreaded "Sprainakneea"!

Has anyone else had a TEOTAWKI moment?

Back around 1985, I woke up around 2:00 ayem, looked outside, and noticed shadows. Now, since it was usually all the way dark, that was kinda weird. Got up, walked around the farm house, and off in the distance, southeast, the sky was glowing red. Nothing on the TV, nothing on the radio.

Hmmm... What's in that direction - the Richmond chemical weapons depot came to mind - maybe this was a preemptive strike, and we're under attack. Started getting into my national guard stuff, figuring that hey, I'll just report to the local unit, and go from there. About the time I was lacing up the boots, I noticed that there was now a talking head - turned out a large natural gas pipeline between Danville and Richmond had blown up, which was causing the bright glow in the sky.
I guess write "Kilroy Was Here" on a Helium balloon and let it go.

If things are that bad...I'm a goner.

Knew I should have invested in Pilots lesson's and bought property with a Private Airstrip. Should have learned to skipper a ship , I'd be heading off to some Island otherwise.

Clearly the answer to this is more guns. (No, I don't think that would help, but I'm running out of excuses for more guns now that it appears the long-awaited Zombie Plague may not come to pass after all).
The ash would smother the productive farmland. People living in big cities would be in deep trouble because of their total dependence on others for survival.

Then the rest of the world would remember our generosity and would work with the UN to provide food and medical aid to those in the cities who did not know how to survive on their own. Or maybe not.
Considering how we provide a significant portion of the world's food, life would be rough all over. And everyone in debt up to their eyballs that survived would do a happy dance. :)
I'd be headed for Hawaii.

The near constant erruptions of volcanos there may provide some warmth. Food might be alright provided this doesn't poison too much of the ocean. All the Mahi Mahi I can catch. Failing that, it would be a pretty place to die.

Maybe the government will protect me. ;)
If I were Al-Qaeda, I'd be finding out how to trigger that thing. Seems like it'd be easier to smuggle mass amounts of explosives into a park than into a city.

Hmm. I wonder how that would work..
I'd be headed for Hawaii.

Hawaii ain't exactly a safe place either.

Hawaiian landslides have been catastrophic

Volcanic activity and gentle erosion have not been the only forces to shape the Hawaiian islands. Landslide debris has now been mapped off of all the islands. Enormous amounts of material have traveled great distances, indicating that the slides were truly catastrophic. The Nuuanu and Wailau landslides, shown in the map, tore the volcanoes forming eastern Oahu and northern Molokai, respectively, in half, and deposited blocks large enough to have been given names as seamounts. Tsunamis generated during these slides would have been devastating around the entire Pacific Basin.


Face it, we live on an active planet. No place is safe. As Steve Buscemi said in the flic Armageddon, "Its time to embrace the horror..."
Hawaii won't have exploded...yet.

Hawaii is not downwind of the area in question. Like I said, it would still be a pretty place to die. ;)
RaggedClaws said:
I'd thank the Almighty that I live in New York, heh heh.
115grfmj said:
No one will be left to stand up for us republican blue staters.
Before you get too comfortable, hope you live more than five miles inland...

Killer wave lying in wait-Volcano could unleash horror

The waves would be hitting all along the East Coast of North America," McGuire said. For every 300 feet of shoreline, the waves would dump "the same amount of energy as generated by the collapse of the World Trade Center.

Scientists warn of massive wave

A wall of water 164ft high would smash into the coast. The wave would travel four or five miles inland, flattening everything in its path.
I'll have to be sure and remember to get a few more 15rnd mags for my CZ 75B at the show next weekend. Don't know if it will help, but I do know that it won't hurt!
I doubt any relatively big rocks would hit the far side of the planet. Not big enough to take out anything other than what was directly hit, but I am no expert.

I doubt their would be massive panic or looting given the type of disaster. I am not basing that on any experience, just guessing.

I would not suggest anyone give up, it would only be a matter of time until help arrived, for most people.

This is one more reason to invest in space research. :)

I suggest changing the zoning laws to block any new super volcanos that do not have a permit.
From the link provided by Nightspell:

...Recent research by the U.S. Geological Survey and others suggests there may not be a deep plume [of magma] beneath Yellowstone. Instead, a shallow skin of magma beneath the ground may fuel the area's vast geothermal system.

Events at the park, including the discovery of a bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake and briefly higher temperatures at Norris Geyser Basin, have ignited Internet chatter over the possibility of a "supervolcanic" eruption at Yellowstone.

Like other geologists who have weighed in, UNC's Coleman said that prospect seems unlikely for a long time to come.

"Of the seismic evidence under Yellowstone that I'm familiar with, there's no big volume of magma waiting to blow," he said.

Nothing to see here... keep moving. ;)

But seriously, buying a couple more guns and beefing up the ammo stockpile couldn't hurt, could it?

I mean... any excuse - right? :D
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