Blagojevich for President????

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Jeff White

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Alma Illinois
An interesting editorial in today's St Louis Post Dispatch. Could it be true? Is the boy governor not only pulling away from Daley and Mell and being relatively silent on gun control, which was the only issue he got national attention on during his time in congress, because he has his eyes on the Whitehouse?

He's accomplished aboslutely nothing during his first term as governor here in Illinois. But presidential ambitions may explain why he's publically fueded with Daley over support of hizzonor's pet gun control legislation.

Personally, I think Blagojevich is distancing himself ffrom Chicago in order to be a viable candidate for a second term as governor. The rift between Chicago and the rest of the state is wider then I can remember in my lifetime.




FACED WITH A CRISIS in funding for public education, a potential crisis in public transit in Chicago, a malpractice insurance crisis downstate and a legislature that's only six weeks from adjournment, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has decided it's a good time to renew a fight with his father-in-law.

Given the other problems facing the state, some legislators in Springfield are wondering why the governor is putting so much emphasis on a relatively innocuous bill that would tighten landfill regulations. One provision of the bill would require any relative - specifically including fathers-in-law - of the governor, attorney general or environment officials to divest himself of any financial interest in landfill companies.

The obvious conclusion is that Mr. Blagojevich was sending a message to his own father-in-law, Democratic Chicago Alderman Richard Mell. In January, Mr. Blagojevich ordered a Joliet landfill closed after learning that its operator, Frank Schmidt, was a second cousin of his wife, Patti Mell Blagojevich. Mr. Schmidt allegedly told waste haulers they could dump anything they wanted at his landfill because he had "clout" with the governor.

Mr. Mell, who had been seen as the architect of Mr. Blagojevich's meteoric rise from the U.S. House's back bench to the governor's office, was furious. He denied having any financial interest in the landfill. Last week, Mr. Mell said the "father-in-law" bill was "laser-focused on our own family tragedy," adding, "If this were a melodrama, the situation would be comical. But there is no laughter."

Mr. Blagojevich also is conducting something of a feud with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, refusing to get behind a state bailout of the struggling Chicago Transit Authority and balking at the mayor's request for a land-based casino that Mr. Daley sees as the solution the city's financial problem. The governor also has praised Democratic U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr.'s proposal for a new airport in the south Chicago suburbs, anathema to the mayor, who is focused on expanding O'Hare International Airport.

Ironically, for a governor who still lives in Chicago and owes his career to the city's Democratic organization, Mr. Blagojevich now finds that bashing Chicago Democrats helps his standing in the polls. Rumors persist that he is less interested in what goes on in Springfield than in a possible presidential bid in 2008; running away from Mr. Daley and Mr. Mell may be part of a long-range presidential strategy.

In the short run, however, it is Illinois taxpayers who are paying his salary. It would behoove Mr. Blagojevich to pay more attention to Illinois' real needs and less to New Hampshire's.
I think the second term thingie is it.

"Personally, I think Blagojevich is distancing himself from Chicago in order to be a viable candidate for a second term as governor."

Moved and seconded!

Any chance he had for a national position on the ticket went right out the window (in the crapper?) when Obama was nominated/elected as Senator (same thing in Illinois). Obama is smart, young and a minority, with no visible ties to Daley and the corruption in Chicago.

Blago, OTOH, has made a mess of the "financial recovery" he promised and is now in so deep keeping political promi$es he made that they are drastically cutting budgets for state supported social service organizations for the disabled and blind.

He is trying, IMHO, to "buy" credentials downstate. I think the guy is a "weather vane" and adjusts his "belief system" to suit the latest popular opinion poll and his anti gun positions were more for visibility and convenience rather than from any true deeply held beliefs.

But then again I could be wrong and he could be a true statesman. And I could be a Chinese Fighter Pilot.
*puts on his chinese fighter pilot outfit and climbs onto the giant slingshot*

I think Blagosandwich is a typical flip-flopping politician who is trying to line up constituencies for his next election. The reason he is flailing around so much is because he realizes that his own incompetance has lost him a lot of votes and he no longer sees a clear way to victory without kissing everyone's ass.

I dont think he will ever be president. Obama doesnt stand much of a chance either. They are both reruns of the Kerry ticket. Left left left is not the direction this country wants to move.
Blagojevich is a disgrace to Illinois; he hates the Second Amendment, is incompetent, can't even cooperate with fellow Chicago Democrats, and has alienated people downstate as well as those in his party.

He doesn't have a leg to stand on. His re-election for governor will fail, and any attempt at seeking national office would be a total farce.

I think enough people here have finally wised up and are ready to get rid of this clown.
Blago is so stupid he acts like he actually won the election for Governor. He just ran at the right time, the Republicans had held the Governors office for so long it was time for a change. Especially after Gov. Ryan, the gun hater who will hopefully rot in jail where he belongs for being a theif and a liar. I really think the Democrats could have won with anyone as long as their name wasnt Ryan. Jim.
El Tejon,

Good morning. Are you well, sir? :D

I just hope that when Blago goes away, he takes Daley with him. :uhoh:
His re-election for governor will fail, and any attempt at seeking national office would be a total farce.

I dunno. Have the RINOs got any credible candidate wannabes lined up? Nobody named Ryan. No carpet baggers. Nobody with a weird sexual history.
I dunno. Have the RINOs got any credible candidate wannabes lined up? Nobody named Ryan. No carpet baggers. Nobody with a weird sexual history.

Congressman Ray LaHood is thinking about running, as is Steve Rauschenberger. Both would be vastly better choices than what we have now, plus we wouldn't have to take for granted that all even remotely pro-gun bills will ultimately need 2/3 in both chambers.
I think enough people here have finally wised up and are ready to get rid of this clown.

Just because he looks like Howdy Doody doesn't mean he's a clown. Besides, in order to be a clown, a person has to intentionally act stupid, not just be stupid.
So what's up with you folks in Illinois anyway? Why don't you take control of your state? What is the problem overthere anyway? That whole political machine thing has got a bit old.

Of course here I am in Kansas City, Missouri where we can't seem to take our city back either.
Blago is Bill Clinton with better hair.

He's doing the "Triangluation" thing. He's trying to impress the down-staters by showing that he's not under the thumb of Da Mayor or his F-I-L (Chicago Alderman Dick Mell), while he knows that there is no way that Daley won't support him in his re-run for governor, and he panders to the collar counties (aka soccer moms) by making violent video games the latest "Ohmygoshhowdidthishappenthegovernmentneedstodosomethingtoprotectthechildren !!!" issue.

Meanwhile he has boxed himself into a corner by promising higher spending (to everyone) and no new taxes ("user fees" however, are okay). He lives in Chicago, (how about renting out the governors mansion for weddings and dances to raise some money for the state), and "openly quarrels" with the leadership of the Democrat controlled legislature. This guy is trying to get everyone (the voters) to like him (a la Clinton), with out doing any heavy lifting. He's in a win-win with the budget. Illinois law says that it has to balance. If it doesn't like it didn't last year the legislature has to stay in session until it does and it then requires supermajorities. "If they'd have passed my budget we wouldn't be in this mess", or they have to pass his budget, without their pet project/pork. (Ever meet a Chicago politican who did have his hand in the till ???) which they won't so he can still say "If they'd have passed my budget we wouldn't be in this mess",

And that what he's going to run on. The fact that he stood up to the Da Mayor, and the "special interests" in the legislature. He feels your pain and wants you to know that he's been fighting for you, the little working class guy. :barf: :barf:

I however can't think a constitunecy that he hasn't cheesed off, ask truckers how they feel about his increases on the toll roads, ask gun owners, ask school teachers, ask downstate Democrats, ask Chicago Democrats, ask Illinois Republicans, heck ask anybody in Illinois for their opinion of our Governor.

If he does get re-elected :cuss: :cuss: then yes, he will run for president in 2008, his ego is that big. :barf: :barf:

I like Rauschenberger (R-Elgin), but I really like Oberweis, when he ran for Senate I shook his hand at a Gun Show at the DuPage County Fairground. I think that shows some pretty strong support for RKBA. His also a rather successful business owner (Oberweis Dairy and also Oberweis Finanical Services), so that gives him CEO/Leadership creds and money smarts. If the RINO's can get their act together (lower taxes, reduced spending, Chicago as the tax-money sinkhole it truly is) then they can make some gains in both houses and take back the Governor's office.

The SECRET to winning statewide office in Illinois: Chicago goes Democrat, the six Collar Counties (the suburbs around Chicago) go Republican (unless they run a crook who torches kids in minivans). Downstate always decides the winner.

If Blago and the Democrats really wanted to they could pass all the anti-RKBA legislation they wanted to, but then no one south of I-80 or West of I-355 would ever vote for a statewide Democrat again. (Can you say yellow-dog Republicans) That's why Blago is not pushing to hard on any of the anti proposals floating around in the legislature, he knows that if they pass, he'll have to sign them and then he's a one term governor, and will never be president, however he hits his knees every night and prays to Elvis that no pro-RKBA legislation passes so he can maintain the status quo, then the downstaters don't get too mad. Legislative gridlock is his greatest ally.

Just my read on the situation here in the Land of Lincoln.
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Scout26, I couldn't have said it better myself. Like you explained, the problem for Rod is that nobody here likes him. In addition to antagonizing all the people you'd expect, he also seems to go out of his way to alienate people with whom he should presumably cooperate. I think he likes the idea of being a "no-nonsense" maverick, but I have faith the voters will see it a different way: an arrogant, incompetent bufoon who's unwilling to take a firm stand on any issues.

Were he an effective Governor, there would be no legislative gridlock. His party controls both chambers. If he were any sort of statesman he should have been able to get most legislation he wanted. Instead, he gets into arguments with Daley over who is more at fault for gun control bills failing. The Republicans despise him, and most (if not all) of the Democrats from Central/Southern IL have essentially formed their own faction and vote more often than not against what Rod and Daley want - especially when it comes to RKBA.

Rod's biggest legislative support comes from the Cook County delegation, but he bickers with Madigan (the SOTH) frequently to. Legislators who are willing to go out of their way to back the Governor are consequently few and far between.

I'm confident that in 2006 we're going to be able to take him down.
Any locals know how Rod's stunt is doing, where he "ordered" pharmacists to dispense the abortion pill? Did anyone even take him seriously? Does the Illinois constitution empower the governor to tell merchants what to sell? Why didn't the pro-life pharmacists tell him to jump in the lake?
Okay, Blago will be taken down in '06. When will Daley be taken out of office? They were talking about how there is no credible competition. Is the political machine really that strong?

And how about that joke about him being one of the top 5 big city mayors? Last night on Fox News, they did a call in poll and asked if the viewers thought Daley was a good mayor. I think it was roughly 60 something saying no. :D Now if only those numbers would show up at the polls.
Is the political machine really that strong?
My daughter lives in the city of Chicago. When she went to vote in the primary, she was handed a Democrat ballot. She requested a Republican ballot. The pollworker looked at her with her mouth open, then laughed and loudly asked the whole room "do we even have any republican ballots?!?!"
They found one and she voted in her last Illinois primary in disgust.
Is the political machine really that strong?

Chicago is full of Republicans during the day. At 5pm they they all depart on METRA trains or by car out of the city.

The only serious "possible" canidate is........current Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D- Southside). :banghead: :barf: :banghead: :barf:

We can only hope that one day, Chicago breaks off and floats over to Michigan.

But to Finish my thought on who I think should be the next canidate for governor.

1. LaHood has great creds downstate and needs to stay in the House where he can do more good.

2. Rauschenberger - Rauschenberger is relatively unknown down state he can also do more good in the Senate.

3. Oberweis - Blago has approx $10 million in his campaign fund. Neither Rauschenberger nor LaHood would be able to raise enough money and could be in serious trouble come election time as Blago will in all likelyhood be un-opposed/underopposed in the primary. I just hope the Republicans don't bleed themselves dry in a bitter cat-fight primary.
Oberweis has piles of his own money, and is/has built up pretty good creds downstate. He only lost to Ryan in the Primary for US Senate because the suburban housewives thought "Jack Ryan is such a Hottie" <- (why Mrs Scout26 voted for him.) And then Ryan self-destructed.
Another possible canidate is Sen. Peter Roskam - He might run, but I think he's positioning himself for the future say 2010-2014 or more likely for Henry Hyde's House Seat. Non-gun owner, but A+++++++++ when it comes to RKBA and very fiscally conservative. He's the future star of the Illinois Republican party.

P.S. If Poshard(D)(who I worked and voted for) had beaten Ryan(R) in '98, Blago would be listening to his Elvis records (as a Chicago Alderman at most) and we would not be in the mess we're in now (and we might even have CCW here!!)
Besides being anti 2A, Gov Blago is anti trucking.

He raised truck registration fees 35%, tripled truck tolls, and vetoed the uniform speed limit for trucks twice. Thousands of trucking companies dropped their IL registration in response.

The month after the tolls tripled the truck traffic on US 41 increased 100%, and I'm one of them every Tuesday as I travel from Hodgkins, IL to Pleasant Prairie, WI. Used to use 294, but not anymore with the new toll rate.

The apportioned fee for IL just for the license plate is over $500 per year...and that's just for ONE state. My plate for 31 states was about $2,000 total, so it's easy to see that IL's rate is exorbitent to say the least.

I hope you guys in IL kick this clown to the curb, and that crook Daley with him!

I've also been wondering what would happen to RRA if the proposed AWB should ever pass? Might be kinda hard to mfg AW's in a state where they're prohibited. They could move their facility to my town in NE...we're looking for "economic development"!
Oberweis has piles of his own money, and is/has built up pretty good creds downstate. He only lost to Ryan in the Primary for US Senate because the suburban housewives thought "Jack Ryan is such a Hottie" <- (why Mrs Scout26 voted for him.) And then Ryan self-destructed.

touche`, my friend. During the Senate race, I took the College Republican chapter at my school up to a convention in Chicago. Oberweis and Ryan each made an appeareance. Mr. Oberweis was extremely articulate, pleasant to be around, and seemed like a genuinely honest man. While there was nothing wrong with Mr. Ryan persay (other than having the hexed last name), he didn't come off nearly as genuine. All the females in my group, however, were fawning over him and couldn't stop exclaiming how "dreamy" he was.
I agree that the sex appeal helped him immeasurably.

I'd love to vote for Oberweis, Rauschenberger, or LaHood. Any one of them would be 100 times better than Rod.

Personally, I still think Rauschenberger is a second-tier candidate. He doesn't have the recognition or resources to effectively take on the Rod, who will be able to bring the Chicago machine to bear.

Oberweis, as you said, made a name for himself as a viable Senate candidate and has the money to go head to head with Rod in that regard. His proximity to Chicago might even help tap into Rod's territory a bit.

LaHood probably has the best credentials, having been in Congress for a while. He also might have the easiest time mobilizing Central and Downstate Illinois, where I fear there are still going to be blocs of union members who blindly vote for Rod.

My $0.02
If Poshard(D)(who I worked and voted for) had beaten Ryan(R) in '98,

Poshard was the first time I'd voted D. for anything in a looong time. (Yes folks, RINO Gov. George Ryan (spit!) was that bad.)
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