Bleeding heart anti hunting rant posing as journalism.

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Dec 31, 2002

(SH) - Last week's local section of The Washington Post celebrated - yes,
celebrated - the killing of a black bear by an 8-year-old girl. The
compassionate among us mourned not just the cruel and completely unnecessary
killing of one of nature's most fabulous creatures, but the love of violence
and destruction instilled in this child by her family.
That certain Americans sadly find valor in killing is beyond doubt. But in
many ways, it's also beyond belief. That they would take pleasure in a
wantonly destructive act and train this into an 8-year-old female heart is
beyond forgiveness.

We've heard it all before. Hunters love nature. Hunters work to preserve
wildlife. Hunters are great stewards of the environment. Hunters eat what
they kill. What was the justification here? That enough bears exist in
Maryland to kill them off without destroying the species, as mankind once
almost did. Only cowards could find solace, justification and pride in that.

There's no sport in taking down a large, lumbering animal with a .243
caliber rifle, the kind used by the young girl portrayed in worshipful prose
by the Post. That's the same caliber weapon NATO uses in its assault
weapons. There's more technology than sport in today's high-powered, scoped
weapons. (The Post did not report whether the rifle she used was scoped or

I've sat in the Maryland woods and watched deer saunter by, totally
unaffected by my presence. I've watched grizzlies, mothers and cubs, in
Alaska's Denali National Park. If destruction of their lives had been my
goal, the task would have been simple. Nothing to laud, any more than the
lauding of fecklessness itself.

A week or so ago, I drove down a dirt road through a 200-acre farm along the
Chesapeake Bay. I passed two hunters, all dressed up in fatigues, rifles in
hand, apparently waiting for some prey to pass close by. They looked more
like overgrown school boys in arrested development than men.

Despite all this, the Post described the state's first bear kill of the
season in glorified terms: "There's a new hunting legend in the mountains of
Western Maryland. Born to the woods, she's 4 1/2 feet tall and 8 years old,
with a shock of light brown hair and a steady trigger finger that put two
bullets into a black bear's chest cavity Monday, according to her and her
father and granduncle, who were hunting with her."

That her family's prideful recitation of the facts included the nugget she
"skipped school" to take part in the hunt clues us into their hierarchy of
values: fake machismo over education. Sad, sad, sad.

Perhaps because there are few satisfying wars to fight anymore (what true
war hero would stack, for example, Iraq up against World War II?), the
testosterone-challenged among us now need to vent their need to destroy one
of nature's most stunning creations. It's sad enough when that false sense
of power is visited on boys. It's sadder still when it's foisted on young

It's almost as horrific as the latest blend of technology and feckless
machismo: Internet hunting. Some skewed mind devised a system that mounts a
rifle and a camera onto a platform pointed at caged creatures. With a click
of a computer mouse, "bang, bang" and the creature is destroyed. Congress is
considering a bill (and so are several states, including Texas, Michigan and
Minnesota) that would ban the interstate practice of same, which proponents
defend as a way of allowing the disabled to hunt. Methinks the disabled have
more important things to do.

There's a special place in the afterlife for worshipers of the cruel, for
those who feign strength by destroying life.

Bonnie Erbe is a TV host and writes this column for Scripps Howard News
Service. E-mail [email protected].
as difficult as that was to read, she is entitled to her opinion. that's what makes america so great!

i am also entitled to my opinion. DUMB BRAWD. there i said it, i feel better now.
That her family's prideful recitation of the facts included the nugget she
"skipped school" to take part in the hunt clues us into their hierarchy of
values: fake machismo over education. Sad, sad, sad.
And she learned more that day in the woods with her father than she would've all year at school.

She does have a point about internet "hunting" though.
That's not sporting at all.
Not only is .243 a STANAG cartridge, it's so powerful you don't even need any skill to kill a bear with it!

No fact checking at all. And millions of people learn about the world by reading newspapers that don't do basic fact checking :barf:
Perhaps because there are few satisfying wars to fight anymore (what true war hero would stack, for example, Iraq up against World War II?), the testosterone-challenged among us now need to vent their need to destroy one of nature's most stunning creations. It's sad enough when that false sense of power is visited on boys. It's sadder still when it's foisted on young girls.

Wow. Never mind that any war hero out there would prefer no war to any war, this entire suggestion is moronic. Why would I not be surprised to see this same woman demanding that little girls receive more opportunities to be empowered at a younger age? Rather than assume that this girl's parents stripped her away from her Barbies and shoved a machine gun into her hands, why not actually investigate what this girl's attitude towards hunting really is?

The answer is very simple; the author cannot possibly envision a world where this girl is doing something she enjoys. We're not fighting a war against hostile opponents, we're fighting a war against ignorance.
Who does this woman think she is projecting her beliefs on someone else. Why her remarks are at least sexist and the opposite of what she would or does describe a male machoism. She is a bed wetting totalitarian femenist pig.:neener:
What makes her maddest is that someone else is indoctrinating children with an ideology contrasting to hers. Your opinion, my opinion, no-one cares, it's already formed. The future opinions are up for grabs, and her side lost another one.

I see people who are 'green' protesting native Americans hunting in the traditional manner to preserve their traditions and culture. Off of Vancouver an old old tribe is protested every year when they go out on the ocean in their hand-made giant canoes, and hunt whales with spears. They can even circle them in motorboats, and use other techniques to try and scare the whales away.
Yea, that article is total garbage. this is the letter i sent her:

Hi Bonnie! Just wanted to let you know that you missed a few things along the way. I would encourage to to read this entire letter. I read and responded to your article; the least you can do is read mine.

1) NATO uses either 5.56x45mm (.223 Remington, a fairly weak cartridge) or 7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester, a fairly powerful cartridge) in their weapons, depending on the specific platform. You should note that ALL assault rifle cartridges are fairly weak in comparison to those used in your next door neighbors hunting rifle. Also note that they are significantly LESS accurate in most cases.

2) No military on Earth uses the .243 Winchester. It is strictly a civilian hunting cartridge of fairly moderate power; only capable of killing bear sized game with an expertly placed shot.

3) You Claim "There's more technology than sport in today's high-powered, scoped weapons." I have a hard time believing that you have ANY first hand knowledge of what it takes to successfully complete a hunt. Successfull hunters don't just stomp into the woods, plop down under a tree and start shooting at the first thing that moves. You have to scout the land in advance to know where to find your games food sources, water supply, game trails, and bedding areas. On top of this, animals dont just blunder through the brush is strait lines. They have the tendency to AVOID DETECTION by moving with the terrain, and staying out of the open. There is also the issue that most animals senses are far superior to those of humans.

4) "Scopes", or telescopic rifle sights have been in use since the U.S. Civil war. Modern versions don't do anything the the old ones didn't do: allow you to guesstimate the spot the bullet will hit relative to the distance at which the optics were calibrated, assuming all variables like elevation, humidity, wind speed , and wind direction are exactly the same as when the optics were calibrated (they won't be).

5) How much does a 100 grain, .243" diameter bullet, traveling at 2,250 feet per second drop at distance of 400 yards? Dont know the answer? Thats OK, neither do 90% of hunters; Thus the reason why so many big game tags go unfilled each year.

6) By making this statement: "I drove down a dirt road through a 200-acre farm along the Chesapeake Bay. I passed two hunters, all dressed up in fatigues, rifles in hand, apparently waiting for some prey to pass close by. They looked more like overgrown school boys in arrested development than men." You reveal not only how little you know about hunters and hunting, but also reveal your irrational contempt for two complete strangers whom you know nothing about. Whats worse, you deride them for being different than you. What ever happened to tolerance? More likely, those two hunters were NOT waiting for game to pass. In all likely hood they were deciding which way to head out, what stand to try next, or where to go for lunch. Road hunting is frowned upon by the majority of the hunting community, and may even be illegal depending on your location. The fact that you automatically assume a nefarious purpose, and then deride them for being who they are, is nothing short of racism.

7) Believe it or not, some people actually NEED to hunt to stay off welfare. I'll use the example of my own teachers from back in high school. He and his wife had nine children. He was a teacher at a private high school. Private school teachers actually make LESS that public school teachers, as the schools have far less money to pay teacher salaries due to the fact that they dont get financial aid from the state; their operating costs must be paid from the pockets of the students families, who are far fewer in number than the thousands of taxpayers who fund your local private school. What was worse, is that his wife chose to be a stay at home mom, to look after her nine children. The Father became an expert hunter, filling his bag limit for every season every year. His Children never went hungry; this would not have been true if he was not able to provide for his family by means of hunting. Think about it: 200lbs of fresh meat in a freezer will keep a family fed for a long time to come, and free up grocery money to pay their ever increasing utility bills; something that you would deny them.

8) "Perhaps because there are few satisfying wars to fight anymore (what true war hero would stack, for example, Iraq up against World War II?), the testosterone-challenged among us now need to vent their need to destroy one of nature's most stunning creations. It's sad enough when that false sense of power is visited on boys. It's sadder still when it's foisted on young girls." If you check the facts on this one, there are actually far LESS hunters today then in yester-year. The Number of hunters has declined every year for decades. Hunting isn't about a false sense of power. If thats what hunting offered, people would be flocking to it in droves. If you had ever hunted, even once, you would know this.

9) "Congress is considering a bill (and so are several states, including Texas, Michigan and Minnesota) that would ban the interstate practice of same, which proponents defend as a way of allowing the disabled to hunt. Methinks the disabled have more important things to do." I beg your pardon miss, but while i do agree that this technology has the potential to be grossly abused, you are not and never will be the one who determines what is or is not worth someones time. The actions of the disabled are no less important than those of the us who are not, and many of us who are not DO find it a worthwhile thing to do.

10) " There's a special place in the afterlife for worshipers of the cruel, for those who feign strength by destroying life." How spiritual of you. I know not what God or lack of a god that you follow, but here is what my God has to say on this issue: "Rise, Peter; Kill and Eat".

So, here we have 10 fundamental flaws in your article. the purpose of my response is not to sway you, but merely to help you see things from the perspective a greater majority of Americans.
That's one of the best letters I have ever seen written mr.trooper:).

I felt like puking after reading her garbage.
If you get a reply, which I doubt, but if you do, please post it. I am curious as to what her response will be.
My only reply to a childish author of such drivel would be:

:neener: :neener: :neener:

My 9 year old daughter could outshoot that 8 year old any day!
Bonnie Erbe is a classic bambi-hugging loon.

I have used her columns as examples in the composition classes I teach to show students what happens when you base your argument on logical fallacies and emotional appeals.

Once, she used two examples of idiots doing "canned hunts" as her sole evidence in a piece calling for the banning of all hunting.

She is a classic example of writer being all sound and fury, signifying nothing.


Oh yeah. Here's the email I just sent to her.

You know, your anti-hunting rants would be funny if they weren't so sad.

They do make great examples of why writers should not base their arguments on logical fallacies and propaganda devices.

The only thing that really surprised me is that you didn't resort to putting rows of exclamation points at the ends of certain sentences, that you did not
use all caps in places, and that you have not yet taken to using frownie-face emoticons in the spots where you are trying so hard to get us all to cry about poor
little Bambi or Baloo the Bear.

I do hope that hosting your TV show is indeed your day job, and that you keep it.
There's a special place in the afterlife for worshipers of the cruel, for
those who feign strength by destroying life.

I wonder what her position is on abortion. I bet I can guess.

But these are animals, so they're much more important than humans. I forgot.

I give up

Thats it i am totaly convinced i need to torch all my guns this article has hit home guns are mindless zombies that go around killing indescriminatly ( i cant spell) thank you for i did not know that my house was infested with evil im gonna go love nature the way God intended, im gonna go out in my woods buck neked and hug a boar just to let it know that i love him then im gonna go try to control everyone:evil:
And oh yeah.....Bonnie Erbe is a "TV Host."

Yeah, she is............On Maryland Public Television............

Isn't this sort of like being the archivist for the Championship Trophies room of the Duke football team museum?

An excellent letter Mr. Trooper.

I hope, but doubt, that you will get a reply. I'm sure that Ms. Erbe is way too self-important to stoop to that.

Kudos, mrtrooper

I found your response to be more mature and professional than she deserves. I applaud that.

It also seems, to me at least, that she is trying to move the "gender revolution" back by saying that hunting, while an abomination, is for males only in her statement of "It's sadder still when it's foisted on young girls." It almost sounds that if you teach girls to hunt she feels that you might as well be forcing more unspeakable things upon them.

I agree that internet hunting is wrong, however the rest of the article is an uninformed farce.

More proof that {insert deity/spiritual icon of choice here} love fools for he made so many.

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