...Comments From the Original Poster
More... Thoughts - Clarifications - Bloviating
Yup... I wrote the review... (Original Post)
For the record... I am a 60 year old, retired computer programmer... and I have nothing to do with the firearms industry... I have no ties or financial interest in, or connections with, Chiappa of any other firearms manufacturer, distributor, dealer or publisher... I am selling nothing... except reality... I own a lot of guns and have been a range, trap and skeet shooter for 45 years...
My intent is to promote the design concept of the Bottom Barreled Revolver (BBR)... and not so much to promote the Rhino itself... But the reality is that at this time, the Rhino is the only game in town... But the more attention that the Rhino gets and the greater the sales of the Rhino are, then the more likely it will be that S&W, Ruger, Colt or Taurus may produce a competing product... Remember, first the Taurus "Judge", then along came the competing S&W "Governor"...
This latest BBR concept has resulted in a handgun that is very easy to learn to shoot CONSISTENTLY WELL... and allows the average person to put several shots, from a proven man stopper cartridge, onto a nearby target... and do so quickly and repeatedly... WITHOUT going to the range every week...
Sure... more practice is always better, with almost any tool... but most shooters, and current handgun carriers, simply DO NOT spend enough time practicing... so they need all the help they can get...
With a Rhino, those of you that are really good shooters, and love to practice, will end up being able to shoot the individual buttons off the bad guys shirt, while he and you are running, full speed, through a plowed field... (well OK maybe it is not quite that good...

It would be great if we were all training 3 days a week in live-fire adversarial simulations... But then most of us are not Navy Seals...
So, give me a small handgun, that fires a .357 Magnum, and yet lets me control it like I am shooting a 22LR, then I'll be smart enough to know that I should be carrying that weapon... Why???... Because I am not a continually trained and practiced Navy Seal... and if that “terrible” moment ever comes, I WANT ALL THE HELP I CAN GET...
If you are 100% certain that you can fire 3 shots in 3 seconds into a moving 9 inch paper plate at just 15 feet AND while imagining the plate shooting back at you, no hearing protection, screaming all around you, and several innocent bystanders down range from the target area (who’ll be hit if you miss the plate)... If you are "good" with all that... then you certainly don’t need a Rhino...
If you get a chance, try a RHINO revolver... I think you will be surprised...
Please try to fire 2 boxes of ammo through a Rhino... It takes 100 rounds to really understand the dynamics of what is going on... and by then you won't believe what a great shot you have suddenly become... (I hope that now someone doesn't accuse me of selling ammo...

In an attempt to perform better with our handguns, we all do things... like - change grips, change sights, add scopes, port barrels, modify triggers... Why??? All to put a bullet downrange with better, and rapidly repeatable, accuracy... The Rhino will help this occur for you “naturally”, with the help of the laws of physics...
BTW... Someone mentioned the "Judge"... I have no idea what the Taurus "Judge" could actually be the recommended for... Other than a collectors item...
Lastly... If S&W, Ruger, Colt or even Taurus had come out with the Rhino it would already be a major hit in the marketplace, because the firearms media would have massively promoted it because it came from one of their major advertisers... (remember the Judge, the LCP, the LCR, the XDm, etc...)
For those that missed it earlier:
This link will get you to thousands of pictures of the Rhino Revolver...
This link will take you to dozens of Videos about the Rhino at YouTube...