Bond Arms Derringer how to field strip?

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Mar 5, 2006
I am thinking of buying .410 GA Bond Arms SnakeSlay for my girlfriend to carry. We both like the sharp, size of the gun and its load with .410 shotshell. Having an excessive hobby of cleaning gun, I would like to know how far could I take apart (field strip down to the core) of the gun? It would be very helpful if you guys could post a photo of taken-down parts of the gun. I searched online for instruction manual but could not get any. Please help me.
Thanks a lot.
These things are built in such a way that I doubt that you'd ever NEED to strip it down past the point of unscrewing the grips and dunking the whole thing in a pan of solvent, then blowing it out with some compressed air (even if you were to, for example, drop it in a porta-potty).
I Agree With SDC.

I own one and don't feel the need for major teardowns to clean. There really isn't much to them. The Snakeslayer is a well-built and fun gun.

Kevin in Pa
Doesn't hinge open just like an over-under shotgun?

Seems like you really wouldn't to strip it much more, though I'm not familiar with the trigger/firing pin set-up.
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