Book review: Enemies Foreign and Domestic, by Matthew Bracken

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Dec 26, 2002
Mohave Desert
Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Reviewed by "cookie"

While randomly surfing the general discussion forum of another gun board, I came upon the review of a book entitled Enemies Foreign and Domestic, by Matthew Bracken. The review was written by none other than John Ross, the author of Unintended Consequences. Yes, that got my attention.

I'll readily admit that I only skimmed the review, but I got the basic idea: John Ross liked it. That was good enough for me. OK, so where do I get it? Had I read the entire thread the first time, I would've realized that the author's web site was listed at the end. I didn't, so my next step was to purchase a copy from Amazon.

The book arrived a few days later, and I started on it that night. The Prologue described the U.S. government's reaction to an act of domestic terrorism. The terrorist act consisted of a shooter firing an old SKS rifle over a thousand yards, dropping rounds into an open football stadium. This caused a panicked stampede by the fans, resulting in over one thousand deaths. The police quickly located and killed the shooter - a little too quickly in the eyes of some. In a knee-jerk response, Congress passed legislation banning "assault weapons", and required those in private hands to be turned in for destruction.

Corrupt elements within federal law enforcement seized this opportunity to encroach upon the rights of law-abiding Americans, and to settle old scores. Checkpoints reminiscent of the Soviet Union became commonplace. Military vehicles patrolled the highways. Suspected domestic terrorists were rounded up, and gun clubs were painted as seditionist militias. A small group of patriotic Americans - comprised of victims of federal law enforcement's draconian measures - decided to fight back.

This book serves to educate, and to warn. It is a harbinger of the results of oppressive government. It also acts as a reminder. There are still a few among us who believe in Thomas Jefferson's immortal words to William Smith: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Buy this book today.

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....and Bob Bullard is still out there, and Ranya's got revenge on her mind...I can't wait for the sequel. $20 well spent.
The review is also in this thread: here

And confirms that John Ross is working on a sequel to UC. :D
I have cough, ahem, an autographed first edition of Matt"s terrific book.
He is hard at work on the sequel and many of us are waiting with
baited breath for the finished product. If you haven't got the book yet,
do so!

BTW, I made the banner that's at the bottom of my review. I added it there so anyone who wants to could use it to promote Matt's book. He has done a great thing for all of us by writing it; let's support him all we can.
Makes good gifts too. Send one to a friend or relative today.
Matt has a great book there .... I am pleased too that I have one signed by him.

I was also pleased (Matt ... so you know) ... when at Greencastle PA gunshow last weekend .... a book table had several copies available!

Inspired novel .. I too look forward to the next.
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