Boy suspended for "My Rifle" t-shirt...

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No, what I tried to point out is about this:

1)From the blissninny pseudoliberal viewpoint, guns/military are evil as they are associated with violence and patriotism. The blissninny pseudoliberal hates the military because of some perverted understanding of the military solely as the machine of destruction, made to serve the crooked ends of "imperialist patriotism".

Blissninny pseudoliberals are generally hoplophobic and anti-"patriotic", not because they are evil, but because they suffer from some outdated form of pacifism which had seen it's place and day between 1918 and 1939.

To the Blissninny Pseudoliberal (hence BPL), violence is immoral, yet sex is not, thus "do me now" is fine and "Neca eos omnes" is not.

For example, BPL's believe that societies were sex is more openly discussed tend to be less violent.

2)From the Ultra-Traditionalist Conservative's viewpoint, discussion of sex (in particular, extra-marital sex) is immoral, and guns are not. This is due to the UTC's patriarchal world view.

To the UTC, depicting sex is immoral, yet depicting guns/military is not, thus "Neca eos omnes" is fine and "Do me now" is not.

3)IMHO, both are wrong.:D
Thanks for the clarification. I now understand your position.

The above referenced scripture was to serve as much as a reminder for me as it was to anyone else. Some will dismiss it out-of-hand because it comes from the Bible but it is still good advice.

I will endeavor to be less critical when participating in future threads. But please, can we stay on topic?
This Is My Rifle"

The Creed of a US Marine

This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Ah, so not the "This is my rifle / This is my gun / This is for fighting / This is for fun" rhyme from Full Metal Jacket, then.

I suppose that could have been deemed inappropriate :)
I suspect another ACLU/NRA collaboration, here. Unless the school outlaws the image of a weapon (impossible, since library books often contain pictures of guns) or the words "killing the enemy," they don't have much of a leg to stand on.

I'd like a shirt like that myself, but I'm currently saving up to buy this:
Back in the 80's I wore a Kill em all let god sort em out shirt which had a skull with a Special forces beret crossed by two m16's.

Now THAT is a sweet shirt!!!

Where can I get it??? :)
We should all call up the schools when this type of thing happens.



And just tell them that you are opposed to their "zero intelligence policy."

Thank them.

And hang up.



Why, oh WHY is it always Ft Wayne?
MicroBalrog, I'm proud to have you on this forum, and find you to be insightful.

I've got nothing against liberals, it's the Democrats who #$^% me off. ;)

I'm just curious as to what you get out of democraticundeground? I guess you weren't posting when I looked, becuase what I saw was a bunch of freaks with no common sense, no concept of liberalism, no concept of politics, poor spelling and grammar skills, poorer manners, and so little real life that they had ten to fifteen THOUSAND posts each.

What goes on there that's relevant to anything? All I ever saw was "Bush is Hitler! Gore is president! The military's a bunch of cowards for not staging a revolution to put Gore in! Gunowners are violent and should be shot! Anyone who doesn't agree with us is a 'freeper'!" (whatever that is) "Gore really won! Dean is God! Osama is cool because Bush is Hitler! I wish I lived under the Taliban rather than Bush!"

I mentioned that one would be treated much more nicely here for expressing dissenting views than one is there...and got booted and my posts struck. By people who support "Free speech." I guess I forgot to add, "Bush is Hitler!" ;)

Not trying to stir anything up. I'm just wondering if you have low taste in humor, if you're actually managing to reach anyone, or if they've improved?
The original poster used this to point out the double standard that he experienced.

Exactly. "Just do me" shirts don't offend me, but if you're going to get offended about something as pithy as a shirt that shows a gun (freedom of speech! unless I don't agree...), then why not get offended about an explicit advertisement for sexual encounters?

Micro already answered why, and I agree that neither viewpoint is right.

When i was in high school about 2 years ago I wore a shirt that said marine sniper one shot one kill, got a few grins and comments from students and teachers alike but despite there liberal gun bashing comments i wore it anyways! Im glad this kid stood up its hard sometimes to bear when the teacher's and students are against guns and afraid of guns but i never let it bother me i just smiled. If i were the kid i probably would have bought about 7 more of those shirt's one for every day of the week, never give in the second we do they belive there right.
My rifle, without me is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless.
That is the offensive part. They don't want the kids to learn that without a person to point and pull the trigger, the rifle is useless (harmless).
Wouldn't want the kids picking up that kind of propaganda on the streets. :banghead:
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