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Harry Tuttle

Nov 14, 2003


For Immediate Release:

Contact Communications:
(202) 898-0792

Washington, D.C. - President George W. Bush earned the National Rifle Association's endorsement, which he received today, by selling out America's police.

The National Rifle Association's endorsement comes exactly a month after Bush broke his campaign promise to keep America's police safe from Tec-9s, AK-47s and Uzis.

When the assault weapons ban expired September 13, the America that George W. Bush says he wants to protect became less safe. Teenagers, terrorists and street thugs can now arm themselves with rapid-fire military-style semiautomatic assault weapons: Weapons that give them the tools to overpower our law enforcement officers.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March today released a new television ad about President Bush and the assault weapons ban that will be broadcast in key battleground states between now and Election Day. It shows that President Bush literally "turned his back on the safety of all Americans." The ad can be viewed at The script is below.

The assault weapons ban isn't the only way George W. Bush has sold out the cop on the beat. The White House and the Justice Department worked with Congress to deny detectives the records that could otherwise enable them to stop a heinous crime before it occurs, by requiring instant destruction of Brady background check documents.

And the White House has pushed for budget cuts that have taken police officers off the streets - budget cuts that would decimate the COPS program that has enabled police departments all across America to hire more police.

Tonight, the candidates for President will debate domestic policy issues. President Bush will head to the debate armed with his new endorsement. Elsewhere in America, criminals will be armed with more firepower than the police. These two facts are completely connected. Our President has let us down, and he did it to pay homage at the altar of the NRA, whose leadership is altogether out of touch with the American people.

Consider the viewpoints of the NRA's leaders:

NRA board member Jeff Cooper wrote in Guns and Ammo that "The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. It would seem a valid social service to keep them well-supplied with ammunition."

Paul Blackman, the NRA's head researcher, said "studies of homicide victims--especially the increasing number of younger ones--suggest they are frequently criminals themselves and/or drug addicts or users. It is quite possible that their deaths, in terms of economic consequences to society, are net gains."

NRA board member Ted Nugent, "I met a couple guys in line yesterday who go, 'Write something to my girlfriend, she won't let me go hunting.' I wrote her something and I said, 'Drop dead, bitch.' What good is she, trade her in, get a Dalmatian. Who needs the wench?"

Former NRA board member Leroy Pyle, on Sarah Brady: "That ugly cackler. She pulls her husband around like a pulltoy on a string. My friends and I say that if that ever happened to one of us and our wife did that, somebody would slip into the house one night and slit her throat."

Congratulations on their endorsement, Mr. President.

"Turned His Back":30

Announcer: "On September 13th, President Bush turned his back on the safety of all Americans."

(Video: same words as audio.)

Reporter shouts question: "Mr. President, why allow the assault weapons ban to expire without a fight?"

(Video: President Bush turns around and leaves.)

White House Press Staffer: "Bye, guys, thank you."

(Video: Press staffer steps in front of camera.)

Announcer: "He turned his back on the victims of violent crime."

(Video: Crime scene photos, President Bush turning around.)

Announcer: "On police officers gunned down on our streets."

(Video: Police funeral photos, President Bush turning around.)

Announcer: "On the fight against terrorists."

(Video: Photos of suspected terrorists)

Announcer: "When he let the assault weapons ban die,"

(Video: President Bush turning around, words on screen.)

President Bush turned his back on all of us.

(Video: Freeze frame of President Bush, words on screen - FEC legal statement.)

Announcer: "The Brady Voter Education Fund is responsible for the content of this advertisement."
Even if Bush had signed the ban renewal the NRA still wouldn't endorse Kerry. I doubt they would go without endorsing a major candidate. Bush had the nominaiton from the begining.
The only reason I might vote for Bush - the antis blame him (and not the hundreds of representatives and senators who oppose the AWB) for letting the AWB sunset, but no one on our side gives him any credit for letting the AWB sunset. A strange situation. :p
The National Rifle Association's endorsement comes exactly a month after Bush broke his campaign promise to keep America's police safe from Tec-9s, AK-47s and Uzis.

Yawn. Same old Brady deceptions, different day.
Not a strange situation at all. Bush signs everything that hits his desk, even bills he promised he'd veto. And he's consistently said all along that he wanted to extend the ban. The only reasonable conclusion is that if it had reached his desk, he would have signed it.

Bush did nothing to stop the ban, as far as I know. The House did all the work. Anyone who thinks otherwise is almost certainly engaging in wishful thinking. Giving in to the desperate desire to have somebody good to vote for this year, not just somebody who's less awful.
Is that right?

Then why does the Fraternal Order of Police endorse Bush:

This proves that the Brady campaign is not a legitimate non-partisan organisation as they claim, but an ultra-liberal branch of the democratic party.
The bottom line is, if a politician wants me to believe they opposed a bill, they've got to be willing to SAY they opposed it. Publicly.

We are not so disreputable, that we should expect, or even tolerate, allies trying to pretend in public they're not on our side. We are NOT the cause that dares not speak it's name, and we should never permit ourselves to be treated as though we were!

In fact, this is a big part of why we have so much trouble; Why shouldn't the public think the "assault weapon" ban was the best thing since sliced bread, when BOTH major party candidates are praising it? Never discount the effect on public opinion of only hearing one side defended, day after day, month after month, year after year. In the war for public opinion, "stealth" allies, (Not that I actually buy the idea that Bush is such.) are AWOL.
Don't confuse logic with politics. They don't mix.

Bush never intended to sign the bill and instructed that it never reach his desk.
It was lip service to appease the faint of heart.
He also knew the possible consequences of the yea voting politicians in this years election based on what happened after the 94 ban. He knew it would never pass.
I'd rather he be straight up, but I'll take under handed also.

Ted and Leroy have a serious case of foot in mouth disease.
They have got to be the poorest example of pro gun people out there.

I make two steps forward in my hard work promoting gun causes and Ted and Leroy set me back four steps.

Some people should never have a mike stuck in their face.
Kerry spoke the words the Brady Bunch loves to hear:

"But I also believe that because we are the United States of America, we're a country with a great, unbelievable Constitution, with rights that we afford people..."

I guess we should be grateful that they afford us rights. How could we all be so silly as to believe that we have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and that government is supposed to protect those rights? Maybe it has something to do with euroenvy. Europe, where the government accuses and you are presumed guilty if and until you can prove yourself innocent. Perhaps this kind of backwards think comes from having one's head up one's a**?
Is there any group more irrelevant in American politics at this point than the Brady Bunch?

Good riddance you slimes. When Kerry gets creamed on the 2nd it'll be your last gasp.

- Gabe
I'm happy to see them put this out. I think the giun control issue is still al net loser for the Democrats. May backfire on them.

And I think that more people agree with Cooper's quote than disagree with it.
I believe the reason (and it's only wild speculation on my part) that Bush 43 made the statement that 'he'd sign an AWB renewal' was simply to give lip service to the moderate faction of the Republican party and the liberal contingent of the population.

It's called 'playing politics', folks. It's an old game. Say what people want to hear, but have all your ducks in a row as to what you'll really do. The AWB renewal was as dead as the proverbial scat log, and he knew it, the House knew it, and maybe the Senate knew too. Gun control bills are political suicide since 1994, and folks up there know it, thanks to us...the gun-owning citizens, and the gun rights organizations.

It's a political marker. It can be called in when you need it. I'll 'support' your deal if youi'll support mine when I call you on it.

The VPC/Brady group/whatever they're calling thmselves today is trying to make hay with it strictly for furthering their own agenda, which is in itself a political ploy.

Some folks understand, others shriek about it. You have to educate yourself to determine fact from hysteria and tell the feces from the Shinola.

"...unbelievable Constitution..."
And - since it is "unbelievable", we The Kerryitis Afflicted and our look-alikes will make every effort to modify, ignore, dilute, or delete whatever it takes to allow it some "believability".

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: etc.

The White House and the Justice Department worked with Congress to deny detectives the records that could otherwise enable them to stop a heinous crime before it occurs, by requiring instant destruction of Brady background check documents.
I may be mistaken, but I believe it was the CLINTON Whitehouse and the RENO Justice Department that signed the Brady Bunch law which included the requirement to destroy the records.

On the other hand, how exactly does the having the records of approved background checks "enable them to stop a heinous crime before it occurs"?
Excellent point!

IIRC, the original law required records to be destroyed in 24 hrs unless there was a reason to believe a crime had been committed, in which case the records could be retained.

The Clinton Justice Dept. was routinely saving ALL records, 'just in case.'

The Ashcroft Justice Dept. had the routine approvals destroyed in accordance with the existing law.

That's the way I heard it when the initial brouha happened. Can anyone confirm?
The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. It would seem a valid social service to keep them well-supplied with ammunition.

Yeah, and if drunken drivers killed only themselves, who would care?
Selective quotation by the Brady Bunch?

Gee, next they'll be saying their for gun ownership. As long as the guns are theirs.

Who has a low opinion of Democrats and other vermin.
"The assault weapons ban isn't the only way George W. Bush has sold out the cop on the beat. The White House and the Justice Department worked with Congress to deny detectives the records that could otherwise enable them to stop a heinous crime before it occurs, by requiring instant destruction of Brady background check documents".

I wish I had known about this before I supported the demise of the AWB. I mean if they get the AWB back I get psycic powers. Just by looking at these records I can tell the future and read minds. Then I can stop the crime before it occurs and arrest an innocent person because of what this record says they will do. It will be just like the movie Minority Report, oh joy oh joy.

Sarcasim over.
When the assault weapons ban expired September 13, the America that George W. Bush says he wants to protect became less safe. Teenagers, terrorists and street thugs can now arm themselves with rapid-fire military-style semiautomatic assault weapons: Weapons that give them the tools to overpower our law enforcement officers.

I thought ALL squad cars had to have an full auto M4 minimum after that bank robery in LA in '98. If I'm correct please tell me how a couple of goons with an SKS or similar store bought rifle or smg are overpowering that kind of firepower.

If I am wrong also please enlighten me.
The LAPD placed M16s converted to semi-automatic only in their patrol cars following the North Hollywood Shootout. California also still has an AWB and the bank robbers were using machineguns instead of the banned "semi-automatic assault weapons."
Alright but I was refering to nation wide. Every squad car I've seen the inside of here in southern Wisconsin has them, and thats cars in four cities and three counties as well as the highway patrol.

Seem to remember The History Channel saying that in the aftermath it was decided that there would be no more situations that would involve bringing "pistols and shotguns to a rifle fight"(dont remember who said it but it is a direct quote from the episode).

PS I veiwed those squad cars from the outside. I dont even have one speeding ticket:D
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