Brady AWB press conference Wednesday

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Dec 24, 2002
centre of the PA
> News Advisory:
> -- Sonia Wills, mother of final sniper victim, wants to ban all assault
> weapons - including Bushmaster XM15 that killed her son
> -- Strong support revealed for S. 1431 and H.R. 2038
> WHAT: Press conference to commemorate the one year anniversary of the
> DC-area sniper attacks and call for supporting S. 1431 and H.R. 2038 -
> identical bills that will both renew and strengthen the federal assault
> weapons ban. Violating the spirit of the 1994 law, the gun industry has
> manufactured "post-ban" assault weapons like the Bushmaster XM15 used in
> last year's sniper shootings. "Post-ban" assault weapons are identical to
> those banned, except for minor cosmetic changes.
> The current ban will expire Sept. 13, 2004 unless President Bush and
> Congress act.
> VISUALS: Replica of an Uzi assault weapon
> WHERE: Russell Senate Office Building, Rm. 385
> WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1:30 p.m. EDT
> WHO: Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.); Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.); Sen.
> Jon Corzine (D-N.J.); Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.); Rep. John Conyers
> (D-Mich.); Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.); Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.)
> -- Sonia Wills, Mother of Montgomery County bus driver Conrad Johnson,
> 13th and final sniper victim
> -- Dr. Sheldon Teperman, MD, assistant professor of Surgery, Trauma and
> Critical Care Services, Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y.
"Post-ban" assault weapons are identical to those banned, except for minor cosmetic changes.
Well, you're the dummies that pushed for the ban on minor cosmetic features...

Violating nature's ban on supreme idiots, the Brady campaign continues to exist...
[blockquote]The current ban will expire Sept. 13, 2004 unless President Bush and Congress act.[/blockquote]
Do they do anything besides act?
You know, I just got an idea from tyme.

I have proposed the 2004 Assault Idiot ban.
This ban would prevent Sarah Brady, Josh Sugarmann, and all anti-freedom bigots from talking to more than one person at a time, and would define an assault idiot by a person that has two or more of the following features:
1. Anti-gun views
2. Communist views
3. The fear of guns
4. is Rosie O Donnel, Sarah Brady, or Josh Sugarmann

These idiots were specifically designed to assault our constitutional freedoms by spray-firing garbage from the mouth. What honest person would want to support an idiot whose only purpose is to destroy our Bill of Rights? Ban assault idiots now, do it for the children.
I feel sorry for this poor woman who lost her son to a murderer. However, I won't permit her, or those who are using her to further their own evil goals, to disarm me because some miscreants violated the most basic law of human civilization.

Maybe this mother should think about the 1 million Jewish children who were mass murdered by the Nazis (along with the parents of most of them), a mass murder that was only possible due to the lack of firearms in the hands of the victims. Similar thoughts should come to her regarding the Turkish genocide of the Armenians, Stalin's genocide of the Kulaks, Mao's mass murder of tens of millions, Pol Pot's butchery of 1/3 of Cambodia's population, etc., etc. She is either too grief-stricken to think about the implications of disarming the public, or she just plain doesn't know. In either case, I blame Schumer, et al for using her. This woman is a dupe, but they are truly scum.
I'm Ashamed of NJ.

Lautenberg is an evil mummy, but he's too old to have many teeth left.

CORZINE is the unrecognized danger, IMO.
I have proposed the 2004 Assault Idiot ban.

I agree wholeheartedly.

We do not need smart guns. We need smart people.

We do not need gun control. We need crime control.

And these people are manipulating the uninformed sheeple for thier own agendas. Do we have any minutemen that will take care of them? :evil:

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