Brady Campaign's blog continues to be OWNED by pro-gunners

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Apr 15, 2004
Gainesville, Fl

Over the past few month other gun owners and I have been posting comments in response to Paul Helmke's blog on the Brady Campaign web site (see link below). We gun owners, ( I have been around for the past 4 threads), have been ‘owning’ the site.

Only three gun-control folks not working for the Brad’s (Kelli, her husband Respondeant Superior, and Karen ) have been trying to stick up for the Brady’s view. Karen seems to only ask a few questions and not attempt to engage anyone, Kelli (the funniest unstable Brady nit wit) claims absurd things then when asked to support her statements she claims to be the victim of harassment, and Respondeant, well he only comes to Kelli’s defense on a rare occasion. Karen and Respondeant post very little. Kelli, for the most part, is a sole voice for the Brady’s.

Zach Ragbourn, who works for the Brady Campaign, has also come in trying to present logical arguments but he bids a fast retreat when his points are successfully counter argued. Unlike Kelli, he actually tries to use facts and logic. However, the facts just aren’t in his favor.

As I said, Kelli is the one posting most often. Her posts are worth reading, if only for the ridiculousness of them. For example, in post #43 of the “Mandating Guns” thread she claims James Madison has said the 2nd Amendment is a collective right for the state militia not individual citizens. She was countered with the founders’ (including Madison’s) own words and numerous Supreme Court rulings both showing the 2nd Amendment is, and always has been, an individual right of the people. Her response, post #69, was that “knowledge isn’t always the same as insight, into an issue.” She had now facts to support he beliefs but had plenty of emotion and “insight.” When asked to further support her claims she refused to do so saying she being “egged on” and “harassed.”

I encourage anyone who wants to make their opposition to the Brady’s known to join us in completely debunking Paul’s poorly crafted arguments. Plus, trying to get Kelli to actually answer questions in prettty fun too.
Though it wouldn't be very "high road"ish, it would be pretty funny to invade their blog for a day and hold all THR business there.

"I love my M1A!"
"Hey, guys which AK should I buy?"
"What handgun should I get for concealed carry?"
"Remington 700s are overrated!"

EDIT: Note, this is a joke... don't actually do it and make the rest of us look bad.
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Or would you mind if I dropped by your house at O-dark thirty and played some Slayer on the stereo at full volume?

And how would that be different than what goes on at my house now? :rolleyes:
"I love my M1A!"
"Hey, guys which AK should I buy?"
"What handgun should I get for concealed carry?"
"Remington 700s are overrated!"

I could start a SHTF and the zombies are coming thread but I don't think they'd get it.

In defense of them, a lot of us probably don't get it either. :p

Let me say that this thread isn't meant to insight any non-THR actions on the Brady site. This thread is meant to demonstrate that we have a presence there that is succeeding in debunking their arguments in a high road manner.

We have been taking, and will continue to take, a highroad approach. We meet their fear mongering, emotional appeals, deceitful misconceptions, and ad hominem attacks with facts (sources cited) and logic. It is in fact our high road approach of sticking to facts and requesting sources be cited for factual claims that infuriates Kelli the most and leads to her break downs.

When I invite others here to join us over there, it is to join us in demonstrating to any “fence sitters” which side of the debate (us of course) has the facts behind them and presents their side of the argument in a “high road” manner.
Kelli does seem to be ummm.... slightly addled. Logic and reason doesn't seem to big a big feature in her world.
I've read the comments at the brady blog before. I think it shows us something important. People who really care about the issue of gun control are overwhelmingly pro-gun. People who are seeking out gun politics information and regularly voicing their opinion are pro-gun. Most of the "antis" aren't strongly anti-gun, it just tends to be a back burner issue for a lot of people. I think that's a good sign, it shows that the anti-gun movement is weakening.
Hey Zen, whats up?:D Its Ryan, I agree that we own the brady blogs and will continue to debunk their rediculous arguments. I enjoy debunking those jerks, based on hard facts and logic. Keep up the good work, I'll continue to add my 2 cents.:D
Zen - I've been posting there under "Mike Walther" for a while now, but lately I haven't been able to access it from this computer.

Have fun laughing at Kelli guys.
Hi Ryan,

You've been around for Kelli's latest breakdown in the latest thread. Hasn’t it been kind of fun to watch? We continue to politely ask her to provide us proof of her statements while using facts and logic to debunk her arguments and all she can do in response is to use ad hominem attacks and claims of “harassment” against us.

For example, in post #179, she posted something to Jared that served as a argument to justify several of her beliefs. Before he responded, I addressed most of the points she made and, using logic, debunked each argument I addressed. She got so mad she called me a "troll" and “immature” saying I “hijacked” her post. Funny though, she couldn’t refute my logic.

Then in post #317 she said she has sited “a dozen” sources for her past claims. In post # 372, I went through and addressed about 30 of the first posts of hers I saw to show her form of "logic" (or lack thereof). She only had 2 citations (one of which was the VPC) to back up her claims. She got so mad she called me a “stalker” and said she would try to have me banned. LOL…. I used her own posts to logically disprove her own lies without a single personal attack directed at her and I was the bad guy. And this was right after she called us “creeps.”
Kelli, what would be a good choice for CCW?

"Though it wouldn't be very "high road"ish, it would be pretty funny to invade their blog for a day and hold all THR business there."

It would be a riot. I don't know how much good it would do, though, because we already own the place.

Kelli is an absolute riot. She once construed all of the pro-gun support on that blog, as a lack of support for 2A. Don't ask me to explain her logic. There is none.

This was during the "James Madison and insight into 2A" thing. I told her about the "unorganized militia", and got no response. I have tried to engage her over the AWB. I started off with a link to Dept. of Justice stats regarding assault weapons, and again, no reply. I guess they don't consider the DOJ an objective source, like Grimm's Fairy Tales, where they get their own stats. These people are just blind, and they want to stay that way. In that same thread, she said that "people have a resonsibility to protect their families". She went on to suggest self-defense courses, and alarms. I'm sure you are all already aware that a few Karate lessons will stop an armed attacker.

Anyway, the Brady Blog is a lot less hostile than the Huffington Post. Those people don't even try to present a logical argument. They just start right in with the "guns as phallic symbols", and we are all "unsure of our manhood" stuff. I don't even bother with them any more.
The Huffington Post people remind me of a couple girls I went to college with who were militant feminists. I was going to class one day and one of these women was about ten steps behind me. As was only polite, I held the door. She stopped and glared at me, "You don't have to open the door just because I'm a woman." I replied, "I didn't hold the door because you are a woman. I held it because I am a gentleman."

They just start right in with the "guns as phallic symbols"
That is actually a great opening to attack.

If guns are phallic symbols, then -
“gun control” is symbolic sexual mutilation of the entire population –
What sort of person would find such a thing attractive?
Or would you mind if I dropped by your house at O-dark thirty and played some Slayer on the stereo at full volume?

You had better bring beer, otherwise your Slayer is booted for 6 Feet Under.
Wow, I just read through some of those, and Ms. Kelli is really getting it handed to her. She is completely illogical and irrational, she sounds like a child. Good reading material though, if you are in the mood for a laugh.
Kelli is actually a boon to us. She basically avoids any debate on the facts, is paranoid that everyone is attacking her when they present strong, fact-based arguments, and flat out states that she has no interest in learning about firearms. So she acknowledges she's ignorant on the issue she claims to be so passionate about and can't fight fact with fact. I think she pretty much represents the anti-2nd Amendment types to a T.
Why yes...

Last I checked commenting on the Brady Blog was turned off. Did someone finally notice? Or was it due to the spammers? Incidentally... Kelli e-mails me on occasion.
I dunno - if someone sees a firearm as a phallic symbol, they have more wrong with them than anyone could ever fix :rolleyes:
That was one of the first things I noticed about the 'gun guys' and other blog facades with an agenda, NO COMMENTS.

They know their position is tenuous at best, so they don't offer themselves up for debate.

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