BREAKING NEWS -- Possible Terrorist Attack in London

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It's difficult to scare the crap out of someone who is not only willing, but eager to die for his belief, assuming you're referring to Islamic terrorists. Drop a nuke? Kill some, more are born. Grease a bunch of 'em in the middle of the street? Same same.
I'm not at all sure that I have the answer to the problem, but I'm pretty damn sure that you don't either.
My main point is, the Muslim world has to police itself. It cannot continue preaching hate.

I have Muslim friends who feel the same.

I really don't care what someone's religion, or lack of one, is. I do care when their view of their religion threatens me or mine.
Maybe THIS will Re-Unify the G-8 in the War on Terror

Hopefully,the Prime Ministers and Presidents @ the G-8 Summit in Scotland will use this event to really show UNITY in the War on Terror. Yes, even Germany and France.
My post was in response to Kal's. You guys type faster than me. :)
God bless their souls and their loved ones!

Oh yea, I have no problem with mosques speaking out against terror, many do and I am happy to see it. The problem I have is that most did so after their silence becoming deafening and still there's those that haven't. I also have a problem with believing the level of commitment and meaning they have behind their statements. I have a notion that one day we'll awaken to the knowledge that thou aren't as holy as they spoke. I hope I'm wrong.


Sir Skeptical :scrutiny:
I may now be an ex-pat' but dammit I am angry as all hell! No need to add all that much, and if I did I would probably giving Art's Grammaw a coronary!

Until my daughter had her first child in April - she had been working as an editor in London - using and being near, every day, Russel Square station. She actually took time off from February on but - it makes my hair stand on end to contemplate what just might have been. I give thanks she was spared.

Others tho were not so lucky and while this Dad rejoices in his daughter's safety - many will be mourning right now - and my heart goes out to them.

I am even more ''involved'' shall we say than Hillbilly - I studied in and worked in London - mostly thru '63-'67 and then '74 thru '77. I almost know all the back streets - I can ''see'' these places. I should have been a taxi driver!

In '74 when I was for 6 months night manager at a radio station - I had more than one bomb scare in the building - these were the days of IRA bombs - the ''Harrods'' bombing etc. It was tense at times.

I regard this in the same light - a terrorist to me is faithless (my personal view - unless ''fanatic'' counts), faceless usually but evil personified. I care not what their specific background is - but I collectively denounce them all and would exact a terrible revenge if able so to do - specific, not random and cowardly the way they do it.

I ramble - sorry - meant to be brief.

This will not break the Brit spirit - but from this must come a co-ordinated extra determination to find ways to counter it all.
I may now be an ex-pat' but dammit I am angry as all hell!
Good thing somebody is because Blair sure isn't-he sounded like he soiled his knickers.

Why don't we all stop and think about if (when) the same thing happens here. It will. Just a matter of time............
While we have to go about ''normalcy'' - sure thing Riley, the ''next one'' is always just around the corner - and folks had better be aware of that possibility (?probability).

I hate to say it but - the terrorists always win - they leave folks in fear, systems in chaos and then long term the ''when is the next one coming'' apprehensions. Not to mention the restrictions on our freedoms, in the name of ''security''.

Yep - they win, every time - even if we kid ourselves otherwise.

Damn them all to hell. :fire:
The scary thing is that fundementalists of any stripe have the same view. Attack and scare!

The fundies of any religion say, "We are being attacked,we must kill the infadel!"

These are most often a "major (conversion type) religion", that does not have a live and let live view on life.

Maybe we should listen to the supreme being that is in our hearts, rather than the one most proclaim as ***!

One interesting thing I noted is that these may may well have been backpack bombs, without a suicider, they all occured on mass transit, where someone may have left a backpack or (large) purse.

We have to get dirty. These terrorist can be scared too. Some may blow themselves up but they sure don't want to die by someone or something else.

Bin Laden is hiding in caves, probably. Saddam was found in a rat hole shaking in his boots. These people are scarable cowards that kill innocent people and hide in the dark. They're Evil. Evil never wins in the long run.

Sometimes when things get bad , really bad ,and it looks like you're not going to make it. You gotta get mean , mad dog mean.. :D
You could have answered your question with Google in a fraction of a second. If you put in "Muslim condemnation 9/11" you get 127,000 results. On the first page at least, they all seem to be statements on various religous websites and forums from prominent Muslims denouncing the terrorists and terrorism.

Out of the billions of muslims in the world, that is a pretty sorry number. "scientology condemnation 9/11" brings up 7220 hits. "mormon condemnation 9/11" brings 37,500 hits.

So the question is still valid. I ask Where is the muslim condemnation of these attacks? Till I see them signing up in droves to fight the hijackers of their religion, I will ask that question. Till I see Immams (sp?) on every channel and holding protests infront of Wahabbi mosques, I will ask the question.

I still hear muslims chanting "NUKE NUKE WASHINGTON! BOMB BOMB PENTAGON!"... Why are thier voices not drowned out by Muslims who condem these attacks??

Silence is consent.. and all I hear is silence.
Too many good people died today...

When this happends I get restless, almost as if I have to jump up and do something, my heart races-but today there isnt much I can do. My heart goes out the friends and families of these victims. We will not forget.
Of course that desire for vengeance flares up at times like this. They are striking because they are hurting, id like to think. We are making progress in this noble fight. I hate to say it-but France is long overdue for something like this.
What would France do though?

How do you surrender to an attacker who hides in the shadows? Hang a white flag off the Eiffel tower?? Come to think of it, what prupose does the Eiffel tower have besides something to hang a white flag from?

A french soldier will fight viciously and without regard to his own life if you stand between him and a white flag.
Every single member of every single fundamentalist, Wahhabist, sharia-worshipping organization and madrassah who belives that infidels need to be killed, who wants to return the world back to the year 800, are all, without exception, an bunch of camel-humping pig-dogs who need to be exterminated from the face of the earth.

Derek, Oleg, it looks like somebody has hijacked the DNS entries for THR; you might want to look into it.

And if the best you guys can do to show how many people believe something is to count Google I don't suppose it's ever occurred to you that there's a bit of self-selection sample bias there, has it? Or the fact that the media--including the internet--in many Islamic middle-eastern countries is heavily censored? C'mon, folks, surely you can do better.
Today, 08:19 PM #108

I hate to say it but - the terrorists always win - they leave folks in fear, systems in chaos and then long term the ''when is the next one coming'' apprehensions. Not to mention the restrictions on our freedoms, in the name of ''security''.

Yep - they win, every time - even if we kid ourselves otherwise.

Damn them all to hell.

Yes ... kinda like the wasp aint't they ? However I doubt the terrorist wins in the long run ... it will be our own fears that destroy our culture, and I doubt that any replacement will benefit the terrorist.

We will probably bankrupt ourselves trying to swat the wasp, and obliterate most of the very qualities that led to this countries greatness. A sad scenario for sure ... but is not all change for the best ? Is not change, and our ability to adapt to it, the very essence of life ?

This too shall pass, though I weep for those who pay the price. God bless them.


Because of the terrorists, our government further restricts guns! Kill all terrorists!!! :D
It's horrible to hear about this happening. But I will say that I'm thankful that two of their bombs failed to detonate. God was watching over some people there.
Flyboy, it has since been reported that, like so many early reports after something like this, that that news report you quoted was a false report. Didn't happen.

Here are some quotes from this ( ) article:

"Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told The Jerusalem Post that he heard the ambulance sirens screaming through the streets of London and it reminded him of what he'd always said about terrorism. "The sirens that wailed in London today are a wake-up call to Europeans that they must unite to fight the plague of international terror," he said.

Netanyahu was about to leave his hotel to speak at an Israeli business conference when he received word that there had been an explosion near the site of the event. He ended up staying put. "

Doesn't sound to me like he cancelled due to advance warning.

Then on page 2 they directly address such claims:

"There were early reports that Israel had received a tipoff about the blasts minutes before they occurred, but that was flatly refuted by Israeli and British officials. "

WND has an entire article about it:

And since you used an early Yahoo article, here is a later Yahoo article:
"JERUSALEM - Israel was not warned about possible terror attacks in London before a series of blasts ripped through the city, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Thursday.

A Foreign Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, had said earlier that British police warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terror attacks minutes before the first explosion.

"There was no early information about terrorist attacks," Shalom told Israel Army Radio later. "After the first explosion an order was given that no one move until things become clear. "

Israel was holding an economic conference in a hotel over the London subway stop where one of the blasts occurred. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend the conference, but "after the first explosion our finance minister received a request not to go anywhere," Shalom said..."

Do keep in mind how notoriously unreliable early reports are when there are hundreds of reporters grasping for information to report and there is precious little information available. All kinds of interesting, but false, tidbits tend to get thrown around and that is what it appears happened with this Israel story.
chaim, I saw that elsewhere, but thanks for posting it here and clearing it up for others.

For the record, I posted it not as a conspiracy theory (as it was in the L&P thread), but as a notation that the terrorists may have had other objectives than "just" creating chaos.
Did it Don, you are correct. Also ran it changing one word ... Muslim SUPPORT 9/11. 2,200,000 hits.

yes and most of them are MUSLIMS offering SUPPORT for the victims of 9/11...

now you do the math.
Mongo the Mutterer said:
To the religion v religion caution. I don't care what religion anyone is, but I am still waiting for outrage from the Mosques over the 9/11 attacks.

Still waiting...

How many times do we have to address this?!?

Again and again and again and again and again...

Do they have to come to your door with hat in hand and apologize to you, personally, for acts that they did not support and did not commit???

While I have been very impressed with Tony Blair over the last several years (even though I disagree with him strongly on many political issues) I was less than thrilled with his response in this instance.

Oh well, maybe he will get to it, but it seemed a weak response on his part.

Does the British Lion still have any teeth? We will find out in time, I guess.

I simply don't know what the truth is about support or the lack thereof for terrorists in the Muslim world. Insufficient data.

All I can say is that I know only 4 Muslims (all of Arab origin). Sadly, 2 of the 4 relish it whenever one of these terror incidents occur, and rejoice at the death and destruction -- they are quite public about it. The other 2 remain silent (out of fear they tell me -- they think they might be targeted if they speak against the extremists). Does that mean that I think that 50% of the Muslims on the planet support terror? Of course not.

But it does not make me feel warm and fuzzy.
linking to a socialist blog that's been live all of 4 months? Can we find this elsewhere? The quotes from the other Fox employees I dont doubt, but may have been taken out of context.

I agree that from a certain position, while this is a terrible tragedy, it does have the potential to work to our advantage by lighting a fire under more people.

And this does put the war on terror right back in front of all other political issues, which, if you believe it is the most important issue we face today, is a good thing.
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