Brett Favre

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May 20, 2004
At the diner
This is from Peter King's Monday Morning Quarterback Column today

I think Favre got a little worried once during our interview Sunday -- after he told me he'd killed eight coyotes and one bobcat on his property this offseason. "Had to,'' he said. "They were killing the deer. But now you'll have the PETA people after me." Nah, I said. Last year, after I wrote he was shooting beavers because they kept damming up the lake on his land, there were no PETA protesters at Lambeau.

I always liked Brett. I like him more now.
Here in WI they worship him like a god. I am a Vikings fan, but have a ton of respect for Brett. I get nervous everytime we have to play the Pack. You never know what Brett is going to do.
For all the fame and money athletes get, its nice they haven't gone goofy like Hollywood types.
"bobcats killing deer" - huh? Coyotes, maybe, but anyone who has ever heard of a bobcat killing a deer speak up. Could care less about killing coyotes or bobcats, but if he is going to give a justification make it a good one.
Interesting--I'd have thought it unlikely a bobcat could take a (grown) deer. A lynx maybe. The gubment says it, must be true! :neener:
You are assuming the bobcat killed a deer based on the way the reporter is writing this. The conversation MAY have gone down like:
Bret: the coyotes were killing deer on my property
Reporter: what did you do about it?
Bret: I shot them
Reporter: I suppose you get those kinds of problems out here
Bret: yeah, and the bobcats are a problem too. The farmer down the road really had a problem with them, so I helped him out by shooting them too.
Reporter: I see.

And it turns into this:
I think Favre got a little worried once during our interview Sunday -- after he told me he'd killed eight coyotes and one bobcat on his property this offseason. "Had to,'' he said. "They were killing the deer. But now you'll have the PETA people after me."

Accounts are rarely 100% accurate in reporting. With space and time limitations this is common. He didn't specifically say the bobcats were killing deer, the reporter probably just lumped them into the same sentence.
Good point - it was Peter King, who I would bet could not tell you the difference between a 12 gauge and a .22.

I still have trouble believing that a bobcat could realistically take anything but a fawn, though.
You might be correct Spidey - King couldn't tell the difference between either - but he still wants them both banned.
Brett :cool: :D
He rocks! and I'm a MN Packer fan.
Wish I could do as well on the coyotes on our land. They are doing a number on the deer.
One year at the old Uvalde deer lease, a couple of the guys reported watching a couple of yearling deer, a spike and his sister. Mama was away, somewhere.

A bobcat jumped from the brush onto the back of the spike. The spike bucked him off and ran. The bobcat went back to the brush. The other deer just kept browsing...

A bobcat would have no difficulty with a young fawn, but Bob's just not big enough to kill a healthy yearling, absent a lot of luck...

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