Conversion of PETAfiles

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Here in Taiwan, I teach English, and my morning class is filled with housewives..

So we were talking about the ethics of hunting, and the effects on your pocketbook.

So the mothers all said, they were against hunting, especially "cute" things like rabbits or bambi...

Soooo... I give them what I call my PETA vs. Pocketbook speel..


#1) So you don't want to kill Peter Rabbit? That's ok. Let's see what happens:

The Rabbits become 100 rabbits and eat half the farm.
The Farmer is forced to raise the price because he only has half the crops.
The people anger in protest to the government about rising crop prices.
The government mandates that the farmers lower their price.
The farmers say they will die unless there are subsidies...
The government then, gives farm subsidies.
But the government has no money, so they raise taxes.
You complain to the employer to give you more money because everything is more expensive because the tax is so high.
So your employer gives you a raise, but raises the price of their goods and services to compensate.
Now the farmer has to pay more to buy stuff from your company.
So the farmer raises the price of the crops to reflect his higher overhead.


By not killing Peter Rabbit, what do we get?
High wages as a result of artificial inflation due to government taxation, by a government who WANTS you to have a higher salary because the tax is a percentage based on the gross salary. A heavier tax burden on the common man, less bountiful crops, and the price is STILL high, so you are overpaying for crops.

By the end of my little speech, I had all the house wives going "Kill the rabbits!! Eat Bambi!!"

:D :evil: :neener:

My entire class is now pro-hunting. :cool:
Yeah, good way to explain it.

Note that Ingrid Newkirk has never recanted from her statement, "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." Rats = people as to rights, according to her. If she tried to lay that line on most women, they'd shudder and turn away. So, the PR-spin mechanism is to not mention rats, but gain sympathy for the cuddly bunny or the graceful Bambi. Since the majority of city dwellers know little or nothing about wildlife ecology or the concept of "carrying capacity" of any land for whatever purpose, they're fairly easily duped.

A factual argument must be cast in terms which the audience can understand. twoblink, sounds like you've done exactly that.

Rats = people

Feinstein, Boxer, Clinton, Gore... So which part of that statement is false?? :D

I tried to give some stats from my bio class about how much rabbits eat, most people are shocked!!
PETA was protesting the treatment of "crippled chickens" at my local KFC today. Yes, there was even a guy dressed up in a chicken suit and brandishing a crutch. Channels 4 (NBC) and 5 (CBS) were on the scene, interviewing and filming. I marched by the protest line on the way back to my office, proudly clutching my tender roast fillet sandwich.
The problem is they will say "Under my administration, all your incomes increased" and that is true. So did the taxes and the expenses, and so at the end, you made less, but don't confuse the sheeple with things like logic.

My friends in texas and oregon always invite me over for "PETA burgers"..

Let me just tell ya, Oregon "PETA Kabobs" are just awesome!!:evil: :neener:
Another scenario:

With the abundance of rabbits the Coyote/Bob Cat/Other PRedator has an abundant food source and multiples well. When the predator populaion starts to deplensih the bunny population they will start to look for other food sources. Your pet cat is about the same size as a bunny. Some small house dogs make a good coyote snack too.

Larger predators will eat larger animals. Goats, sheep, calves, etc.

Hunting pressure is a good thing.

As Art mentioned, carrying capacity is foreign to most people. Come to my country to see what overpopulation of deer does to the herd. For years hunters would not shoot does thinking that would increase the population and there would be more bucks to shoot. They were right. But one has to look long and hard to find a decent buck. It takes two to feed a family of four.

A good laugh!

I got a good laugh reading this thread.

I think we should kill the rabbits because they eat the poor plants. I feel so sorry for the poor plants. Plants of all types.

When my neighbors mow their lawn and the grass cries in pain. It just hurts me inside.

What about the poor tomatos. They can't defend their fruits from the teeth of the rabbit. Can't you hear their cries.

Grab your guns and defend the plants of the world from the plant eaters!

Plants deserve a free and unencumbered life. Free from fear of being eatin!

Vegetarians are murders of plants!
Yeah, varminator, and when you pull up onions, carrots or radishes, and the rootlets are torn away, isn't that like pulling the fingers or toes off a person, or the claws or hoofs from any animal? Is it any wonder they scream in agony?

Ah, the arrogance of the PETAphiles and the vegans!

:), Art
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