Bush tells America "Watch your neighbor"

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Dec 25, 2002
It's satire - but I know I'm going to be watching. ;)


Bush urges his fellow Americans to keep an eye on each other over the festive season.

Dec. 20, 2005 - In a special pre-holiday address to the American people, President George W. Bush today said that the upcoming holiday season affords all Americans a unique opportunity to spy on their neighbors, and urged his fellow citizens to do so.

"My fellow Americans, over the holidays many of you will be receiving new camcorders as gifts," Bush told his national television audience. "Instead of making boring home movies of your children, point the camera at the house next door and see what your neighbors are up to."

Saying that the people next door "might be evildoers," Bush said that by spying on one's neighbors, "You're going to find out who's naughty or nice."

Coming just days after he defended his own practice of wiretapping phone conversations without a court warrant, Bush's exhortation to the American people to snoop on one another over the holidays was the latest indication that he intends to ramp up domestic spying in the new year.

"Invasion of privacy is the gift that keeps on giving," the president said.

Perhaps in an attempt to preempt criticism of his domestic spying program, Bush added that he was "more than willing" to let the government spy on him.

"Go ahead, get a list of every library book I've taken out in the last five years," he said. "You won't find anything."

Elsewhere, a new report shows that China now has the fourth-largest economy in the world, after the United States, Japan, and Vice President Dick Cheney.
You have got to be freakin' kiddin' me? Does he realize how much hysteria and harassment this can cause??? Everyone is going to be blaming thier neighbor for everything! I'll bet there's people in New Mexico calling the feds right now saying their neighbor is the one that stole those explosives and has it all on tape!!! Meanwhile, it's nothing more than spackle and rope.

Unreal. What's next? Giving out plans to modify your baby monitor to scan cordless & mobile phone frequencies to enable his wire tap thing???
In the interests of National Security fnord, I have reported all of you to the "They Committee". Do not attempt to evade your Designated Homeland Security fnord Monitors.

Thank you for your mandatory cooperation.

Ha! No WMD? Go walk through the perfume section of any department store while they're spraying samples on anything that moves. :barf: :barf: :barf:

I have a recreated 12lb Napoleon Cannon in my rec room pointed directly at my neighbor... if he so much as twitches he's going to get double cannister right at his front door... I support the president in being wide awake and aware!

I can't believe you cut off the last paragraph of the article. This is the funniest part!

Elsewhere, a new report shows that China now has the fourth-largest economy in the world, after the United States, Japan, and Vice President Dick Cheney.
Wasn't there a 800 number set up after 9-11 for just this thing? If someone saw their neighbor doing something like one of them darn terrist, then they could call and report it?

As far as I know, long haul truckers still have a method reporting suspicious activities.
if you DONT pay attention to shady goings on in your own neiborhood, then your a moron. (condition White Vs. Yellow)
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