C&R FFL question

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Dec 24, 2002
New Hampshire
I sent in the paperwork for my C&R in December. Today, I received a "Certificate of Compliance with 18 U.S.C." form to fill out.

Apparently the form is needed to prove that I am a U.S. citizen. All that is required is to have a "person certify my citizenship."

Who can do that? There is no instruction on who can sign the form and I couldn't get an answer at the ATF office in Atlanta.

I know some of you have done this, so what's the drill?

FWIW, I am a US citizen, born and bred.
You can fill it out yourself, sign it, and mail it back in. At least, I believe so. I hope so, that's how it is with the app packet I sent in last week.
Correct. Just fill it out, sign it, and send it back. Makes a lot of sense huh? I did the same thing but I finally got my permit to cruffle.:D

Stay safe.
Thank you, gents.

I also talked with a lady at ATF. She confirmed your information.

"Yes, I am a citizen. Says who? Me, that's who."
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