(CA) Girl kidnapped from home

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Jan 28, 2003

Think this would've happened in a gun owner's home? Me thinks not. Oh wait, it happened in California. Even if they had weapons, unless they were stored illegally (read: where they could be used), the guy probably would have escaped before they could have been obtained :rolleyes:

This is what happens when idiots have power and are afraid of guns. Little girls get hurt.
This story might have turned out different if the mother was carrying when she came into the house.

Just having a gun at home is sometimes not good enough.
Ballistic Tip;

It's not just California, read "Notes From Darkest Montana".

Think this would've happened in a gun owner's home?

No, let's see what might have happened ...

Mother comes in on the scene, pulls a 45 from her purse and kills the "alleged" kidnapper. Police arrive and take mother into custody for suspected homicide, possessing an unregistered gun, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, and stealing another big news story from the media.
The girl has already been found alive. No sign of the kidnapper though.

Nice enough of the neighbor had a camera to catch some of it. Now only if there was a auto aim turret on the camera...
Would you prefer another "Laci Peterson" case? Not a personal bust but of the two scenarios I'd prefer my daughter stay alive.
They were dadgum lucky the guy was caught and their daughter returned. I hope he didn't harm her like the other girl who was dragged out her window... what was her name?
Even if she was a gun owner -- doesn't mean the same thing couldn't have happed. Easy to judge when it doesn't happen to you. This poor woman and her son were overwhelmed in a matter of seconds. Unless she was wearing it on her at all times, wouldn't have made a difference.
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