California's Handgun List

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There is a game they play on

Newbie signs up and cries he can't get xxxx gun he MUST have. Members go through all the ways member can get said gun. Of course this rules out *most* machine guns but the ignorant criers usually aren't looking to drop over $1k anyways.

Nope. I love it here. And I'm still here to VOTE and encourage others to as well. All the last 2 years of court cases have been going our way and there is a general plan of attack and Foundations working on pushing the limits.

No laying prone or running away for me. :)

Check out the handgun list, for CZ.

Almost every fullsize CZ pistol has a different barrel length listed. It's like they wanted an exact number, down to the thousandth, but they didn't care how the measurer arrived at his measurement.
If people always simply moved to other places when their rights are trampled upon, then eventually there won't be any places left to move to. :uhoh:
Yep, it's terrible here. Please stay away.


trust me, we are. I left CA to TX 8 months ago... i came here because the multi BILLION dollar company i work for left CA to TX and I as well as my fiancee came with.

there are a lot of things i miss about CA, but overall... You can keep it. LOL... and the gun situation is just a big bonus :)

Im looking at BEAUTIFUL homes for $120-150k that i couldn't find in santa clarita for less then 600k. Gas is a buck cheaper a gallon and people are friendly and will just start a conversation here... yeah, i can do without CA LOL

I still visit Calguns to see whats going on, and i still write CA politicians to put pressure on them to change the laws. I also support CA's pro gun movement 100% and do what i can to help and a failure or setback still hurts to see. I will ship to CA and don't like how others just won't ship and see CA gun owners as equal's. Having been on that end, i will always fight for CA, i just have no desire to move back to that place in its current condition.
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What I've had trouble with is this:

If a gun is determined to be "safe" then how can it be considered "unsafe" just by no longer being on the list due to nothing more than a fee was not paid.

If a gun makes the list it should stay on the list.
rchangel, that is over simplifing it to the N'th degree because NEVER will California have enough people who want to "vote out" the types who make these laws. There has been a super far left political body there forever. I would bet a years pay that if one took a poll there in Cali that 80% of everyone there would say they would never vote for a true conservative or a right thinking Democrat.
And when it all goes down the toilet,They will want the rest of us to bail them out.
If a gun is determined to be "safe" then how can it be considered "unsafe" just by no longer being on the list due to nothing more than a fee was not paid.

Good question. Stand by and see what the judges say. The whole issue of a "safe handgun" is already before the courts courtesy of the red blooded CA residents. :)

And when it all goes down the toilet,They will want the rest of us to bail them out.

California's worthless, financially corrupt government is like a major bank in that way (too big to fail)--we should let them fail. The US government uses the same scheme, by the way, expecting China to bail them out--China should let them fail, too. But nobody will let any of them fail, and so the cycle of corruption continues and intensifies.
Most of the problems you see are not limited to or especially California's. They are America's.

When folks choose to beat on California, or any particular state for that matter, it seems to me that their eyes are focused on one or another aspect of the politics of the folks that rule that state, or they attribute some characteristic to the state that they don't like. A fella writes off all the millions of people that live in a state, all the geography and wildlife, etc. because of the idiocy of the ruling rich of that state and the two parties that serve them.

Nowdays it's politically correct to beat on California. A fella can show their solidarity with all the popular prejudices by doing so. Millions of working people have no say in the price of a house in silicon valley. I have no more say about that than I do the gun laws here. But for some it's allright to insult me and all the other high-roaders that hail from the west (I believe actually that there may be more folks on this forum from California than any other state, or at least close), it's good manners to some to tell me I'm a chump for living in the state I was born in because you don't like a law passed by both parties here. And a gun law to boot!

It's a regional prejudice. When you look at it closely it makes no sense to write off the population of a whole state because you don't like some of it's laws. Once you do that you write off your potential allies in the fight to change those laws. That ain't important to some. It is to me.

Roccobro said:
Good question. Stand by and see what the judges say. The whole issue of a "safe handgun" is already before the courts courtesy of the red blooded CA residents.

Pena v Cid = the court case currently pending in the Federal District Court system.
Judge ordered it on hold until the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals determines the outcome of Nordyke v King, which is on hold until SCOTUS determines the outcome of McDonald v Chicago.

So, in the next 1-3 years, the CA DOJ approved list may be struck down for being unconstitutional.
Best cure for California's crazy gun laws is to move. I split for another and better state. Just as beautiful as Cali, without the crowds. If more gunowners left Dodge, think of all the taxes the Golden State would lose for their stupidity.
ironvic said:
Best cure for California's crazy gun laws is to move. I split for another and better state. Just as beautiful as Cali, without the crowds. If more gunowners left Dodge, think of all the taxes the Golden State would lose for their stupidity.
All the gunowners leaving CA is one of the reasons why all the anti-gun laws are getting passed in CA. All the pro-gunners still in CA are outnumbered by the anti-gunners and sheeple.

So in CA, the more pro-gun cowards leave the more anti-gun laws get passed.
"Anti-gun" laws were pushed during Ronald Reagan's terms as Governor of CA to keep guns out of the hands of blacks, American Indians and left-wing radicals. Back then, it was popular for conservatives to support that...

Learn your history everyone.

Better to understand what the real battle is and fight that (legally) in an organized manner than to think that you can move-away from the government.
Better to understand what the real battle is and fight that (legally) in an organized manner than to think that you can move-away from the government.

Agreed. I've been a part of several drives done to flood the in box of another State Legislatures officer. I can see the anti-2 in every state and will do what I can to stop it ANYWHERE I see it.

I just hope we are not the minority in my thinking among members on THR...

I try not to judge all the people of Californiastan by their politics, but the majority of them did vote for Nancy Pelosi. Over and over again.

And I can blame everyone in that state if I want to. Has anyone over their even tried lifting a finger or getting a little dirty to fix that dumb state. I also despise my tax dollors going to that wellfare state, when that state is darn near an island paradise allready. it's time for California to rise up and fix it's own problems, or be left alone to it's own devices.

I'm in the furors socialist republic of Ohio. What have I done to help our situation? Tea parties, assemblies, disowned every single member of my familly (except for one idiot closely related) that has voted for Obama or Dennis Kucinich, ditched every single friend that has done the same.

Still trying to work out more productive means. But the folks that refuse to listen to reason have been told to stay out of my life. I don't need further bad influences.

So I'm clearly into "lets build a fence around Californiastan" or pray it falls into the ocean.
So in CA, the more pro-gun cowards leave the more anti-gun laws get passed.

If you go to Vegas and sit at a blackjack table, And you proceed to lose EVERY hand... i bet you would walk away.

Just like CA gun laws. without the occasional win or that "We did good" feeling, there isn't much reason to stick around when you have a "New Table" to go play at.

As an EX-CA resident, i still donate to Calguns foundation, and i still write CA officials.

If you go to Vegas and sit at a blackjack table, And you proceed to lose EVERY hand... i bet you would walk away.

You do know that blackjack and every other bit of gambling is designed so that the House always has favorable odds against you?

I don't find legal and responsible firearms ownership issues anything like gambling.
I hate the California gun roster. I really want a light small gun to carry around the house and every where i look, people are asking for $500+ for a used Ruger LCP...
Most of the guns on the removed link also show up on the newly added guns list. The listing needs to be renewed every two years. They are shown as being removed but also added with a new "expiration" date.

It costs something like 200 bucks to renew a listing. Once it's on the list, it doesn't come off unless the maker wants it to.
That's not what I saw looking on the pages. there are 32 pages of guns removed from the approved list and only ONE GUN added!

I noticed the S&W M442 2nd Amendment Foundation revolver was removed! I guess they decided it was counter to their agenda to have a gun for sale in their state that donates funds to fight them!!!

Even though this is a 3+ year old thread brought back from the dead!
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