Can we drop the term "bubba"?

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Aug 10, 2006
I was wondering if we could drop the term "Bubba-ing" a gun. Aside from being a verbal abortion, I find the term silly. It goes back to the stero-type of the stupid hillbilly named Bubba that tries to fis his weapon with a hacksaw and a hammer.

I live in the south and have enough stero-types to fight. I don't drinklbeer, I don't watch NASCAR, I'm not raceist, and I'm not stupid.

However, my friends and I do call each other "Bubba", much the way one might use the word "Dude".

It just doesn't seem the high-road way to me.

Here's the challenge: Let's come up with something better!

When I hear the term "bubba" as in:"man, this would be a nice enfield if someone hadn't bubba'd it", I just think about some guy who cut up a rifle, not some ignorant sterotypical "hillbilly".
ya'd have to get the entire collecting community to decide to change a term thats been in use for the last 35 years.............

Good luck but ya might wanna change your own user handle first ;)
Um.. pointless I think. Get rid of "bubba" and another word will come along to take the place of "amateurish hack job (especially on a milsurp)."

And I like some post-war sporterizations. :)
Joe the Redneck,

Given the connotation that "redneck" has in many places, the request that we not use the term "bubba" from someone named "Joe the Redneck" has me LMAO!!!!!

This thread is funny.

I mean, really.

Ever look at the word "bubba"?

Ever roll it around in your mouth a little bit before you spit it out?



C'mon... it's a funny word.

Who'd want to be called bubba? Sounds like something your toddler calls his/her blanket, or binkie. Whatever. Or something you need to wipe off the baby's face after feeding time. Oooo... little Harvey's got a bubba on his chin. Icky!

Joe the Redneck. Bubba the Redneck.


And this is from a guy who's username is meef, so you know I don't take myself too seriously.

And.... I'm from the south too. I still think bubba-izing something is an appropriate term.

Don't you just hate it when somebody bubbas an otherwise really nice specimen of a milsurp rifle?

I think 'bubba' is more endearing than having F'd something up :D or calling someone a F'n redneck ;) Bubba is a much better name/term in my book. OTOH, we could just start using a term like Jack-Hole...two unrelated words that when put together seem almost insulting....look, now you've got me thinking...on a saturday no less :rolleyes:

That moniker's association with the 42nd President of the United States and arch enemy of all law-abiding gun owners is what really makes me cringe.:eek:
I live in the south and have enough stero-types to fight. I don't drinklbeer, I don't watch NASCAR, I'm not raceist, and I'm not stupid.

Now see, if you hadn't been
so much beer while trying to watch NASCAR and post at the same time, you might have convinced us of the inaccuracy of the

(I'm from Texas myself... but no one is going to think any Amurrican is a genius until we stop paying for Aid To Dependent Dictators :scrutiny:).
Saying the gun is "bubba'd" is to say it is f'd up. That some guy with more tools and free time than sense destroyed the value of his gun. That one little word paints a picture in your head-and a picture is worth 1000 words. So swapping bubba out for a new word cause it could be "offensive" and hurt your "feelings" is the same as calling a suspect a "person of interest" or an illegal alien "undocumented". It's just another part of the sissification of America.
Your fighting a losing battle Redneck

Southern bashing is the last bastion of acceptable bigotry, as evidenced by the many redneck references made here.

Bubba-ing is the acceptable equivalent of Afro-Engineering (which is an update from another term.
Those terms have been deemed offensive, we just have to wait our turn
How about we call it "Clintoning"? Bubba is Slick's nickname in my household. Plus, converting a "deadly military weapon" to a sporterized form would have made Slick happy.
As long as we're on the subject, I'll air a pet peeve of mine.

There are lots of old surplus military rifles that were sporterized in various forms since the end of the Civil War - or War Between the States, as you prefer.

Military rifles have all been robustly built. Which is to say, downright heavy. When surplused out to the commonfolk, most people thought they were better served with rifle lighter and more convenient to carry. So they reworked them.

Many of them were done well. That is, the cuts were planned out, made carefully, the exposed ends on both metal and wood dressed properly and the result was - for the particular user - a handier and more useful tool.

Some were less carefully done.

My complaint is all the above are designated as "bubba'd". My complaint is even stronger when the derision is spouted by some non-shooting collector.

I'm really sorry for your perceived loss, but somewhere, someone needed a convenient and dependable hunting rifle - and at the time, the rifle he could afford was simply the one in the "Your Choice: $5.00" bin. That's why that Arisaka with the intact 'mum' was cut up. It wasn't a priceless collector at the time. In fact, were it not for sporterizing, the remainders would not be 'collector grade'.

Not all home gunsmithing is hack work.
Really, I'm surprised, Joe. Coming on to THIS forum, asking for a reprieve on something that offends you?

Come on. You know better.:neener:
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