Canadian border guards want guns.

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Sleeping Dog

Dec 25, 2002
Canadian border guards went on strike yesterday, or just didn't show for work, leaving the job to supervisors. Traffic slowed down between Michigan and Ontario.

The border guards are asking to carry guns on the job. They feel that they're at some disadvantage when it comes to pulling over armed travelers. They say that all they can do with an armed traveler is to let him go, and then call the police to report it.

It would be nice if they could carry guns. Along with anyone else who wants to carry one.

Anyway, they're back to work today. After all, they're Canadians, nice peaceful folks, and don't want to cause a ruckus after they've made their point.

They don't really need guns.

If the Canadian govt. were interested in the safety of thier border patrol officers, they'd have them follow the US-BG model.

Require them to pull back. Say maybe about 90KM North from where they are now. Give them a warm office and a nice pot of coffee and make them let everyone in w/o checking them unless forced to by a citizen with at least five collaborative witnesses in tow. If the citizen does not have at least five witnesses, they must have a signed petition with at least 100 unique signatures on it.*

*It is only required that at least 25% of the signatures belong to U.S. citizens.

Their tax collectors along the 49th. So when do we want to rush off and protect tax collectors? Besides the US has their country in lock down so the only people crossing our 49th are good old boys from the US.

Problem is more with ports of entry and our International Airports though I must confess arming our Border people along the 49th might even up the odds when drug dealers try to run the border.

Best spend money on CCIS and RCMP for internal/ecternal security.

I do note that Bush installed Nuclear detectors at some of the points of crossing into the US. I hear it stopped a bunch of seniors going to Florida. Apparently, the detectors picked up the Nuclear powered heart pacemakers some of the seniors were using. Now there is a threat to the Republic if there ever was one.

Stay Safe
I do note that Bush installed Nuclear detectors at some of the points of crossing into the US. I hear it stopped a bunch of seniors going to Florida. Apparently, the detectors picked up the Nuclear powered heart pacemakers some of the seniors were using.
:uhoh: **cough ** BS! **cough** :rolleyes:
Henry Bowman said:
:uhoh: **cough ** BS! **cough** :rolleyes:
Not necessarily. I think some pacemakers use radiothermal generators for power. They're not nuclear fission (or fusion). Rather, they're a teeny tiny amount of radioactive material, which generates heat as it decays. The heat can be converted to energy by solid state devices. Small, low power, zero maintenance, long term energy supplies. Exactly what you need in a pacemaker.

Radiothermal generators also see use on deep-space spacecraft, where, again, low power demands, long duration, zero maintenance are exactly what you're looking for.
I'm just saying that if they emit enough radiation to be detected against background as someone drives by, they are emitting so much as to be a danger to the user and a spouse who spends 8 hours in bed in close proximity.
I heard recently from what should be a reliable source that people who have recently had any kind of radiation treatment or been subjected to a medical procedure that uses radiation will set off a "dirty bomb detector" for several days after the treatment.
Henry Bowman said:
I'm just saying that if they emit enough radiation to be detected against background as someone drives by, they are emitting so much as to be a danger to the user and a spouse who spends 8 hours in bed in close proximity.

So it would seem. Or maybe my tritium gas tube watch would set off their detectors?
Well I know that when I was in the Navy a few years back I had a bone scan done and was warned by medical that I was to avoid any buildings on base that had radiation detectors installed because what they injected me with would set off the detectors for three days after the test was run.

So I could see something as small as a pacemaker setting off certain types of rad detector.
Henry Bowman

I hate to break your bubble but the detectors are installed at the Detroit/Windsor crosssing and when senior, a woman in her 70's was held over for 48 hours while they tried to find out what set off the detectors. No B.S., sorry. And yes the detectors picked up the small amount of radiation coming from the nuclear powered pacemaker.

Now don't you feel more comfortable that Bush & Co. installed the detectors ( I read in the same article the detectors cost over $500 Million US to install). Money might have been better spent building a wall along your Mexican border IMHO.

One thing about polticians you can count on them to find every conceivable way possible to spend taxpayers money.

Frankly I would be more worried about the wing nuts running around with binoculars staring across the 49th watching for god knows what than I would worrying about a group carrying across a nuclear bomb from Canada into the US. CCIS and the CIA have this thing about tracking would be terrorists.

Stay Safe
Are the Canadians having a lot of problems with North Dakotans that they need guns?


I don't think they need guns now if they never said they needed them in the past.

Has Paul Martin cleared this idea with the UN?
Dear Canadian Immigration and Naturalization:

I don't feel one bit sorry for you! May you rot in perdition with the rest of your corrupt Socialist government!

<Art the Garbageman took out the trash.>

Jay Kominek said:
Not necessarily. I think some pacemakers use radiothermal generators for power. They're not nuclear fission (or fusion). Rather, they're a teeny tiny amount of radioactive material, which generates heat as it decays. The heat can be converted to energy by solid state devices. Small, low power, zero maintenance, long term energy supplies. Exactly what you need in a pacemaker.

Radiothermal generators also see use on deep-space spacecraft, where, again, low power demands, long duration, zero maintenance are exactly what you're looking for.
Yes. A very very small number of pacemakers were made with Plutonium RTGs:

Apparently there are about a hundred thought to be still in use (ie, implanted people walking around). I assume that the radiation detectors are sensitive to pick these up, but most likely they are responding to people who have had recent radio-isotope procedures, like a thallium scan, which is a common procedure for assessing the heart. There are a whole bunch of scans now that involve using small amounts of radio isotopes.
I still worry about the days in the 80s when I worked with nuclear level controls in a chemical build-up environment. The source shot gamma rays through the tank, which were picked up at the detector on the other side. The isotope inside the source was Cesium 137, one of the most poisonous substances known to man. I don't think I would be too keen on wearing a nuclear device inside me, no matter what the size.

How Two!

Hardly worth a response give the number of American friends I have. Continue to take your pills in the morning and the little people who talk to you, in the morning, will slowly go away.

Stay Safe
Don't they know that they are seventeen times more likely to accidentally shoot themselves if they possess a firearm? I read that at Handgun Control Inc., so it must be true. They are much better off being unarmed.
robertbank said:
How Two!

Hardly worth a response give the number of American friends I have. Continue to take your pills in the morning and the little people who talk to you, in the morning, will slowly go away.

Stay Safe

Its YOUR Socialist government, not mine! Turn in your guns, and nurse at the breast of "Mother Toronto" (they know what's best for you, eh?)

You permitted the goverment to "control" your arms, now pay the price. :neener:

How will they fight gun crime if they carry guns themselvers. I mean, they must be a good example to all would be crooks, don't they? :uhoh:
But wait...I thought guns were their biggest problem up there? I thought that an unarmed society was a polite society to them?

This is sarcasm by the way....
I always find it funny that when I go into Canada, some 60 year old grandpa is checking my car.

When I go back into America, an M16 toting soldier is the one doing the checks.
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