Carry at work

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Aug 25, 2009
So, when I was at work today I was thinking....
How many of you guys carry while at work? If you do carry, what type of job do you have and method of carry?

Unfortunately, I can't carry yet since it's virtually impossible to get a carry permit in CA :fire: and I'm not a cop yet (in hiring process with the sheriff's department). I currently work in construction, so even if I had a permit I couldn't carry because of the nature the job.
I cant carry at work, Government Building thing. Wish I could last week we had some guy threaten to come down "there" and have some fun and then kill himself. We had our own personal police patrol for the week.
While I have a CCW permit, I can't carry at work, which happens to be in the middle of a nuclear power generating station. I carry the other 3 days of the week I am not at work.
I would not carry at work because of enviromental conditions - dust, welding sparks, etc. My gun stays in my vehicle, which is about 50 ft. from the entry door. My employer knows I have a concealed permit and has even asked me to carry on a trip we took once. I have gun related items mailed to my work address and if I want to, I can practice out back behind the building.
Pretty lucky, huh?
Jealous ^

I carry at work, but im just in a cubicle at home all day, literally at home.
Upon reflection it sort of depends on the season and what I'm doing. In the summer/"nice weather" I carry almost all the time. Lots of work outdoors, remote places, etc. just sort of where the client wants me. In the winter/"more nasty weather", when I'm indoors, frequenting government offices and schools I carry less frequently. Then again, I do a lot of construction in the winter as well and carry then too.
I carry at work, although if I am going to be doing work in your home or business (I am a Locksmith/Gun Dealer) I remove my open carry gun (still leaves at least two others) I just don't want to scare the folks from back east and I feel it is only polite. The only way I will be kept from carrying at least concealed will require metal detectors!
I recently got a new job. The company is new, so there is not yet a company policy against the carry of guns. I really wish I could have an influence, so that, when the topic comes up, we can have the ability to carry at work. I do not think that will ever be allowed. I have found out that my boss is very against handguns, so I can't get caught. I carry a PF-9 IWB and wear shirts that are a bit longer than a T-shirt.

All of my past jobs have required that I not carry, so I carried using an ankle holster (at the risk of losing my job if caught). It was better than leaving the gun in the car, which was also against company policy.
I have two jobs, one is as a LEO, one as a respiratory therapist. Obviously there's no issues carrying at the first one, however, the hospital has a no weapons policy for employees. After speaking to the HR director, who in turn spoke to the CEO, the decision was made that there is a benefit to having an armed LEO on the premises (it's a very small rural hospital with no security except the maintenance guys) and they waived the the weapons policy in my case. I wear scrubs when working and carry a J-frame in an ankle holster.

Interestingly, when we were having this discussion, the subject of CCW permit holders came up and they asked if we should have the hospital posted with "no weapons" signs like some others in the area. I told them that I didn't think it was necessary and explained the process that a permit holder goes through to get it and how the only people that would be affected by would be the law abiding and anyone intent on doing something bad would ignore it. I was quite surprised when they saw the logic in my argument and agreed to leave things the way they were.
I kinda carry at work. I work in a machine shop and usually leave it in my toolbox, unless it is night time or early morning and I am alone. If I carry it all day it bangs into everything and gets dirty,sweaty and greasy. I also keep a 12 ga. pump in a lower drawer of my toolbox so I guess I qualify as carrying at work.
I don't carry while at work mainly because if I got caught I'd be be fired.:eek:
I carry the entire rest of the day. When I get out of my truck I disarm and go into the mill, when I get back to my truck I rearm.
I'm now retired, so it's not an issue. When I was working, it was not permitted on the job. I did keep a handgun in my truck in the employee parking lot, although it was also prohibited. The lot was only a 60 second walk.
Carrying will get you fired where I work. Not even allowed in your vehicle when on company property. That even includes knives.
even if I had a permit I couldn't carry because of the nature the job.

How so? I'm a mechanic, which is one of the most demanding jobs in terms of having to contort yourself into strange positions under hoods and dashboards to reach things. Yet I do not find this a hinderance in keeping my belt-clipped P-32 at the 5 O'clock inside my pants.

My PF-9 is a little too large, so it stays in my coat pocket in the office, or in my car when the weather is too warm to have a jacket.

Boss knows I carry, and knows I'm responsible, so feels just fine about it. He's not a fellow gunny and doesn't own one, but has absoutely nothing against them, either. Just not his cup of tea.
I do not carry at work.

Lockheed Martin... you get the idea. HUGE no no with very bad consequences if you were caught. Cannot have firearms anywhere on their property.
I was recently laid off. But I did carry at work. I was a working supervisor, so I kept my pistol in my office, holstered to a bracket under my desk I made. We weren't allowed to carry or bring weapons into the builiding, but, I wasn't going to make me or other empolyees needless victums.
Weapons were a common site previously at my old job, but an incident with someone getting shot in the hand with a BB gun, got all guns banned from the builiding.

I guess it depends on the job environment and how you feel about being reprimanded or fired for not complying with company regs. I will always be carrying at least in my vehicle.
It may not always be possible, but sometimes a "don't ask, don't tell" approach is warranted.
I recently had a discussion with a couple co-workers who candidly admitted to doing what I have been doing.
Jobs can be replaced. Lives cannot.
If your company has a policy against carrying I'm not sure this is a great topic to discuss on a public forum. You are not as anonymous as you believe and especially if you mention employer names it may come back on you.

The consequences for me would be being fired and banned from ever working for the second largest private employer in the area.
Retired now. Couldn't really carry at work (Gov't. office) when I did work but I did anyway - sometimes. When I worked ouside, I'd carry all of the time but not so much when I knew that I'd have to be in all day. My weapon was still in my vehicle, though.
it's virtually impossible to get a carry permit in CA

That just depends on which county you're in.

I have a CA CCW, and work is the only place I don't carry due to some stupid policy that was probably put in place for insurance reasons.
Yes, and I allow my staff to carry as well, permit or not. If we leave the office, however, the jurisdiction laws must be adhered to.

I have several CHLs who always carry. Some of the other folks will keep a pistol in their cube / office. It's not a requirement to carry, just an option, and many don't.

We work in a very nice office tower, wear suit and tie, and frequently work into the evening. We also have a policy that nobody can be in the office alone: there always has to be two, and one is normally armed.

For a professional job and setting, I was pleasantly surprised by how many "thank yous" I received when I made carrying optional. What really caught me off guard was how many women appreciated it since they, too, work into the evening and were uncomfortable walking to their vehicles.

Even though we have controlled-access parking and a security guard or two to escort them, I think the ladies who carry might just be more of the "security" detail than the guy carrying the flashlight!
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