carry at work?

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May 24, 2004
Do you guys carry into the office or where ever you work? I do but, my guess is that if anybody ever spoted my weapon, I would be quickley unemployed. I work in a warehouse enviroment where we turn over a fair amount of help. One because we are seasonal operation and the other just cause...My feeling is one day one of the disgrunteled employees will come back to settle a score with either the warehouse manager or fellow employee.
if it makes you feel safe then you should do it. your own personal welfare is more important than a job. jobs are repaceable, your life isnt.
I work in a furniture store/warehouse on the wrong side of town and the boss is a bleeding heart liberal green party watermelon (green on the outside, communist red on the inside). I carry in little discrete pocket planner. If I get terminated for carry so be it. The measly amount of pay I'm drawing isn't worth the risk of some dirtbag coming in to rob the joint and finding out we don't do any business in cash (mostly internet or checks). The perp will likely get all bent out of shape 'cause he won't be able to get his fix and do something rash.

Unless your job is paying 5 or 6 zeroes, you can find another job. You can't come back from the dead.
In the last week in April, I worked until midnight on Moday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday I went to the rally at the state capitol and took the night off.

That night there was a riot in front of my work building.

See? Guns DO save lives! :)
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my guess is that if anybody ever spoted my weapon, I would be quickley unemployed.

If you are lawfully carrying and the company has no written policy forbidding the carrying of firearms on their premises and they fire you for legally carrying then you leave work and drive directly to your lawyer's office and get those papers filed in your wrongful termination suit, then wait for your check :D
I do carry to work. I work in a customer service center, but I am the only male closer, so if anything did happen, I would be the one chosen to deal with it. And almost all the women that I close up with have histories of being stalked, they have restraining orders on people, some have recently left insane boyfriends who have been seen outside of the call center. One of these insance boyfriends left his girlfriend because of a fight that started when he accused her of sleeping with me. That was funny, until I saw the guy, he's scary... My boss knows I have CCW, it came up in conversation one day, but he doesn't know I carry to work. If he did find out I'm sure it would just be a coaching issue, of "people would feel more secure if you didn't have a firearm on you" in which case the firearm would be moved to my backpack. :D
When my state's law changed to allow carry for more people(not just those w/influence or lots of $$$$)my employer & several other employees went & took the CHL test together.:)
Is A
f you are lawfully carrying and the company has no written policy forbidding the carrying of firearms on their premises and they fire you for legally carrying then you leave work and drive directly to your lawyer's office and get those papers filed in your wrongful termination suit, then wait for your check

Depends on your state, here in IN, it is at-will they can fire you at any time for any reason and your only recourse is unemployment.
Depends on your state, here in IN, it is at-will they can fire you at any time for any reason and your only recourse is unemployment.
Same thing with here in Colorado, but all that means is you have no recourse through the state ... you can still sue for wrongful termination anywhere.
Of course not, that would violate company policy. Oh that? That's not a pistol rug, it's a manly mini-briefcase for... uh... laptop accessories. :evil:

- 0 -
It really, really irks me that I can't carry at work. If I did and they found out I'd be out the door within minutes probably. But the job pays well (real well) and is practically stress free so I've pretty much decided to keep it (at least until it becomes 100% stress free - boredom and me don't get along well).

That said:
if it makes you feel safe then you should do it. your own personal welfare is more important than a job. jobs are repaceable, your life isnt.

True - jobs are replacable. Though I imagine explaining why you left your last job ("uhhhhh.... they fired me cuz I wuz packin' heat" or something to that effect) would put a major crimp in the ole job search.

One could of course just lie - but lies have a way of eventually rearing their ugly heads and bitin' one in the butt at the most inopportune of times.

Packing at work is a personal decision but it does entail some risk. Everyone needs to be cognizant of that risk before the decide to pack at work.
Absolutely not. Not me. Not allowed. Against the regs. Not me. Absolutely not. Got a permit, too.

Of course the regs do allow visitors to carry. :banghead:

Nope. Not me. Absolutely not. They'd have to fire me if they caught me.

By employees? Or by visitors?

Most large retailers allow customers to carry. I would guess that most ban employee carry.
I have an office and a company vehicle. I spend a lot of time in both. I carry in both. I helped the boss's wife, son and 3 other people at work get their ccw's. Now there 6-8 of us at work who carry.
This summer I'm working at a big garden, so in addition to many large sharp gardening implements I will be carrying my fighting folder. Err, utility knife. :cool:

I'm the assistant sheperd, err teacher, of a bunch of little ones. Someone's gotta look out for them. This garden is in the middle of Golden Gate Park, home of pervs, rapists, molestors, murderers, crack smokers and dope doers!

Stay safe-
I guess I'll roll with it. Did I say I carry , I meant, should I , could I , huh, the suns in my eyes. :cool: Thanks for the good words.

Our state is at will, I do carry lawfully. I hope I would not be fired but, I bet there would be some discussion. Anyway thanks again.
I carry at work every day. My gun is always well concealed, despite our year round hot weather, and nobody has ever shown any indication that they may suspect that I carry.

The most amusing incident was with an employee who was proudly showing me his new CHL and he said "you should get one" but I told him I didn't think I needed one. All the while, and every single time he has ever seen me, I was packing a Springfield .45.
Our state is At Will also.

We do have a no weapons policy that we make the students sign.

I never signed anything.

For a Union, and for them to always give money to the anti-gun pols, a surprising number of the "working joes" are gun owners and many have their permits.

Unless they were really looking for a way to get rid of you, then you don't have to worry about termination. Of course, if you had to use it at any time, then they would probably CYA themselves and fire you.

Got the Double Whammie
Can't Carry in the State, outlawed in People's republic of Chicago.
Against Company Policy to carry at work....

But can and do shoot straight and offten...
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