Cartridge display ideas?

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Jan 13, 2007
Western Colorado
I'm working on a cartridge display and while I think I've got a good idea of what I want, I need a way to hold them in place. It can't be permanent but fairly secure. Here's sort of a prototype of what I'm working with.


Any ideas?
Put some cartridge boxes and other goodies in the display. Makes it much more interesting! Every cartridge box in the pic is full of ammo, including the Kynoch .475#2 Nitro Express box. The little blue box of "Cat Butt Gum" is the icing on the cake.

I even have a five pack of Cuban Cohiba's in there for a little flavor. That box is NOT full.....I smoked em'


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Why do you need to hold them in place? Unless you live in earthquake country, they won't move. The wire Idea will only keep them from falling off the shelf. It won't keep them from moving around. Go with the tape of the glue.
I can see what the OP wants: a reasonably secure display where they won't all go tumbling if he knocks one over by mistake. But...he also wants to be able to take them down to photograph or show people or rearrange as necessary. Am I right, mokin?
You could drill two small holes in the backboard behind each cartridge and secure it at the base by means of a loop of clear fishing line in the case rim, or above the rim as required. Instead of tying the twine tight at the back of the board, you could tie one end fast and have the other end weighted by a small flat piece of lead.
I would also polish them and spray with one coat of rattle can clear lacquer....................
Here is my current collection. This just represents the cartridges for guns I own currently. It's an old typeset drawer I found painted at a local picker/knick-knack store. Currently there is nothing holding the cases in but I may use Glue-Dot I suggested earlier if there gets to me many more. I need better labels, currently hand written stickers that are hard to read.

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Love your display case! The ammo boxes and other artifacts really lend themselves well to a colorful and interesting cartridge display.
Love your display case!
Thanks. It took a lot of years to collect all those different boxes of ammo. Interestingly enough, I got the two full boxes of Knyoch Nitro Express ammo for $20 each. The second one is .450 3 1/4" Nitro Express. Both were full. The guy didn't know what he had. All the boxes are full but the seals on some of the 22 ammo boxes have been broken. Too bad. That purple box near the lower right is a box of Winchester target ammo. It's about a hundred years old. It would have been worth a couple of hundred dollars if the seal had remained unbroken. As is......maybe $50. Oh, well....
Thanks for the ideas. The display I have pictured is something I just put together out of leftover materials from a cabinet project eight or nine years ago. My collection has grown since I set it up (and even since I took that picture). It has also evolved beyond what I envisioned when I started it a dozen or so years ago. I'm rethinking the way the cartridges are organized as I collect more. That and the fact that people who see it usually like to pick up cartridges is why I want them to be "moveable". The display currently does double duty as a cabinet door so it is prone to being bumped. I think Odd Job has the right idea.

Nice displays tark and mcb. I really like the boxes tark and the typeset box is really cool mcb.
How about using nails or welding rod mounted vertical in the display boards. Punch out the primers in the cases and insert the rounds down onto the “nail/post”.
I've used printer's trays to display small items. Spray-tac sprayed on both sides of a sheet of kraft paper and then cut to size will hold items in place without doing harm. Thin plexiglass can be hung as a cover to minimize dust.
... I got the two full boxes of Knyoch Nitro Express ammo for $20 each. The second one is .450 3 1/4" Nitro Express. Both were full.
May I say, with all respect and love, I HATE YOU!!!!!

Of course, should I get a chance like that, I would see they were reverently handled and in a loving home. Nice catch.
May I say, with all respect and love, I HATE YOU!!!!!
Lol. I got them at a gun show a few years ago. The vendor has wised up since then He has quite a lot of Kynoch ammo, but he wants $125 a box now. Too much to spend on a display case.
If you are standing the cases up on shelves/ledges, you can keep them from rolling about by using fine (±28ga) brass wire passed through the back through a pair of holes just a touch bigger than the wire, then twisted together.

You'll want the frame to be a bit deeper than the back, just so it will hang neater anyway. Which means the ends of the twisted wire can be kept long enough to undo as needed.

Alternately, you could epoxy brass wire on one side of the case. The ends of the wire could be bent 90º and passed through holes in the back. The wires could then be secured using really tiny brass screws (circa #32 x 3/32") which would simply just hold the wire pinched to the holse in the back. All of which would be small enough to be nearly invisible. Best thing about this approach is that the cartridges could then "float" on the back material, and not need a ledge or shelf at all. This makes labeling a tad easier.
My 2¢
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