caught unarmed, condition white, glad i'm not Adam.

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i agree with the parent situation. im only 20, so it applies to me even more then some other high roaders because i live at home. my brother (24) has had a few run ins with this, but we both know that even though my dad is 55, he is still the law of the land :p
"I'm afraid I don't understand.

If you're military, and you work out at the Fort, carrying is out of the question? Are you saying that military personnel who are trained to fight alongside one another IN BATTLE, with automatic weapons and explosives, are not permitted to carry a simple handgun for personal protection while on the base?"

We have a winner! Give the little lady a prize! A military installation has one guy in over-all charge, the "Post Commander". He has a lot of leeway on how "his" post is run. Since an incident with a gun, IF it were allowed on the post, might keep him from ever being Chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff, they all simply ban the things. Of course, the few bad apples that intend mischief just ignore the ban, and the banning has "unintended consequences" - here at Fort Sill, the skeet range is dying a slow death from under-use, so we get e-mails begging us to come shoot and telling us the hours. The problem is guns are allowed on post only if they are registered, and only for going straight to the range (or hunting) and straight home - the only exceptions are "stops of limited duration" basically to buy gas. Means you can't lock your shotgun in the trunk and go shoot clay pidgoens at lunch. Not to mention they completely disregard state CCW licenses, so I'm effectively disarmed not only on post, but onthe way to and from my government contractor job. Of course, Military Intelligence, CID, MPs and various other Government Ninjas all exempt themselves, as well as any visiting members of the LEO Club - the rest of us second-class citizens are left to bleed and die if the SHTF. It's almost as stupid as the so-called gate-check "security" measures - I won't go into details, in case someone with ill intent is reading this, but suffice it to say we are spending a lot of money, wasting a lot of time, and making things very inconvenient for everybody,... and actually making the post LESS SAFE!!!! (Kinda like the TSA on a local level). But "His Generalship" can check off the block on his OER that says "implimented post-wide security measures" and "banned personal weapons"....

"That seems about as stupid as the law saying a 20-year-old can fly an aircraft with 500 lb. bombs but can't purchase a handgun. "

Amen, bother.
I'm a pretty 'paranoid' guy. Type that checks multiple windows on the way to the door when there is an unexpected knock. I have missed many visitors simply because it took me too long to get to the door! :)

But, one night after I had moved into a rental house in a not so nice area, I get a knock on the door at 2am. I foolishly go answer it! In my robe, gun back in the nightstand! They (yes, a group) were looking for someone who apparently used to live there. Could have been extremely bad considering the neighborhood and that particular house's past record...lots of drug activity and homicides in that area at the time. I have since bought a home in a much nicer town.

It's hard staying sharp all the time, but it is better than stumbling blindly into those Condition White situations!
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