CCW Legal on Oregon University Campuses.

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I suppose Oregon state law does not give their board of regents power to regulate firearms. In Idaho, they do have that power and they used it to ban guns on campus. So state institutions have the power to override our 2nd amendment right.

I think the comments after that article are a mix of the same stuff we heard here in Idaho last winter before our failed house bill 222. Same old stuff about having a "right" to disarm fellow students, about buying a "right" to attend class, about people not being able to study and learn if weapons are around. Yeah, right, because concealed guns are going to somehow make people nervous. College administrators live in a dream world where gun policies keep guns off campus, although there are already students carrying concealed in classes every day.

All too often people confuse rights with privileges. No one has a right to disarm everyone around them.
Ah, but it's still Oregon. They must be having fits over this in the People's Republic of Eugene.

Does it still take 3 Oregonians to change a lightbulb?
One to change it, one to recycle the old bulb, and one to file the Environmental Impact Statement?
Have family in Oregon, my mom is considering moving their when the lease is up. Without anything to hold me here beside school, I may follow after a semester.

Good to see that Eugene doesn't offer up 'Chicago syndrome'.

Now if I could just find how they feel about the rest of my toys...
N.C. state law disallows for this but it really seems sort-a ignorant because the people who are legaly armed, i.e people with concealed carry permits are almost always to a person NOT the ones who you need to worry about. My state also Disallows for carry in banks/financial institutions another sort-a dumb rule. Since the bad guys are not going to abide by these rules it just seems to make sense to let law abiding citizens have the means to protect theirselves. Sorry for the long rant but just thought it needed to be said. Hooray for Oregon!!
Ringo- No, it takes 4. You forgot the other idiot standing there crowing about how Green they are.
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