Cease Fire???

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Blago is wacking funding for Daley's little anti-gun project, I bet you'll be on the street looking for a new job because of this by the end of the year.
Hmm ... a pro-gun person working for Cease-Fire.

Sounds like the punchline of a joke ... like a Jew joining the Nazis (if you'll forgive the Godwin) or a black guy joining the Klan or something.
Not to mention the fact as someone else pointed out, they're highly compromised with criminals.

It's nothing more than a scam to funnel public funds into gangs.

Let me know if you need help, I'm in the Western 'Burbs. This sounds like the perfect opportunity to do some grassroots teaching and work behind enemy lines.

I'd love to see the headline "CeaseFire supports Concealed Carry Legislation in Illinois." :evil::D

Then again, do you know what the nice thing thing about beating your head against wall is ???? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

It feels good when you stop......:neener:
No. I won't lift a single finger to help the enemy, in any capacity whatsoever.

And, life's too short to surround yourself with rabid antis anyway.
I would be going to gang infested neighborhoods

Um yeah, you lost me with that one. Isn't the first rule of a gunfight "be somewhere else"? Why would you knowingly WANT to work in a gang infested neighborhood? I grew up in NYC, I've been in neighborhoods like that. You know what? They scare me. When the bodega has bullet-resistant glass (or something resembling it) at the checkout counter, it's time to go elsewhere. When the streets are peppered with able-bodied people hanging out on the stoop at 1:30pm instead of working, it's time to go elsewhere. When you are offered sex or drugs IN BROAD DAYLIGHT on a corner, it's time to go elsewhere.
I'm as pro-gun as they come, and I'd do it in a heartbeat. How many opportunities will we(pro-gunners) have to get a man behind enemy lines. I think it might be a golden opportunity to learn more about their inner workings, and any knowledge gleaned from it will greatly benifit all of us gunnies out there.
I like the idea of doing the book, but you may find it difficult to preserve your own principles, as some of those people are experts at twisting people around psychologically (i.e., brain washing). It was taught at the Communist "schools" set up to promote revolution in the 1960's and quite a few of the graduates are still around. Unless your mind is strong and your principles firm, they will turn you and you will end up being one of those "I used to own guns but now I have seen the light" folks.

Of course, if they find you out, and can't convert you, they may resort to a technique much practiced by the "freedom fighters" the liberals currently admire, and just cut your throat.

I say do it! Show them that pro gun people don't actually want violence, what Sarah Brady says to the contrary be damned.
Maybe if you spread the defense weapon society gospel the gangbangers will get shot the next time they pull their tricks on someone. Would that not be a great headline that even the libs could love: Inner City Liberated Minority Woman Protects Children from Violent Males with Self Defense Firearm.
CeaseFire's mission is to reduce violence and mediate gang disputes. The group, which has been credited with helping to reduce violence in the city in recent years, employs primarily former gang members who are familiar with the gangs and people in the neighborhoods where they work.

Slutkin said he doesn't know the particulars of Velasquez's case, but he said the possibility of a former gang member being active, or "lapsing" back into gang life is possible, though he believes rare, in his organization.

Just don't tell your co workers where you live, you never know when they might be looking for a score, and guns are like gold for gangbangers.
Why would you call BS Highland Ranger? You don't know who I am!

I am more than qualified for the position. I have a masters degree in Criminology from Indiana State University and I am currently a case manager at a prison in northwestern Indiana. I used to be a community coordinator for the Illinois House of Reps, so it would be sorta like moving back into an old job, which I really liked.

I just thought it might be nice to work on the anti-gun people from within for a little bit. You know, try to work some sense into the activists so they don't push quite so hard on law abiding firearms owners. If they see that an educated man, such as myself, is a law abiding, concealed carrying, 'gun person', then that might change their view of most 'gun people'. Right now, I can tell you, that the people in that office think that anyone with a gun is evil and wants to kill children... maybe if I work there I could change that a little.

So, go ahead and call BS all you want! And while you're at it, I think your mom is calling you for your snack, so why don't you shut down your MAC, get outta the basement for a while, and wash up because your dad will be home before you know it!
I am not from Chicago but isn't the mayor's name Daley and not Daily?
Maybe just a typo or brain fade but I would think that someone from
Chicago would know how to spell the name. I might be with highland ranger
on this one.
Read my post Junkyard... It clearly states that I live in Northwestern Indiana.
Actually I was on the deck smoking a cigar and enjoying some single malt (scotch) that's probably older than you.

No need to get testy. BS is called because if you disclose that you are a firearms owner to them, no way they would hire you. Especially after the Velasquez incident. So the premise of the hypothetical is silly.
You are correct that you said you were in NW Indiana. I guess that with the
name IN>IL I assumed that you were in Illinois.
One thing that I will say is that you may want to rethink tearing into someone
that has more than 1800 posts to your 30 Just my thoughts
Junkyard: Post count means little to nothing in any forums. It just means that person has the ability to hit "Post Reply" a lot. It doesn't mean their post is any better thought out or reasoned compared to the guy who has only 10. And it doesn't automatically confer some kind of authority. Just my thoughts.
I understand what you are saying. I guess that I didn't like the comment
about mom calling and shutting off the MAC and getting out of the
basement etc.
Someone had to stand up for Highland while he was out having a scotch and
a cigar :D
First, see Jeff White's post.

I would personally do several things, first I would see if there is any evidence of the group supporting a gun control agenda and not just being anti-violence. Next I'd go through the staff directory and see if anyone here has ties to gun control groups. Finally at an interview I would make it perfectly clear that you're anti violence but also support the right of law abiding people in the poor communities you'd be in to own firearms to defend themselves. If all these steps went well and I was hired, I'd go gambling or buy a lottery ticket.
You know you wouldn't be able to carry a gun, because they are banned in Chicago. This is why only criminals are armed there. You may as well wear a bullseye on your chest.
The first interview, which was last Tuesday, went well and now I am one of two finalists. The first interview was with a University of Illinois HR person and a an executive assistant to the director of Cease Fire. The seven interview questions were canned, pre written, and we stuck to those. They just asked what I thought caused teens to go wayword (lack of education and parenting aka, babies having babies), whether or not I think there are positive aspects of street gangs (ummmm... no) and stuff like that.

Next week I get to interview with the director and his executive team. I am guessing this interview won't be so canned and I can open up a little bit. I did not speak of having guns, or a CCW, during the first interview.

I like SoyBomb's idea and I will certainly do something similar. I am certainly not desperate for a job, so if I don't get this one, I won't be too upset!

I'll keep you all up to date.
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