CH4D H-Press

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C-H Presses

I was the sales Rep of the C-H company when the .50 press was invented. I retired in 1979 never selling one. I feel they are worthwhile for someone needing them. I invented the 4 position "H" press and sold the heck out of them. and the 4 position Auto Champ also.

I feel that the C-H style H presses are the best rifle and pistol presses for the price and they will never wear out. I still have thousands of dollars of parts for them that have not been needed so far. Cast Iton does not wear out.
Tip of the hat to you, Paul.

I've been using a C-H press for around six months now and have learned a lot using it. It's my first reloading press. I've tinkered quite a bit with the dies, powder and primer specs., but the press itself is one solid piece of equipment.
Good Choice

TomL you made a very good choice as the current CH4D 444 "H" Press is the best press for the price and speed of reloading for a beginner as it will be used for a lifetime with rifle and pistol accessories and when you pick up a casing and move it through the positions, in seconds it is a loaded round, not some stage of processing in a loading tray that an "O" press would create.

I am long retired after inventing that 4 position "H" press and have no contact with the current CH4D company.

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