Chart on different calibers and their stopping power

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Big entry hole, lots of tissue destruction and 18+ inches of penetration, it's my secret formula.
Little sigh ...

Disc brakes have stopping power.

As far as 'basic statistics'?

I tend to prioritize my focus on mindset, skill set, awareness of tactics and their feasibility in different situations and environments, knowledge of the laws applicable to the lawful use of force, weapon maintenance and maintaining a level of physical fitness appropriate to being able to utilize my weapon and skill sets ... and then I consider specific caliber and choice of ammunition.

Some folks seem to like to think more about equipment than the mental, physical & skill set considerations, though.

I've considered that I may sometime find myself in a situation or set of circumstances when I have little or no choice about the specific caliber or weapon ... but the rest of the things I mentioned are things I can always carry around with me, and apply to different equipment as needed. ;)

Those sort of 'stats' were something that interested me when I was much younger, less well trained and much less experienced.

Just my thoughts.
Fastbolt- Sometimes it's raining or dark out. Can't go out all the time after all.
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