Cheapest large-quantity mail order website?

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Oct 18, 2006
Buffalo, NY
I apologize first if this thread is duplicated elsewhere. I searched several times but could not find anything similar.

I want to buy several thousand rounds of ammunition for my two respective pistols in .38 Special and .40 caliber. As I live in NY, most of the Walmarts that I know of do not sell ammunition. (Ive read many a post on Walmart here at THR). A Gander Mtn is too far away, as is any "local gun shop". Therefore, it seems like the best recourse (and also recommended by a buddy of mine who I served with in the USMC) to order bulk online.

I have managed to find several websites but I wanted to ask all of you given that I suspect most of you here have significantly greater experience in large ammunition purchases than I have. Are there any with significantly greater reliability (I read more threads on poor packing and UPS packages breaking...) in their shipping?

Any recommendations would be helpful.
Well if you order a few thousand rounds you know you will be taken off your UPS drivers Christmas card list :)

I order by the case, usually 1000 rounds from Midway and Cabelas. Nice thing about Cabela is they don't charge shipping by weight but by $ value so those 50 pound cases ship a lot cheaper. Drawback to Cabelas v Midway is even when I order a 'case' they send me 20 individual boxes where Midway just ships the factory case unopened.
I have bought bulk ammo from,
and All have decent prices, they charge differently for
freight charges however. Shop around compare prices and do the math to see which deal is best. When you factor in not having to pay sales tax
it helps even out the cost of shipping. If you do buy a lot make it a large enough amount to make it worthwhile. I never really worried about how much the packages weigh in regards to the UPS driver. They will deliver anything that meets the guidelines for size and weight. If it's too large or heavy it generally will not be accepted from the vendor and will be broken up into multiple packages for shipping. Bulk ammo is the way to go to save money.
I checked Natchez and it cost $18 to ship the first 500 rds and $7 to ship the next 500 so it's best to get at least 1000 rds or one case.
You need to shop around on the sites mentioned and others. As supplies change the individual dealers price change.
Are there any gunshows in your area, i just picked up 2,000 rds of 9mm for about half the price i pay at the stores. Make sure to bring a dolly, i found out the hard way. Also no shipping charges at gunshows
Im not aware of any gun shows happening anytime soon in NY... but then again, it probably wouldnt be advertised too heavily, given the antis here.
Also try

Being in NY, you probably won't find ammoman to have good pricing. You'd be paying super high shipping, subsidizing west coast orders.

And before anyone rambles on about "free shipping", it isn't. The price is tacked into teh sale price.
I bought some ammo from not too long ago.

They list 2 prices regular and a members price but to be a member costs like $30? a year. Anyway, I wasn't going to join but, they offerred free shipping if I joined - that saving plus the lower members price more than paid for the membership it also encouraged me to stock up a bit since there was no shipping and no sales tax. appears to have almost nothing on the East Coast, though their prices do look good.

Wideners had a great deal on .40 cal, so I picked up 1000.

Ammunitiontogo seems to have reasonable prices.
I have had the best luck with Natchez and Ammoman.

Problem you will find with lots of the places is that they have great prices, but nothing in stock. I stopped doing business with places that can't show me what they have in stock before I place an order.

Doesn't matter what the price is if you can't get it. Botach anyone? :evil:
Problem you will find with lots of the places is that they have great prices, but nothing in stock. I stopped doing business with places that can't show me what they have in stock before I place an order.

I'll drink to that, Sig. Unless things have eased up a bit lately, not that long ago I blindly wandered around the 'Net shopping for .45 acp and .38 spcl in lots of 1000, and it soon became clear that certain ammo was in short supply all over the country. I learned real quick to get on the phone to confirm availability, and not just trust a web site in a quickly changing market. I purchased from the first source I encountered that assured me it was in stock, Indeed it was, and I received immediate shipment at a competitive price.
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