Chrome AK with da Switch.

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The chrome ones have a rep for getting really uncomfortably hot to shoot after a mag on full. Still work, apparently, just really, really hot, as in smoking, much quicker than the plain regular ones. I wouldn't have experience with it, though.

Regarding the absent stock, it makes it a whole lot easier to use the regionally patented, over-the-head-hose'em spray and pray technique. I hope that particular technique maintains it's popularity in that part of the world, at least by the folks shooting at the wrong people over there...
Regarding the absent stock, it makes it a whole lot easier to use the regionally patented, over-the-head-hose'em spray and pray technique.
I believe it's called "Iraqi Offhand."
What does roast Camel taste like anyway?

Go to the dump, find an old piece of carpet that has been half buried and covered with ...ummmm...waste. Burn it over a hot fire for a few hours. Roll it in some sand and you have a reasonable imitaion roast camel.


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