Cleaning scorch from cylinder of SS

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Personally. I just clean mine and don't worry a lot about a little "color." If it really bothers you, get some Mother's Mag Polish and a hand towel. It will pretty much just wipe off.
Why remove it? I'm not saying you should let it cake up and interfere with function, but to me that left-behind carbon color gives a revolver character. Like when I'm buying a used car, I get suspicious if a revolver I'm considering looks too clean.
Way back i nthe early 1970's I had some of the early S&W stainless guns, and I think one time I used Zud (?), a household stainless steel sink cleaner. It took the carbon off the front of the cylinder so well, it looked like a new gun. Don't know if they still make that product, but a good stainless cleaner might work as well. I saw no harmful effects. Justy looked new; even when I sold it. :rolleyes:
Get some Mother's mag and wheel cleaner, it'll clean that thing up like new, and won't wear the metal down either!

Actually Mothers is an abrasive, just the mildest one. I have tried them all.
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