CMP question

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Nov 19, 2007
L.A. Lower Arkansas
Can someone please explain to me the process for getting a rifle from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. What exactly does someone have to do to get a rifle from them?Thanks.
From the CMP site:

  1. US Citizen
  2. At least 18
  3. Be a gun club member (Club List)
  4. Marksmanship or other Firearms Related Activity (Do one of the qualifying activities, or get a range officer to sign off on the sheet on the web page Marksman Form)
  5. Fill out the 3 page order form, and get it notarized by a notary (they have to put their special stamp on it)
  6. Send in the order form, photocopies of required documents, and payment
  7. Wait at least month
  8. Get a rifle on your doorstep
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I went last year and it was super easy. Bought a $20 membership to a club on their list, and when I went in I brought a copy of the club membership, my CCL, a passport and a DL and I was good to go. I just brought it all to avoid any hassle.

They'll even ship it back to your house for like $20 or $25 so you don't have to pay AL sales tax.
The M1's at Camp Perry are far nicer than I ever expected. Go for it. I passed on one, as it would just cut into my AR10 build budget. But if your after an M1, definately check this out.

(I'm not a M1 collector or anything, I like to shoot 'em, but as long as you have realistic expectations, they have really nice rifles under $800. You can allways rebarrel them later anyways, so don't sweat a little nick)
Thanks y'all. One thing tho', I suppose that all rifle grades on the CMP list are shooters?
From Rack Grade on up, they are all functional, but the higher grades have better barrels with less wear on them. The Service Grades I've tried were fairly accurate with the surplus M2 ball Greek ammo the CMP sells.
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