CNN: Who will pay for Fast & Furious?

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We have had a string of things like this -- Ruby Ridge, Waco, and so on. If we're ever going to stop this sort of thing, those at the very top must be held accountable. Presidents and Attorneys General must learn they are not above the law.
There is a presidential election on the horizon, so this issue must be dealt with. If this keeps gaining momentum it would be a nightmare to deal with during the campaign, so I think if any compelling evidence is brought to light that Holder knew the full details of the operation beforehand he'll resign very quickly. Politically, the most important goal of the administration right now is to get re-elected, and while Holder taking the blame and resigning will be damaging, if this is tied directly to Obama it would be nothing short of disastrous.

The White House/DOJ knows exactly who authorized this operation, and who played which parts in the running of it. Everything in government leaves a paper trail, they could track all this down in a matter of days. If this was some sort of rogue operation, whoever authorized it would have already been fired, and the blame put on them. They will attempt to keep stonewalling and limit damage, but the election is a wall they are slowly getting backed up against. Somebody will eventually have to fall on their sword.

As with any political person or group, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.
You may recall, Hillary Clinton had a guy, Ira Magaziner fronting for her on Hillary Care. Old Ira broke some laws and was fined.

And Congress voted that we, the victims, should pay his fine for him.
Unfortunately, WE will pay, however, if anyone is found to be at-fault here, THEY should be the ones to pay the ENTIRE TAB!
The White House/DOJ knows exactly who authorized this operation, and who played which parts in the running of it. Everything in government leaves a paper trail, they could track all this down in a matter of days. If this was some sort of rogue operation, whoever authorized it would have already been fired, and the blame put on them. They will attempt to keep stonewalling and limit damage, but the election is a wall they are slowly getting backed up against. Somebody will eventually have to fall on their sword.

I agree that "the govenment" knows exactly who planned and authorized the operation. Some lower echelon folks have been terminated or re-assigned. If that fixed the problem, there would be no stone walling. Hence, this operation was planned and authorized at the upper levels of our government and they don't want to own up to it due to political reasons primarily. Wait and see... it is going to get interesting.

The stonewalling is just to get them past the election and buy time. If a Republican is elected President, there will be pressure to drop the whole affair and as they say... fix the problem and look to the future... I think everything will point to Holder's direct approval and participation even in the planning stages and the reasons will be more ominous than expected. Holder is doing the President's bidding. Don't let a good emergency go to waste....
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