Feinstein - Lax gun laws are responsible for ATF's Fast & Furious

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We Idiots in Kali voted her in, so we must suffer the result. Unless we can muster the numbers to vote her out, the only way some of us may ever see the promised land is to vote with our feet and leave this sun-drenched sewer behind.
Shall I wait for the jackboots to arrive or should I bring them myself? Diane Feinstein brought an AK before congress and said that they are designed so that you don't need to aim. I wish that were true so that I would always win at 3 gun- what a dangerously insane human being.
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She missed the part where dealers were told to break the law by the agency responsible for enforcing them?
She missed the part where dealers were told to break the law by the agency responsible for enforcing them?
she probably didn't, but she's hoping everyone else did.

Sadly, she's probably smarter than she looks, hoping that we the people are dumber than a box of hair and accept her lies as gospel truth in shining adoration. Sadly, as shown by her lengthy tenure, some cali voters are so inclined.

Idiots like Feinstein know the dirty details of F&F, know who broke what laws, but they don't care one iota as long as they can spin it to further their agenda.

On another note, people often say vote with your feet and leave. how many people should vote with their feet and move to CA and get a gun toting majoirty in the polls and vote these clowns out?
Obviously, we need to make it illegal for the BATFE to sell guns to drug cartels, and for the Attorney General of the United States to lie about it...
Yes, she needs to be voted out along with Boxer! You know that this is the Peoples Republic of California we are talking about. I am a life long Prune Picker that used to be proud of my state,(many yrs. ago)but am ashamed the way we have gone! Sorry guys, I am only one vote but will sure do my part! Look, these people voted Moonbeam back in as Governor. Shameful and stupid!!
is there’s been a lot said about Fast and Furious, and perhaps mistakes were made, but I think this hunt for blame doesn’t really speak about the problem

WOW...this is the opposite of what many people are saying about our society in general today. But, then again people like Fienstein are the ones shaping that cultrure these days. People like Fienstein want to blame obesity on fast food restaurants. The sane people of America put the blame where it belongs, the individuals who over indulge.

So now when we are trying to place the blame where it should go, Fienstein comes out and blames society again.

I wish I could vote Fienstein and Pelosi out, but since I live in Virginia and happily not in California, I have no control over that, even though their actions affect the entire country.

EXACTLY!! Our founders never meant for these idiots to be career lifetime members of congress!

Almost every problem we have with government could be solved by term limits.

Unfortunately some of them did. Some of them believed the mere people were too ignorant to be trusted in electing officials. They believed in a "ruling elite". It took men like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to change that. Unfortunately I see people like Fienstein and Pelosi as those who think the mere people are too ignorant to know what is good for them.
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^^^She may be right if she does have that philosophy. As long as people like her get re-elected, the people ARE too dumb to think for themselves............................
EXACTLY!! Our founders never meant for these idiots to be career lifetime members of congress!

Almost every problem we have with government could be solved by term limits.
I agree. Term limits for all, or else they need 75% of the vote to stay past the limit. But they would have to vote to do this to themselves, and since this government is about big business and cronyism, I don't see it happening without it being forced on them. Ratifying it as a Constitutional Amendment would be the only way, state by state.

As much as I hated Bush, I voted for that creep for the re-election simply because I will never forget the picture of Feinstein, Kerry, and Kennedy, truly lockstep and arm in arm, smiling and laughing after they got the ban enacted.

Truly disgusting people.
And isn't this exactly the kind of thinking that got us OF&F ?

Feinstein's mantra is simply the VPC's garbage; regurgitated ! What, IMNSHO, the OA is trying desperately to conceal, is a "high level program" to put significant numbers of its highlighted "military pattern weapons" into the hands of "drug cartels/street dealers" in order to support its demands for more "gun control" ! >MW
A good reason why the Constitution was written to have the Senators picked, not voted into office. I need to look up if the people in the Senate stayed in for so long before the amendment that brought the Higher House of the Congress down to the level of the House of Representatives.
Worst part is they get the same pay for life in or out of office.
Sadly, she's probably smarter than she looks, hoping that we the people are dumber than a box of hair and accept her lies as gospel truth in shining adoration. Sadly, as shown by her lengthy tenure, some cali voters are so inclined.

People like Feinstein know the dirty details of F&F, know who broke what laws, but they don't care one iota as long as they can spin it to further their agenda.

People like Feinstein are not an anomaly. Useful Idiots (the term is relevant; look it up) put her there and continue to re-elect people like her.

People like her can divert the conversation endlessly, and that it their goal.

Until we wake up and pay attention, we will continue to get what we deserve.
How much different would it have been if Dan White passed on the Twinkies and didn't murder Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone.....

I've always viewed Feinswine as an opportunistic sow. Those murders practically launched her wretched career.
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Sen. Feinstein: Lax gun control is real ‘problem’ with Fast and Furious

Actually the problems is corrupt, malfeaseant, and subversive politicians, including Comrade Feinstein, that are so accustomed to lying that they can't separate fact from their own lies any more.

Feinstein - poster child for term limits!
Feinstein is just a crackpot who bought her senate seat.

Guess it was more exciting for her than running an arts & crafts shop in a trendy part of town.
I don't agree with blanket term limits. I think it is a lazy solution for a lazy voting population.
Our voting population is lazy, people rarely take the time to even research who is on the ballot.
Everyone knows the president, governor, etc on the ballot after being bombarded with a campaign for the top spot, but they are a small portion of your typical ballot.

That would be bad enough.
Yet many people still fill in a bubble for the other spots, casting a vote for some random person that may make the best person for the job less likely to win.
The population likes to complain endlessly, yet won't even invest a few nights or hours of their time a year to briefly research everyone up for election that will be deciding how their money and taxes are to be used (or even what freedoms they will have.)
And often times the local politicians that cover a typical ballot have a bigger impact on life than the president or governor everyone knows about.
For example since it is a gun board, the judge you appear before, the DA that chooses to pursue charges and how, if you are involved in a self defense scenario these local elected positions can have a bigger impact on the rest of your life than the president of the country.
Yet people are lucky to even know the little paragraph written about them in the voter's information packet.

The population is lazy, and term limits don't fix that.
In fact term limits punish some of the few good ones by forcing them out of office no matter how good of a job they do.
Term limits also make politicians more aware of their elected position as just a stepping stone in their career. This means they are more concerned with what their next job will be, and pleasing the right people to get a good job after. This can make them less reliable, more open to corruption, and more focused on making contacts that will help them after they leave power than on doing a good job for the people while they are in power.
Dear Ms. Feinstein,
And I care about runaway crime and corruption in Mexico why? If I say something bad about Mexico do you want to squash the first amendment also?
Your Pal,
Is she hitting Lindsay Lohan's stash? She must be smoking something pretty powerful if she believes what she is saying is true.
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