Collectors asked to leave buy-back

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56FordGuy said:
You know, after reading about all these gun buy backs, it makes me wonder what would happen if a person were to take a Blue Book and simply let the folks in line look up the value of their guns. The folks with rust seized .22s would probably stay in the buyback line, but would the people with firearms worth more than the buyback price actually leave and sell the guns elsewhere, or leave and go put the guns back in their closet, that they never get around to actually selling?

That's a gun owners mentality. These folks are not really gun owners and just want to get rid of their guns. With a Blue Book, you create another chore and uncertainty, when they can just stand in line and be done with it. You'd have to catch these folks way before they're in line at a buy back.

I bought a Honda Civic off my girlfriend. I told her I'll pay Blue Book. She didn't even want to bother with checking. She said to pay her whatever I thought was fair. She just wanted to get rid of the car. I get that way sometimes when I want to get rid of something; I just want to cover the cost of my time in the transaction.
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I'd rather see people who are uncomfortable with guns get rid of their guns. However, a gun buy back is a scam and a waste of time.
Agreed. What would be better is a system of educating the people how to safely and legally sell the firearms that they are concerned about. Grandpa's 1911 is worth more than a $50 gas card, and it is really low of these programs to not let the owner know that.
Originally Posted by StrawHat
If an old lady that can barely make her rent trades in her late husband's collection of antique and rare firearms that could pay for her house,
Has this EVER happened? Sorry, I don't buy into that one. It's as bad as "it's for the sake of the children"

Response from Agouti

Yes. There was this lady, that donated 3 large 40 gallon trash cans full of guns, after her husband passed, to be destroyed by the police, for free.

And these guns, it was a shame to even see them in buckets like that, chrome plated .45s and all sorts of amazing things. Tens of thousands of dollars in firearms, gone.

Of course, she wasn't wanting for money, but it's a similar situation.

That is the first time I have ever heard that tale. Where and when did this happen?

I am sure there are some good ones turned in that would be a shame to lose but by and large the ones turned over in the Cleveland and Akron area are only a couple of steps above junk. But even junk guns deserve loving homes I guess.

Many of the people taking advantage of these turn ins need the money. And some of the people turning a gun in need to dispose of a piece of evidence. Unfortunately, not to many criminals are turning anything in so the buy backs are just removing firearms from law abiding subjects.
How do you know that the people who run these programs know any better?
Good point. I hadn't thought about it like that. I like jakemccoy's idea. If I find out about one of these in my area, I'll try to hang around with a blue book and advise people of their options. I don't have the money to try and buy the guns, but I can at least help the people that might be just doing it in fear of not being legal by informing them of what their options are.

I'd really like to do that. I hope there is a buy back in my area sometime.
The people turning in the guns are not being ripped off. Far from it. The overwhelming majority of firearms that are collected at these events are cheap, rusted, and nonfiring. Getting $50-$100 for a Lorcin/Jennings type pistol or old single shot shotgun is far more than these guns are worth.
You know, if I were sponsoring one of these, I would be very tempted to let anyone with a FFL or C&R participate...simply on the basis that they will contribute funds. And a gun in a collector's vault is not likely to be used for a crime.
there evil guns evil they are all potential mass killing machines:evil:
its unlikely any one running one of these things knows one end of a gun from another:mad:
every so often we have gun amnesty's in the uk and all sorts turns up junk shotguns air guns replicas the odd ak47 fully auto not a clone etc etc and an rpg7 complete with live round:uhoh:
met an eod chap who hated these things claimed sooner rather than later somebody was going to die as the cops just emptied a huge drum of weapons like emptying a dustbin and told him to check everything was safe:eek:
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