Colt SAA loading Gate problem!

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G. Glock

Jan 10, 2003
Nashville, Tn Area
Hey, anybody ever have a Colt SAAn (3rd gen) loading gate want to slide forward, just enough to interfere with the cylinder turning? Actually, it’s the case rims that catch on it, so bad that it locks up the cylinder. It’s my nephew’s gun, and I’m trying to help him with it. The gun is CCH/Blue 5 ½â€, serial # 58XXX.
Upon thumbing it open a couple of times, it slides forward just slightly, but enough to cause real problems. Yes, we’ve adjusted to all levels of tension the spring that applies pressure on the under side of it. The little piece (detent, catch, or whatever it’s called) is in fine shape.
I’ve studied it over and over, comparing it with one of MY 3rd Gen Colt loading gates. We’ve come to the conclusion that the little flat surface on the gate where the little spring/detent pushes against is the problem. Along with the inside edge of his being rounded, the flat part of the gate there is a bit longer than mine, thus allowing it to slide forward a smidgeon.
Anyway, this seems to be the problem. Anybody else encountered this before on a Colt SAA? I’ve had quite of few of them in all generations and have never experienced this problem.
My nephew did a little stoning on the rounded edge, but it didn’t fix it. We’re pretty certain the flat surface on the gate at that point is just too long. Even if the spring and catch connects properly and holds it, the length seems to allow it to be forward too far.
Thanks for any advice. Looks like he’s going to have to find a REAL gunsmith. I’m just a concerned uncle with a Dremel and a sledge hammer. You know, one of those gunsmiths you have to watch out for!
Hard to tell without seeing it, but it sounds like the answer is a new loading gate. I do know that for a while, Colt was having some trouble in making loading gates and yours is not the first to have that problem.

There are several possible fixes, including TIG welding the flat and recutting it, but unless you can DIY, it would cost more than just returning the gun it to Colt; they should fix it free. If you have a friendly dealer, have him return it; the cost will be less as he can mail it.

Considering the cost of the gun, I would make Colt fix it. Gates are individually fitted to a frame, and if it is replaced it may be necessary to refinish the frame after a new gate is put on it.
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