You got that one right. You don't discuss abortion; you don't discuss the sins of homosexuality, and the Eternal Damnation of those who practice it; you don't discuss the superiority of the White Race vs. the mud races; and you don't discuss Final Solutions to groups of people based on race, religion or favorite foods.The iteration on this board is to ban or strongly discourage, by convenient means, certain subjects from discussion.
That doesn't speak well for those who would feign adherence to the rules.
Just what, exactly, does that non sequitor mean?
It's as if the members:
1. Can't be trusted to discuss those subjects in a rational manner, or;
Boy, you hit that one on the nose. How long was TFL going? How long has THR been on-line? After all those years of TFL, plus the experience of looking in on some of the unmoderated discussion forums on the World Wide Web, we have learned that there are some subjects that can not be discussed without winding up as a spew of oral diarrhea.
You want to discuss abortion? You aren't chained to THR. Go to another board where it's allowed and discuss abortion to your hearts' content.
2. It's too much "trouble" to moderate a discussion when the outcome might not be to certain moderators' liking.
Again, you're right. When the outcome is banning a long-standing Member for continual flaming, back-stabbing and knee-biting, it by God isn't "to my liking".
So, we shut down discussions that are spinning out of control, or heading that way.
Most Members get the bloody hint. Some don't.
Those who don't get the hint get a PM or e-mail warning. Most mend their ways. Some don't.
Then I gotta haul off and ban the ones who don't bloody well learn, which flat plain pisses me off.
So. In order to avoid me feeling guilty for having to ban someone who is begging -- no -- crying out for a digital ???-kicking, follow the simple Rules of the House:
Be polite.
Debate using facts, not insults.
Treat other Members the same way you want them to treat you.
Stay away from the topics that the Founder of the Feast (Oleg Volk) doesn't want discussed on his board.
It boils down to having courtesy for others. Do that, and you won't force your Staff to metaphorically smack you (and your THR account) with an axe.
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