Coming down the pipe for NYers

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Contributing Member
Feb 17, 2004
Adams County, PA

A Republican Assemblyman of the state of New York released a secret list of Democrat proposals designed to severely undermine the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In the wake of the Newtown, Conn. massacre, the state of New York passed the most restrictive and controversial gun bans and gun control laws in the nation. Unfortunately, most Republicans in the legislature went along with the Democrats in approving the measures that undermine the Second Amendment, which itself states that it "shall not be infringed."

Yet, in spite of the highly restrictive nature of the new laws, a N.Y. legislator says that a secret list of measures proposed by state Democrats would have gone much further if the Democrats had gotten their way.

Republican Steve McLaughlin told his constituents on his Facebook page that a Democratic colleague in the N.Y. legislature begged him not to release the secret list of proposals due to the potentially highly damaging nature of the proposals.

But that did not stop McLaughlin from providing the information to his constituents. McLaughlin states that the proposals were not released to the public because the Democrats, who control the N.Y. Assembly, wanted to hide from the citizens the true nature of what they intended to do.

And, says McLaughlin, they would have passed the following provisions had he and some of his colleagues not fought back.

Here is the list of Democrat proposals:

--Outright confiscation of "assault weapons."
--Outright confiscation of "ten round clips" (magazines).
--Establish a statewide database of all guns.
--Continue to allow gun permit holders' names and addresses to be published by newspapers.
--Label semiautomatic shotguns with more than five rounds or pistol grips as "assault weapons."
--Limit the number of rounds in a magazine to five and confiscate banned magazines that carry a larger number of rounds.
--Prevent citizens from owning more than two magazines.
--Prevent citizens from buying more than one gun per month.
--Re-license all current pistol permit holders.
--Require renewal of all pistol permits every five years.
--Pistol permits would have to be issued by the state and not local law enforcement.
--All guns in New York would be required to be micro-stamped.
--Ammunition dealers would have to be licensed.
--All gun owners would be required to keep their guns locked in their homes.
--A fee would be assessed for licensing and registering guns.

Gun rights activists say that the list is ample proof that Democrats and other "progressives" intend to go much further to ban, confiscate, and control guns and ammo than they are telling the public.
Why am I not surprised?

This is the roadmap "Progressives" have been trying to enact for decades.
Gun rights activists say that the list is ample proof that Democrats and other "progressives" intend to go much further to ban, confiscate, and control guns and ammo than they are telling the public.

Thanks for posting. It always gets me, the words "progressive" and "forward." From the "forward" march we've had the last four years, I can only guess that we're marching "forward" off of some cliff to our deaths. The Republicans helped in this case, but they're not exactly pushing "backwards" or even stopping "progression" in a lot of cases as they should be.
--All gun owners would be required to keep their guns locked in their homes.

Ummm...I'm guessing they've never heard of Heller if they think they could actually pass and enforce this particular law.
Wow, just wow.

EDIT: Is The Examiner a legitimate news source? Before I spread this around, I'd like to know it's legit.
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And, says McLaughlin, they would have passed the following provisions had he and some of his colleagues not fought back.

Let me start off by saying the things that have transpired in NY is horrible. However, from the read, i'm gathering he didn't actually release the official list. Basically it's just him paraphrasing what was on this supposed list. I'm not saying that the things on this list are not what they were initially pushing for. All i'm saying is that all we have is McLaughlin's word.
I'm not saying that the things on this list are not what they were initially pushing for. All i'm saying is that all we have is McLaughlin's word.
This. And, did they succumb to a "watering down" of this? Did "the good guys" vote AGAINST this or, simply make it more palatable and then throw the other guys who wanted more, under the bus?

I don't stare at grainy photos of a grassy knoll, but it sounds to me like someone would like to keep their job the next time those whom they've directly affected have a chance to voice their opinion about it!

I love it when legislators want to legislate something that doesn't even exist.
If this does not imitate germany in the late 1930's i dont know what does.Even the Page on with the list of faq's of the new gun has the words"New york rising"on top. Reminds me of the phrase "Germany Awakes"in the 1930's.real real scary! & they have the nerve to call the new building in lower manhattan the freedom tower !
Take notice, you folks outside New York: If they can do it here, they can (and will) do it anywhere! We need your support, not your pity!
These and more will be coming right after the next school shooting. 2-3 more school shootings, and there will be no 2A in some places.
I think the next mass shooting will happen right on cue to accent the need for what Joe Biden is asking us to support.

There are no monsters only us !
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