Compare Illinois's gun laws to Vermont's

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Castle Bravo

Oct 20, 2006
People's Republic of Illinois
Here is a quote from the Illinois constitution and Vermont's as well. Compare the two.

Illinois: "Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ." Section22 Article 1 of the Illinois bill of rights"

Vermont: " That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State as standing armies in a time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up ; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power." Chapter I , Article 16

From my point of view the people's republic of Illinois (my state) is basically a police state whereas Vermont is a model of goverment that seems to be written the way our nation's founders wanted it to be.
If you want added emphasis on the difference between the two state's constitutions, compare the crime rate per capita of Illinois and Vermont.
Also be aware that the Supreme Court of Vermont had to tell the Legislature what the Constitution meant. Back in the 1830's or 40's, IIRC. If the same question came up today in VT, I doubt the answer would be the same.
I think it worked until it changed form the State of Illinois to the State of Chicago.
These images should suffice to illustrate the difference.

I have always advocated annexing Dailey Land to Wisconsin.
That would almost be funny if it weren't so sad. Il and Wi could play Hot Potato with Chicago (I don't want it, you take it)... Hopefully it would end up being it's own third world oppressed state till the serfs overthrow the King and take back the reins...
Here's the difference....

Mafia, street drug dealing, gangs, immigrants, etc, are not prevalent in vermont.
They may exist in Burlington, Montpelier, etc, but they are nowhere near the norm.

In contrast, Illinois seems to be ruled and governed by proponents, and apologists of
all of the above.
Just A Dude With a Gun: What is wrong with immigrants?

To everyone else...

I feel that I am living in a police state everyday. The people here are so enthralled with government and seem to want to give it more power. I am so tired of feeling like an outcast here and feeling that I am not safe when I go downtown.
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