Comparing Noisiness of Various Firearms

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Dec 31, 2002
Nashville, TN
Can anyone point me to studies of the comparative noisiness of, for example, .22 handguns versus 9mm and .45, comparative noisiness of .22 rifles versus 7.62 by 39, 7.62 by 51, handgun noise versus rifle noise, etc. I am thinking about creating a private outdoor range and may have to compromise on what calibres can be fired, to reduce noise problems for neighbors. I fired a .308 FAL on the land today and found that the boom--especially if repeated for an hour or two--would probably be too much for neighbors. I am thinking that the noise from a .22 pistol would probably be much less than from a FAL with compensator and not objectionable to those residing at a distance of a 100 yards or more.


I used to shoot at a friend's house for a couple of years. There were houses on 3 sides within 75 yards. We mostly shot .22's and shotguns and we never had a problem. We've even shot an AK, an SKS, a .357 magnum, a 9mm carbine, a 30-06 bolt-action, a mosin nagant, and a lee enfield with no complaints at all.

They called the cops on us when we were firing my Lee Enfield from a 2nd story deck. I guess the sound carried too well. We had to stop shooting for good (apperantly the house is inside city limits....barely), but I doubt that anyone would notice a .22 rifle, or care about the noise no matter how close they are.

I can't give you any studies, but a full-size .30 cal is going to be quite loud and you may want to stay away from them. The pistols are pretty loud up close, but they tend to sound quieter from a distance than a rifle. Or maybe my memory is just spotty.

Also, stay away from 16" .223's! Those suckers are loud!

If you have people around you that would object to the noise, then keep it at 7.62x39 or under. If you have people around you that just don't want any shooting happening at all, then stick with .22 rifles and pistols.

Of course, you could always ask them what they would be okay with.
Good luck
Thanks for these stats. My surprising conclusion is that pistols are about as noisy as rifles and that suppressors do not reduce noise by more than about 15%. Possible explanation: rifles set off a bigger explosion, as a rule, but the shorter barrel of handguns allows more noise to escape. Further implication is that you cannot solve firearms noise problems by switching from larger to smaller calibres or by switching from rifles to handguns. And suppressors are not likely to help much. I have read messages stating that people living two or even three miles from a firing range were annoyed by the noise. Several people have described shooting sheds or baffles built to reduce noise from outdoor shooting. Old tires, plywood, and insulation are among the materials which have been used. It seems that quite a bit of mass is required to reduce the noise substantially.

Remember that dB is logarithmic so a difference of 20 dB means that the more intense one has 10 times the amplitude and 100 times the power of the softer.
In my experience, shooting mostly 22LRs and a few handguns in my back yard, semi-autos seem to be louder. I'm not sure exactly why. Long barreled bolt actions or lever actions are quieter.

I used to shoot my 9mm Camp Carbine and my 9mm CZ75. From across the property, I can't tell them apart by noise level.

A 7.62x39 SKS is LOUD!

Sound is somewhat fluid like. It will go over and around walls and other such things to some extent.

This rounds is by far the loudest I've come across so far. I have 3 blackpowder guns and even they aren't as loud.
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Loudest I've ever seen was a fiesty old curmudgeon who disturbed the ENTIRE line of shooters with some arcane black powder muzzleloader from the Dark Ages. It was LOUD. It ruined many a group - and he refused to give warning when shooting, or make any concessions.

I've told this story before on this board, I'm pretty sure...

Anyway, he was rattled and eventually left when the guy who came after me set up with an M44 and just started cranking through the rounds. 54R is easily second place. It manages to be both a huge, deep BOOOOM and an elephantine CRACK at the same time. Very impressive. My range is in a hollow, which magnifies the BOOOOM part even more. Sounds literally like thunder.
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