Concealed Carry restrictions......Getting rid of them

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I knew about the "major force" deal; oh, don't I know it! I didn't know, though, that she was considering a Portland City Council run. Guess I know where my vote goes on that race.

I haven't been able to read anything conclusive, but everyone I talk to says that Ginny will either have to re-run for her seat or run for City Council, as her seat will expire normally. Theorhetically, she could run for both, but she won't--that means loosing two seats in all probability.


With Burdick gone, I have a feeling the Oregon Firearms Federation is gonna be pushing hard for some reforms. She has been their biggest obstacle, IIRC.

You two just made my freakin' week! Gonna have to get in on some of that action.:evil:
Stickjockey said:
I knew about the "major force" deal; oh, don't I know it! I didn't know, though, that she was considering a Portland City Council run. Guess I know where my vote goes on that race.

Sorry, Stickjockey...I kinda broke it down a bit. I was unsure how much you knew of local politics. My apologies if it came of condescending. It was not intended as such.

Before you vote for ABG (Anything BUT Ginny), consider her opponent. Erik Sten. Not exactly pro-2a, *BUT* he seems pretty apathetic about it guns in general, and seems recognize this issue as a deal-killer: vote for brady-style bills, and get booted. I don't forsee him being any problem.

I *AM* leaving out other issues that Sten has...suffice to say that this will come up more as an "Public" vs "Private" owned, PGE vs. Enron issue. I expect firearms issues to be of zero consequence in this election.

I am afraid the citizens of Portland won't have much to cheer about in that electoral race.
fjolnirsson said:
What would you change?
I just cited this in another thread... Concealed Carry Licences seem to be an affront to the spirit of the 2nd Amendment... why should I apply for a right guaranteed?
Actualy, Oregon doesn't Honor Idaho CCW Permits

Correct. Oregon is shall-issue for residents; may-issue for residents of Washington, Idaho, Nevada and California; no-issue for everyone else.
Camp David:

I just cited this in another thread... Concealed Carry Licences seem to be an affront to the spirit of the 2nd Amendment... why should I apply for a right guaranteed?

While I pretty much hold with the "Vermont/Alaska" situation (or even Pennsylvania), I think there's another consideration.

Time was that little Johnny didn't touch the family blunderbuss (or stick something in his belt) until Grandpa or Dad certified him. As families spread out, and being able to shoot in the back yard went away, this largely was delegated to the military or school rifle clubs. That too has kind of wandered off in more urban areas.

The result is that you go buy a gun, bring it home, load it, and stick it in your belt or whatever holster the friendly counterfolk at the store talked you into.... (I don't think any state requires any sort of training to buy a gun, although FOID-style restrictions exist in many of them.)

If you're in Vermont or Alaska you can get away with this. In PA you need to pay somebody $20.... I don't like that....

I consider carrying a firearm (or other defensive tools) a right. Same for driving a car....

However, as with a car, I think that at least some proficiency needs to be demonstrated before you can take full advantage of that right.

(What/how/why/if you carry on your own property is your own business. Most states will let you drive a car out on the South Forty without a license....)

What bothers me (as I mentioned before) is that the anti's would love to define certification in ways that would make it impossible for the average person to get it. Given a course like the NRA "Basic Pistol", which is pretty much "don't kill the guy beside you", I don't think anybody'd object - you can always take more education on your own. Giving the anti's the chance to demand better training, though, probably would be a disaster....

For the moment, OH's CHL program has a very simple certification requirement. Changing it could be difficult, but not impossible. Making it worse wouldn't be difficult either. The only thing we can say is that in about 18 months, blood hasn't run in the streets, and there aren't any more shootouts at WalMart. The "undesireable" areas are still being shot up regularly by folks who'd never bother trying to get a CHL anyway. The anti's haven't found a way to blame us for that yet....

I would like to see my CHL accepted in all other states. They'll accept my driver's license....

Were wolf;
I think you are rating your pols much too high.
Consider, Ney Yurk, New Joisy, Ill[urp],Kalifcornya, Louseiana and TexdeLay
all beat pore ole OKhomely by a long shot.
I bet you do not have even 2% of the convicted pols in Fed prisons now.
Yes ,I know about the camoflauge, Texas had Democrats in power for 100 years, over night they all became the Republicans they were at heart, all along.
I really have very little hope, too many people are willing to be lead off like the little lemmings they are.
Sic transit gloria mundi, and our constitutional republic, as we degenerate into a democratic dictatorship of the majority.:fire: :barf:
Concealed Carry Licences seem to be an affront to the spirit of the 2nd Amendment... why should I apply for a right guaranteed?

Well, I'd have to say you are correct, sir. However, it took years to lose recognition of our rights, it will take years to get them back. Alaska has made a precedent in licensed carry leading to unlicensed carry, and I feel it's the best way, at this time, for other states to proceed. Incrementalism.
Now, if I were to proceed according to my ideals, I would simply carry without license. However, I have my bread and circuses to keep me happy. I have my wife and daughter, and the only money I owe on my home is the King's Taxes. So, I pay the small fee every 4 years.
We all choose our battles.
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