Condi Rice on Gun rights.....

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.40-.45, Didn't Mrs. Dole speak in favor of gun control back in the 90's? I could've sworn I remember that.

I like C. Rice more and more each time I hear about her.
Rice said she favored background checks and controls at gun shows. However, she added, "we have to be very careful when we start abridging rights that the Founding Fathers thought very important."

More double speak. She's a closet gun grabber. Just don't try to grab hers.
As for Rice not having experience at elective office, who cares. Given the health of the United States at the moment it could be a good idea. Might give others the incentive to go head to head with the with the supposedly invincible house and senate and beat a bunch worthless.
Derby FALS said:
More double speak. She's a closet gun grabber. Just don't try to grab hers.

Could you provide some evidence for that?

And while Condi as president might be great, we've seen that it can depend heavily on the choice of Attorney General. Would she pick a very pro-gun one that wouldn't at the same time cater to the Religious Right and NeoCons?
More double speak. She's a closet gun grabber. Just don't try to grab hers.

How so? Do you mean the "...background checks and controls at gun shows..." quote? You do realize that there are already background checks at gunshows, right?
How so? Do you mean the "...background checks and controls at gun shows..." quote? You do realize that there are already background checks at gunshows, right?

Of course. In for a penny, in for a pound. If any of them really believed in the 2nd Amendment they would be trying to get rid of these infringements Like Ron Paul and his H.R. 1703: To restore the second amendment rights of all Americans. He can't even get a co-sponsor. :banghead:
"I'm mildly pro-choice"

So right.
That could mean anything regardless of which side of the fense you are on? Given what he's done since the courts un-did the partial birth ban, W must be mildy pro-choice now.

One thing for sure. Condi would bring Hilly closer to the center than any of the likely RINOs that might get the nod.

I worry about McCain and E. Dole. Not many choices could be worse the W. but the RINOs are totally scary?

About "Mildly Pro Choice"...

What she explained, is that she doesn't necessarily like the Federal Government involved in the issue. She believes it's a state issue, like it used to be before Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade didn't "legalize" abortion per se, it took the ability of the states to make their own decision away (which in effect did legalize it where it was previously illegal). I feel pretty confident my state would outlaw it if the Feds got out of the picture.
Any reasoning behind that statement?

The cold hard fact is, Hillary will be the democratic nominee unless something pretty dramatic happens, like getting hit by a meteor.

The cold hard fact is, no matter who the libertarian candidate is, they're going to get 2% of the vote, maybe.

The cold hard fact is, unless the republicans pull their heads out of their third point of contact, they're going to run a losing candidate too.

Rice might not be 100% "right" on the issues. But she has a chance to beat Hillary, who is 100% wrong on the issues.
Sorry, I still don't think Hillary is going to be the candidate. The Dems want to win too badly and understand she will have a horrible time. I'd expect some southern Governor like Mark Warner in Virginia (ugh) or Phil Bresden in Tennessee to actually land the nomination. After Gore and Kerry - they know they need a good personality and someone without the skeletons a former senator has.

Anyway, for what its worth, the full transcript of Condi's interview, available at the state department web page, does include this discussion. Its pretty good and I've excerpted the appropriate parts.
The next prez.

:cuss: The next prez must be ANYONE BUT HILLARY! She, like Bubba Bill, is a closet communist and would love to have nothing less than total power to trample ALL of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution into dust. She would turn America into a Socialist/Communist subaddition to China, whom she has previously declared a high respect and admiration for.
Liberals think we, the People, are nothing but a bunch of dangerous, uneducated, inbred idiots who can't be trusted to have firearms for any reason. We, of course, know better and the facts are that Hillary or any other liberal should ever be in any position of power. She lied to the people of New York, and for some mysterious reason, they fell for it. Evidently, there are some stupid people in New York, but (I hope) they have smartened up and wouldn't re-elect her again. George Soros loves her and would probably donate a big fortune toward her election. She's more anti-gun than Bill ever was!
What I do to help my country is to enlighten it to the dangers of Clintonism and the power-mad bitch called Hillary. I don't (want to) think she could win but I don't think Condi is worthy of presidency, either. But we must have a pro-Amreica, pro-Constitution, pro-rights, anti-pervert president.
I thought it was odd no one read the transcripts. I read it twice last night and I couldnt find any mention of guns or firearms. The closest they came was the guy throwing the dud grenade at bush.
It doesn't matter who the Republicans run in 2008, they are going to lose.
Nothing like a little defeatism, eh?

Exactly on what do you base that speculation?

And those of you who are waiting for the perfect candidate: ya'll let me know when you find one.

I personally like Dr. Rice, and hope sincerely that she'll be a candidate, if not in 2008, then at another point in the future. I think that the President missed out a golden opportunity in 2004 by not replacing VP Cheney with Dr. Rice on "health" grounds (and I like Cheney, too, but politically he has excess baggage).
I watched this last night. And what Condi said was aired. If it has been editied out of the transcript then they are deliberatly trying to hide what was broadcast. This is what I notied about her coments. When was the last time you saw a politician or cabinet member on TV make such a bold statements. By bold I mean she stated the 2nd amendment is just as important as the 1st amendment, She told a story that demonstrated that the right was individual, that gun control was based on racism,that it is for self-defense and can be used aganist the government(ie Jim Crow laws), also no duck hunting feel good stuff and no sporting purpose stuff.She said one must be very careful to no ABRIDGE the 2nd amendment. That the founders put it in the BOR for the very purpose her father and others formed a BRIGADE for their and her protection----every night. Also she did not hesitate and and stated this in very calm and absolute way. This all by a highly intelligent black woman. You may not realize that she broke so much new ground on her statements. She blew away many myths. It was remarkable when you think about it. :D
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