Rice: Gun Rights Important As Free Speech

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Well said, Coronach. In fact, I couldn't have put it better myself. You sure you're "just a dumb street cop"? :D ;)

She's already said she won't run, anyway!
Yeah, yeah. If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve.

Means very little. I defy you to point out a single frontrunner for 2008 who will admit they're running.

I know very little of Dr. Rice's domestic policy, so far. But this is an excellent start. Add to that that she's formally trained to consider the global picture and that she's smarter than busload of professors, AND that she's well-spoken and attractive to a broad spectrum of voters, and I'll take her as a candidate, any day of the week, twice on Sunday.
Gun-rights supporters and those who favor gun control disagree over whether the amendment guarantees individual gun ownership.
but these same people would tell you that under equal protection of the other bill of rights, they are guaranteed free speech and free religion.

they would also argue that the way to do things is to "register"
gun owners like one registers a drivers liscence..tough break..cars werent around when the constitution was planned and written. If someone came up and said hey..we need to register catholics,baptists and so on then Im sure the US of A would never stand for it. so is it a right or a privledge these days to believe in 1 or actually all of the initial 10 ammendments or believe in all but one of the ammendments?

so does freedom of religion guarantee individual freedom to believe as an indivual or an entire group specially formed by some bearucrat?the second ammendment equally applies to individuals as with the other ammendments whether those antis like it or not.I doubt the original document was written to only cover certain govt entitys, it was written by the people and FOR the people..remember that.

its a right and a priveledge...most importantly, guaranteed by the second ammendment just like all the other important ammendments.
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